Minecraft User Creates Giant Tortoise with Steampunk City on Its Back

Minecraft User Creates Giant Tortoise with Steampunk City on Its Back

Atropos is the name given to the eldest of the three Fates of Greek mythology. It is the name of the sister who cut with shears the thread of a mortal's life. It's also the name of Minecraft user CARLOOOO's giant tortoise clockwork which has a steampunk town growing out of its back.

We are not a celebrity gossip or fashion website and therefore we won't get into an argument over the name. If we did, we think you'd know who we would choose. roof info (Hint: It's the giant tortoise that clockwork works with steampunk cities on its back.) Just sayin'.

The entire process took five months and included several designs, including one featuring the whale. The final design you are able to download is the one you can download now. The video below will take you on an overview of the property before you make a decision to invest in such an enormous real estate investment. [Image: CARLOOOO]

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