Mind Control Humiliation

Mind Control Humiliation


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Cutting-edge dating advice for men from the SIBG chapter – since 2001
D ue to popular request from members of the Baltimore Seduction Lair, I am writing a guide on female mind control, or in particular, how to make a woman love you by controlling her mind.
What you’re going to read here is entirely different from what you’ve seen elsewhere, so do pay close attention.
In today’s world of political correctness, talking about “how to control a woman’s mind” sounds more controversial and sinister than it really is.
“I really don’t give a hoot about the controversy,” Derek Rake once told me.
“I like how Mind Control seduction techniques get shunned by the mainstream. After all, if these tactics start getting used by everyone, they will soon stop being effective!”
(If you’re not familiar with Derek Rake, well, he’s probably the world’s foremost authority on Mind Control seduction, and the creator of the notorious Shogun Method .)
Truthfully, I am not worried about Female Mind Control techniques being overexposed. Why? Well, the reason is simply because there are lots of clueless guys out there who are unaware of our existence!
So, believe me when I say that 99% of the men population around the world have not heard about these techniques before, much less about SIBG.com (or me, or Derek Rake for that matter.)
On the other hand, I feel the need for sharing this technique with my fellow punters inside SIBG.com because that’s the very reason why this site exists .
I’m here to help, and I genuinely feel that Mind Control-based seduction techniques (and not Pickup Artist stuff) will greatly benefit guys in their quest to perfect the art of attracting women .
We are going to piss some people off with this guide, and that’s fine.
(In fact, sites like Huffington Post and Buzzfeed have written very negatively about SIBG.com, claiming that we are a deplorable bunch of women-hating male chauvinists. Serious!)
Yet before you proceed, I want you to understand this…
If you’re easily offended by the straight talk of human (in particular, female) nature, or the idea of controlling and manipulating women to make them fall in love makes you feel sick, then you may want to exit right now.
If you’d like to continue reading, I want you to keep an open mind and consider the new ideas carefully by thinking through how you can use them to improve your dating life.
First, let me be clear: I did not invent these techniques.
In fact, I will happily tell the world that I “stole” them from Derek Rake.
Next in this guide, I will share with you two killer Mind Control techniques (from Derek) which you can use to control a woman’s mind.
Using these, you can make her subservient to you for as long as you choose. It’s incredibly powerful!
These two Mind Control techniques are:
Let’s go through these mind control techniques, one by one.
T he most important lesson I ever learned from Derek Rake was this:
“If you are to speak to a female in the same way that she talks to herself, her subconscious will believe it to be her own thoughts.”
Inside Derek Rake’s Shogun Method, the tools that a guy can use to “plant” thoughts inside a female’s mind (subconsciously) are called Implanted Commands .
An Implanted Command is a phrase that forms the part of a sentence which if spoken on its own, it would be a direct command.
The other phrases in the sentence would camouflage the Implanted Command so that it goes under the radar, undetected by your target’s conscious mind.
If this sounds complicated, don’t worry…
Here are three examples which will show you exactly what these Implanted Commands are, and how to use them. You’ll see just how simple they can be!
In the following, the Implanted Commands are in italics . Commentaries (if any) are in normal type.
Sure, I can tell you that we are meant for each other , but I’d rather you find out for yourself.
Sure, I can tell you that we will spend lots of happy times together , but you should discover it for yourself.
The second part (“…but I won’t”) makes it impossible for her to reject your suggestions. Why? It’s because in effect you are in reality not asking her to do anything.
I’m wondering if you will realize just how much we are meant for each other.
I’m wondering if you understand that your boyfriend is not compatible with you, and you should start looking out for better alternatives.
See how that last line works? It can also double up as a Boyfriend Destroyer technique if you do it correctly…
Here’s another powerful Implanted Command:
Someone else might jump at the opportunity in front of her when she finds me to be the soul mate that she has been looking for all her life.
To make it even more effective, call out her name in front of the Implanted Command:
“Someone else might, Brandy, …”
Try it… you’ll be amazed at its tremendous results, I guarantee it!
What’s more… those were just three example Implanted Commands out of a grand total of 44 (forty four!) Implanted Commands ever invented.
There is a complete list of all 44 Implanted Commands inside the Shogun Method, but what’s shared above should give you a good head start.
Go use them, and share with me your results!
S imply put, Fractionation is the grand-daddy of all Mind Control seduction techniques, and for good reason.
I’ve personally known guys who knew nothing else (as far as Mind Control is concerned) except for Fractionation who achieved phenomenal success with women based on this one technique alone.
Since this guide is already so lengthy, it’s quite difficult to do Fractionation justice by describing it here…
Watch the Masterclass, take notes, and open your eyes to all the new possibilities in your dating life!
PS : As Fractionation is deeply rooted in the science of female psychology, there’s always a risk of misuse and abuse. We therefore respectfully ask you NOT to use the technique particularly to harm women. Also, what you choose to do with this knowledge is entirely your own responsibility, and we shall not be liable for any harm resulting from the actions that you choose to take from learning this knowledge. Thank you for understanding!
For more (rather insidious!) mind control seduction techniques on how to manipulate (and emotionally enslave) a woman, click here .
Get an exclusive invite to Derek Rake's online Masterclass by entering your best email address below. No credit card required.
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Hi Guys! I’m female. Never married. Age 65. Zero offspring.
I love the fact that males are finally getting educated about females. It seems like such a huge leap of intelligence for y’all! Just like when I go to the grocery store & see a bunch of old males.. FINALLY….in 2016….actually using a grocery cart as a tool…rather than running into the store, flying down the isles & carrying all their items in their arms – dropping and falling…..to the check-out station?
“REAL” female bitches are ridiculously stupid. All total…there are only about 10 games they play. Each bitch can only manage about 2 to 4 games – lifetime. Seduction and manipulation by sex being #1.
75% females are NOT bitches – but straight thinkers – like you. Not liars, not thieves and not con artists. Many are kind, smart, strong and good people. But, most of us females have been physically hurt by males, raped by males, conned and used by males. We don’t trust you – because we don’t trust you! Trust is earned through a long period of time. And even then – my dear brother – attacked me when he was slightly intoxicated and 60 yrs old. I trusted him 100%. And now I do NOT trust him.
Men seem sooooo dumb. Here in the “INFORMATION AGE”……men never seem to venture outside their man-cave interests. Males refuse to learn how females think and how males think. Males will live with the most horrible type female and not know how miserable his life is. “OH – but I love her with all my heart”. Male must run on the mental hamster-wheel of compulsive thinking. How is it they refuse to analyze their life? How come they refuse to learn how to fix their BIG problems. It’s must be an anxiety disorder.
Males refused to learn communication skills. Males refused to learn formal apology and restitution skills. Males refused to learn conflict resolution skills. Males refused to learn negotiation skills. Males refused to learn how to analyse 5 different things in motion at once. Males refused to learn about living a healthy lifestyle for themselves. Males refused to learn how to respect, care for & love other people. Males refuse to learn how much power they have in a relationship & they refuse to learn how to use that power. Males refuse to learn how to raise well-balanced children.
Males are good at…..”pounding a nail in a board”.
I – a female….learned electrical, sewer, all power tools, plumbing, shoveling, gardening, animals, farming, cattle round-up, branding & castrating, survival and prepping, planned my security escapes, mowing, carpentry, you name – I do it all. All that stuff is……soooooo damn easy. All it takes is muscle, attention to detail, not much brain and hard work Figuring out people – which all of us have to deal with – isn’t that hard either. Why do men refuse that challenge???
Anyways – good luck. Millions upon millions of USA males need a HUGE upgrade. Men’s Liberation is needed in your hearts, emotions and minds. Nothing short of it will do. Knowing tech is NOT an upgrade. Finally – learning counter-measures to female power games may seem like a HUGE pay-back for you…..but it’s a hundred years too late. We are sooo not impressed.
It is no wonder that the USA is in such poor psychological shape. Males should be the leaders. I blame males for caring only about their penises, $$$, beer and boy-toys. Thanks for all the help in living this difficult life…………not.
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