Minding Your Mood - Part 3

Minding Your Mood - Part 3

"What recommended!", "Love that dress!", " "Good jobs for the phones!", this page for your heads up!".... What are these you may ask? To look at them for the surface you may think their just mere compliments. But what they are really are tools to delve a little more forward into our discussion on moods and emotional contagion. Our moods are potent ingredients in how others feel, behave and perform. In this article we'll discuss the problem regarding what action we might take that could actually improve another person's mood. As I always say, organic beef struggle to control other people or their actions but we do provide an influence.

First, do me a quick a song that is certainly upbeat and I like is Johnny Nash's "I Can See Clearly Now". If you'll be able to, go to YouTube and present it a listen. Instead of droning on about visit their website to boost your mood, I decided to exhibit a great way I improve mine and many experts and transformational leaders use to affect their businesses. Music can often be used to improve moods and to get started with us into stepping into a confident direction (of course choose your music wisely!). Indeed there are many other types of improving our moods: exercising, meditation, prayer, breathing, hobbies and much more.

Now you have attemptedto develop your personal mood, let's experiment with a way you are able to influence the mood of 3 people in your lifetime...today!

3 Compliment Experiment:

1. Just for today, I'd like that you can choose 3 People you know you will encounter.

2. For each person, allow them to have 3 Compliments, that is certainly, make a remark of esteem, respect, admiration or recognition about them. I gave some really good examples at the outset of the newsletter so try those on for size if you can't consider whatever else.

3. Watch where did they show improvements in a choice of their tasks, moods, or interactions along.

I know making three compliments may seem daunting to a number of you, but just challenge yourself and find out what happens!

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