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Андрей Россия 46.146.38.* (12 августа 2018 | 23:11)

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You can buy and trade for bitcoins, or you can 'mine' for them. Mining for bitcoins is actually the process of verifying other bitcoin transactions, which users are rewarded for. This is the central mechanic behind the bitcoin economy, and mining is used to keep transactions secure and reliable. As time goes by, the process for mining Bitcoin is becoming more and more difficult. Today, you need specialized and expensive equipment to mine Bitcoin personally. While the cost and difficulty of mining Bitcoin personally continues to increase, a number of cloud-based mining services are popping up. These services individual users to lease the processing or hashing power of mining equipment and mine Bitcoin remotely. Once you have a digital wallet, look for a cloud mining service provider online and sign up for one of their packages to receive processing power to mine Bitcoin remotely. Then, join a mining pool through the provider, which will increase your chances of earning Bitcoins. Obtain a bitcoin wallet. Bitcoins are stored in digital wallets that are encrypted to protect your money. These wallets can be stored either locally or online. Online services are generally considered less secure as your money could potentially be lost if something catastrophic happens on their end. With local services, it is your responsibility to backup and secure your data. Most established bitcoin users recommend using a local wallet for security reasons. Local wallets typically require verifying the entire blockchain, which is the history of all bitcoin transactions. Hosting a blockchain is what helps keep Bitcoin running and secure. Syncing this blockchain for the first time can take a day or more. Multibit does not require downloading the entire blockchain. You can also get wallet apps for your mobile device. These do not require downloading the entire blockchain. If you lose your wallet, you lose your money! Since there is no 'ownership' when it comes to wallets, anyone who gains access to your wallet can use your coins as they please. Choose a cloud mining service provider. Over time, the process of mining Bitcoin requires more and more processing power. Today, it is impractical for many users to invest in the equipment needed to mine Bitcoin personally. Cloud mining allows users to rent processing or hashing power power to mine Bitcoin remotely. Typically, you will be payed in Bitcoin. Some popular cloud mining services include: Genesis Mining, and HashFlare. Cryptocompare maintains a list of Cloud Mining companies with user reviews and ratings. Choose a cloud mining package. After you decide on a cloud mining service provider, you will need to choose a cloud mining package. To choose a package, you will need to decide how much you are willing to pay, and see how much hashing power that will give you. Many cloud mining companies will give you an estimate of your return based on the current market value of Bitcoin. However, it is important to remember that the market is volatile, and a return on your investment is not guaranteed. Pick a mining pool. Most cloud mining companies will ask you to join a mining pool. This is standard practice if you are cloud mining, or mining Bitcoin yourself. It increases your chances of earning Bitcoin. It is recommended that you join a well established and proven pool. When joining a pool, you will need to create a 'worker'. This is a subaccount which is used to track your contributions to the pool. You can have multiple workers at once. Each pool will have instructions on creating workers. Put your earnings in your own secure wallet. It is recommended that as soon as you start to see a return on your investment, that you withdraw your earnings and put them in your own secure wallet. Purchase custom mining hardware. Today, that is nearly impossible. You will be spending far more on electricity than you will earn mining coins. As Bitcoin mining difficulty increases, more and more powerful hardware is needed to mine Bitcoin. There are a variety of sources where you can buy ASIC miners. This is how many hashes per second an ASIC miner is capable of processing. More expensive ASIC miners have greater hashing power. ASIC miners consume a lot of electricity. In order to make a profit mining Bitcoin, you need a miner that efficiently converts that electricity into Bitcoin. Otherwise, you may end up spending more on electricity than you are able to make back in Bitcoin. Use a Bitcoin Mining Profit Calculator to factor in all the cost and receive an estimate of your expected returns. As Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining grows in popularity, your estimates are likely to decrease as time goes on. So if a calculator estimates that you can earn. Purchase a power supply. It is recommended that you use a 20 amp 15 Amp minimum outlet to power your mining rig. These wallets can be either locally or online. Connect the power supply to the ASIC miner. The power supply has a number cords attached to it. Connect each of the cords to the hashing boards on the ASIC miner. Then connect one cord the control board on the ASIC miner. Connect the ASIC miner to your router. Boot up the ASIC miner. It takes approximately 10 minutes for the ASIC miner to boot up. You can find this in the admin page of your network router. You can use any web browser on any computer connected to the router that your ASIC miner is connected to. Check the users manual for your router to get the specific IP address, or Google the IP address for the make and model of your router.. Most router IP addresses are Find 'Connected Devices' in the router admin page. The router admin page differs depending on the make and model of your router. Somewhere there should be a button that displays all the devices connected to your router. This is where you will find the ASIC miner. Click on your ASIC miner. The ASIC miner is listed under all the devices connected to your router. Click on it to display the device information. When you click on the ASIC miner under the list of the devices connected to your router, it should display the IP address, among other information. This opens the admin page for the ASIC miner. Log in to the ASIC miner. Check the users manual to see what the default log-in for the ASIC miner is. Typically the username and password is 'Root' and 'Root'. When the ASIC miner boots up, it starts mining right away. However, it will not be mining for you. It will be mining for the people who made. In order to get it to start mining for you, you need to input your mining pool information. Click 'Miner Configuration' to setup the miner. Type the URL, username, and password for your mining pool. When you log in to your mining pool, you will need to get the URL, username or worker , and password if applicable and type all this information on the 'Miner Configuration' page on the ASIC miner. Usually, you can enter up the 3 mining pools into an ASIC miner. This saves the information into your ASIC miner. The miner is now mining for you and your mining pool. Keep an eye on temperatures. Mining programs consume an insane amount of energy. Most ASIC miners come equipped with a heavy duty cooling fan, which will need to be replaced ever so often. You may also want to figure out a way to vent all the excess heat. How much did you make over the last few days? Compare that to how much money it cost you to keep your equipment running at full speed during that time the Bitmain Antminer S9 power supply outputs about watts at volts, or about watts at volts. Not Helpful 25 Helpful How many bitcoins can I earn in a month with the proper mining hardware and approach? You can earn at least. Not Helpful 87 Helpful Do I need to connect the hardware to the computer, and is it worth the time and effort? You can check with a bit calculator to see what hardware mines how much bitcoin a day. Not Helpful 3 Helpful Not Helpful 28 Helpful How much is the starting fund for bitcoin mining aside from the rig? Besides the rig, nothing, the miner programs are mostly free. As stated above, what you need for mining is simply a good mining rig. Not Helpful 36 Helpful Satoshi Nakamoto - although there are those who speculate this might have been a pseudonym. Not Helpful 12 Helpful Coins found go directly to your account; all you would need to do is start the computer again and keep going. Not Helpful 9 Helpful Not Helpful 43 Helpful Not Helpful 27 Helpful The mining craze has destroyed the market and GPUs are ridiculously priced right now. Not Helpful 38 Helpful Is it important for a PC not to have internet access? Answer this question Flag as What is meant by wallet activation. How does one activate wallet after antpool bitcoin mining? How can I figure out the right sales volume and stop-loss figures for my own personal situation? Which other crypto assets are there that I can mine at home on a laptop? Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Did this summary help you? Tips Familiarize yourself with how to sell Bitcoins so you can do so quickly when you intend to. Warnings Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are a volatile market. The market value of Bitcoin can and does change frequently. There is no guarantee that the value of the Bitcoins you mine or purchase will be worth the same weeks from now. Be aware of pre-sale contracts. This is not recommended because there is no guarantee that the value of Bitcoin will be the same when the plan starts. Avoid buying second-hand ASIC miners. Burnout is a common occurrence with this type of equipment. There is no guarantee that a second-hand ASIC miner will last long enough for you to make a profit. It also may not have the hashing power needed to mine enough Bitcoin for you to make a profit. Be careful when buying ASIC miners on back-order. While this used to be possible, that is no longer the case. You will spend more on electricity than you make in Bitcoin, and you may burn out your computer equipment. Bitcoin In other languages: Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times. Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. DL David Lambert Apr The startup script was a little foggy, but then if one goes down that route, they would obviously find out those details. PC Punit Chaturvedi Mar JP Jeff Plumb Nov 29, It also gave me the info on what kind of equipment I might need. CT Chuck Tebow Dec 5, I just heard the term and know nothing about it. Liked the pool mining. Need to know the best pool mining location in the world. MH Mhathung Humtsoe Sep 7, I feel like I get to know everything about Bitcoins and the reason why everyone is crazy about this valuable thing called Bitcoin. It is well understood. No complex definitions and jargon. Love it, keep it up. GD George Davud Sep 10, JD Jay Dutt Oct 24, All the information you need to get started, all in one place! Hawkins Aug 18, It is useful fundamental information. SE Stephen Ezenwa Oct 2, Thanks to the author. QW Quinton Wijburg Sep 26, A Anonymous Jul 9, VL Vivek Lakra Aug 25, SP Sanni Pung Dec 4, Right answer on the spot. JH Jim Haskins Dec 23, DR3W4 Gauvin Jul 3, I got all the software to mine bitcoins. SB Sam Bishop Dec 21, AB Ali Bernard Aug 23, TC Tapash Chatterjee Aug 6, Madhi Varman Sep 23, LM Lindelani Mnisi Aug 15, Kolamathy Dec 24, SK Stanley Kavwam Nov 8, SS Shk Skj Sep 11, JC Jenn Cardarelli Jun 30, More success stories All success stories Hide success stories. 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