Mind Control Sex Story

Mind Control Sex Story


Mind Control Sex Story
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Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Tig and her sister Bethany agree to be hypnotized by their brother to get better grades in school. They dare him to implant triggers and suggestions in each other while he has them individually in trances. The lines begin to blur about whether they just wanted to be naughty girls or if they are actually under his control.
“Come on in,” I welcomed Matt’s friends graciously. I knew them from school, and one I’d known since grade school. Their eyes got huge, and they all kept their tittering to a polite level. I am sure they knew how I dressed at school. I thought they wouldn’t be surprised to see me wearing a thong. I wished I had my collar on. They were probably not used to seeing me without it.
They had all been warned ahead of time I’d be wearing a bikini. I doubted they were fully prepared until they saw me basically naked.
My mom had intentionally gone to her room so that she wouldn’t be dragged into the laughing and talking. She was having a conversation with Scotty. I assumed it was probably about us. We were definitely pushing the envelope of what she could tolerate in the house.
My sister and I were prepared to be fawned over and ogled, and a little flattered. We expected this. We knew Matt’s friends from school but not very well and they certainly knew OF us.
Dad was puttering around the house, but as he often is on a Saturday, he was out in the garage where he has a workshop. He periodically comes in to get something to drink. My sister and I proactively bring him a cold beer or lemonade and he appreciates that.
I led them into the living room and introduced my sister politely. This was no big deal. We’d be eye-candy, and bring drinks and snacks, but otherwise, we weren’t expecting to be “the show”. They were here ostensibly to see Matt. Scotty arranged our schedule so that we could be in the kitchen and check on them.
“Okay, guys, I can tell from your reaction, you are probably wondering why have on bikinis,” I pretended that it was not a big deal. “Matt probably told you that we do chores and since a lot of them require us to get grimy, dirty or wet – we wear as little clothes as possible. We don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or intrude on your conversations. We’re going to be in the kitchen if you need anything and we’ll check in every fifteen minutes. Until then, can we get you a drink or a snack?”
It was a simple speech – nothing sexual, nothing wild. However, the boys didn’t hear a word I said. They were busy staring at my tits and snickering. My bikini top had slid over, and my nipple had popped out. My areola had risen and grown extremely hard so even sliding the cloth back over it didn’t do much to hide my modesty.
I blushed, apologized, and adjusted my suit as much as I could to cover my tits. All of my side boobs/underboob/cleavage was on display. The guys told us what they wanted to drink, and we offered them some Totinos pizza rolls.
“Eazy-Peezy-Lemon-Squeezy,” I said as I marched back to the kitchen with my sister to warm them up in the oven. I was sure we were the topic du jour of Matt’s friends. There wasn’t much I could do about that – and I was also a little bit flattered.
Danny entered the kitchen while we were talking, and we immediately shut up. He patted my head like I was a dumb dog and said “nice touch with the accidental flash. Go back out there, with the wrong drinks, and this time, I want you adjusted like this.”
Fresh butterflies emerged from my stomach. Mom was in her room, but she’d be able to hear any commotion in the living room. Dad could walk into the dining room from the garage at any time and he’d be able to see what was happening in the living room. The kitchen was connected to the dining room and had a closing door, but he’d make a bee-line right for it.
I also felt apprehensive because I was essentially intruding on Matt’s time with his friends, just to play a little flashing game. We did that at school, and at the mall, but it felt strangely different now – It felt inappropriate even though Matt had seen us in the thong all day, but I felt he deserved to have a “normal” visit with his friends without his sister showing her ass.
Danny adjusted my top back so that my entire Areola was exposed. He flicked it hard and put a little ice from one of the drinks on it to keep it very hard, before dropping it back into the drink. He tugged the front of my microkini bottoms down so that the top two inches of my pussy lips were visible.
Then he did something similar to my sister’s top and pulled the string in the back out of her ass crack and off to the side. “This is probably a little much, Sir,” I said. I knew that my protest would only excite him a little more and I didn’t mind showing off my body.
My sister and I carried a drink in each hand. Matt’s friends were talking and carrying on, and they strained their neck when they overheard us coming. Danny watched from a distance like a clever puppet master.
“Diet Pepsi?” I offered Jordan the wrong drink and he didn’t correct me. I smiled at him and set it down in front of him.
“Water, Sir?” I knew Bryce from grade school, and he knew me back when I was flat-chested. His eyes locked onto my exposed tit, and he stared. It felt so wrong to address him as Sir, but he didn’t seem to care.
“Actually, I was hoping for Mountain Dew or Pepsi if you have that? I’ll take diet if that is all you have,” Bryce was extremely polite and not at all angry.
My sister received a similar reaction from Kevin, but Matt was easy going and he’d drink whatever you give him without saying anything.
Danny was waiting for just this moment to make his entrance. “You dumb bimbos, what are you doing? You don’t listen! You got their drink orders wrong! And look at your suits! Are you intentionally trying to show your fat asses off to Matt’s friends?”
His reaction was stern and harsh, and the guys didn’t expect it. They giggled because they thought he was joking. That’s how much it didn’t fit the mood of the room.
“Uh sorry, Sir. I’ll go get the right drinks!” I adjusted my top so that I covered myself.
“Yeah, AFTER you get a correction! You thought you could get away with stuff because Matt has guests? Well, guess what. You are on full-time chore duty, and that extends to when we have guests too!”
Matt’s guests looked confused and a little uncomfortable. At this point, they no longer assumed he was joking. My sister adjusted her top.
“No, you came out here with your suit like that, no point in adjusting it back now. I should make you show mom how you came out! You know what I will! Now turn around,” Danny ordered us. He was supposed to send us to the corner for a time out – which would be humiliating enough. Instead, he expected us to spin around just inches away from the faces of these three boys we knew from high school. I hoped he didn’t tell us to sit on their laps – because I would have.
“Get down on your hands and knees, right where you are standing. Legs apart, back straight, head straight up”
I bit my lip and looked over at my sister. I wasn’t hesitating, I was already going down at the same time she was – even though I knew my mom would find this repulsive, and even if Matt’s friends were horny perverts – they would think we are total weirdos.
I was positive they had a full view of my pussy, ass crack, and the tapered candle sticking slightly out of my butt. I could feel the wax pushing my sphincter open and I was quite aware that it was turning me on.
“Dude, what is going on?” Jordan asked Matt. He could barely contain his laughter. He found our actions amusing but also confusing.
“My sisters agreed to take on all household chores, but they don’t do a very good job. So, until they do, they get punished. I haven’t seen this one before,” Matt explained.
“I don’t, but my brothers Danny and Scotty do sometimes. Mom makes them check up on their work,” Matt explained.
“Mom doesn’t MAKE me, I wanted to do it,” Danny corrected. All the while, I could feel stares on my ass.
“You gotta be putting us on,” Bryce sounded incredulous and amused. I felt less guilty about the spectacle we were making because at least Matt’s guests weren’t offended. I just wondered if Matt as – he had been very clear several times that he wanted no part in any of this.
“No, they asked for this, I think. I told you guys before I invited you over that this morning, they begged me to invite you because they wanted to prove to mom that they could serve guests, and they said that their mom would put an end to them doing chores if I didn’t have guests. So that’s why I appreciate you coming over.”
“So, what is going to happen? Are they going to get spanked or something?” Kevin asked. He crossed his legs uncomfortably like he was trying to hide his boner.
“We should, they’ve got enough cushion that they wouldn’t feel much,” Danny reached up and brought the flat of his palm down hard on my ass – hard enough that Mom might have heard the slap in her bedroom. A small tear emerged from my eye- the pain stung, but I think I was crying because I felt guilty that I was probably embarrassing Matt. He said we begged him to invite these guys over. I realized that we had engineered this entire spectacle ourselves for our own benefit.
I genuinely wondered if I wasn’t hypnotized, would I stand up and disobey orders? Or would I remain on the floor? What if I wasn’t hypnotized at all and I was just intentionally showing my ass to Matt’s friends.
“Oh my god, you let your older brother spank you?” Jordan seemed pleasantly surprised. I knew he was talking to me. I didn’t know what to say.
“Go on and tell him. She gets it twice a day whether she needs it or not,” Danny smacked my ass again. I kept my head straight.
“Why?” Jordan’s follow-up question was obvious, but I had no answer. I tried to answer but I choked on the reply.
“Because she likes it. Tell him the truth,” my brother spanked my ass hard again and let it jiggle.
I managed to say that I did not like it through chattering teeth. I knew we had broken all of Scotty’s rules about trying to show some decorum and restraint in the living room, and when Mom found out what we did – we’d probably be in deep trouble. “I don’t like it in the way that I feel pleasure when he does it. It hurts. I like it in that in I crave discipline and consequences, so yes, I asked my brothers to spank me twice a day even if I behave. That way I am not tempted to break rules JUST to get punished. I was intentionally breaking a lot of rules at first, Sir” I told the truth.
Danny thought that was a crock of shit and he didn’t believe me. He spanked my ass again.
“You don’t just get spanked though. You also like being cunt punched, don’t you?” Danny asked. He watched as my sister and brother demonstrated and then gave me about forty hard ones on my pisshole this morning.
I could feel this intense degrading humiliation wash over me, and it was making me wet, and at the same time I was trying not to obey Danny. I felt he was asking questions that Scotty wouldn’t want me talking about in front of Matt with his friends.
“Yes, I like being cunt punched, Sir,” my body quivered.
“Check it out, her fat cunt looks like a swollen, black hole,” Danny reached between my legs, pulled my suit all the way to the side, and showed everyone my pussy – including Matt.
“What is that on her butt?” Bryce asked. I was blushing so hard. I couldn’t look over at my sister or over my shoulder to see Matt’s reaction. I assumed they were both angry and embarrassed too.
“Not ON, in. You know you aren’t allowed to masturbate without permission,” Danny said. Technically, I WAS allowed to masturbate without permission. I just couldn’t fuck or give blowjobs.
“What is that up your fart-box?” Danny played dumb.
“It’s a candle, Sir. You told me to stick it up my ass.”
“No,” Danny glared at me, and used his body language to make it clear he wanted me to pretend that it was my idea. “Don’t lie to these guys and make me out to the bad guy. That’s just going to make you put you in bigger hot water. Take that candle out of your ass and show it to me! How long is it?”
The guys groaned in disgust, tempered with amusement, as I reached behind my body, and pulled the candle out slowly. “No way!!” and “That was up her ass the whole time?” “Dude, your sister is a trip!” the boys remarked. I was hoping Matt would forgive me. I felt I had no choice.
“Clean off your booty-juice before Mom gets out here,” Danny said.
“Yes Sir,” I sniffled a little snot because I felt like crying. I started to stand up to take it to the sink. Matt put his foot on my back and stepped down hard enough to keep me on the floor. “Just lick it in clean. You made the mess!”
“Whoa!!” the guys offered almost in unison, very loudly. Mom had to have heard that. I could deep throat nine inches without retching after a lot of practice. The five-inch candle stood no choice. I pushed it down my throat, spun it expertly and cleaned my own mess off of it. I was no stranger to cleaning my toys this way – I just didn’t want to expose Matt and his friends to it.

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The source of this story is Storiesonline
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Home. It had been a few weeks since I’d actually been here, I realized. My parents must have been at their wit’s end, and even my sister who wouldn’t normally give me the time of day, said she was glad I was home. My mother made all my favorite foods for dinner, and by the time it was over I was feeling rather bloated. But we all have to make sacrifices. I could get used to this indolent life, but it only lasted another week.
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