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The [presumed] origins of several characters in the game.

"Eunice! Hurry up, or I won't leave any supper for you!" shouted Enri at the timid boy behind her.

"Haa....haa.......wait up.....Enri..." wheezed the boy named Eunice.

The two were siblings from Hord Village in the south of the Kingdom of Aigis. Enri, the older of the two, was the tomboyish big sister who always scolded her younger brother Eunice for being too recluse.

"Why are you always so easily out of breath?" she asked. "We only ran around the woods four times today...."

"You're too much, Enri!" exclaimed Eunice. "I can barely do two laps around it!"

"Well, you gotta step up your game, little brother. I mean, you're the guy here."

They continued to bicker as they went on their way home.

"I wonder what Ma made for dinner...." said Enri. "I hope it's chicken!"

"I'm fine with whatever." responded Eunice. "So long as it's filling."

"There you go again with that wishy-washy attitude...." retorted Enri. "You never say what you really want. That's why you never get what you want."

"Hey! I'm really just fine with whatever!" shouted Eunice. "I just don't want to waste food."

"Well I think that good things come to those who seek it. That's why I always say what I want."

"You know, you should be more vocal yourself, Eunice. You gotta speak your mind, sometimes."

"I'll think about it, sis." answered Eunice.

"Well you go do that." replied Enri. "I'm gonna get home faster than you and ask for a big helping!"

Enri began to run towards the village, with Eunice trailing behind.

"Enri! I told" Eunice could barely finish his sentence due to being out of breath.

"Well, it's about time you waited for me." said Eunice. However, he noticed that his sister wasn't paying attention to him.

"Oh no......" was the only line Enri could mutter.

Eunice looked to see what had caught Enri's attention, and when he saw it, he froze in fear.

Hord Village had been attacked. Fires raged from the village's houses. Shouts and screams of dying men and women could be heard. In the distance, packs of goblins and ogres could be seen.

"What could....." muttered Eunice, but he was too terrified at the sight to speak coherently.

"Come on, dummy! We gotta go and see if Ma and Pa are still ok!" she said.

"Uhh....Right!" replied Eunice, still visibly shaken. They ran towards the village, avoiding ogre and goblin patrols as they went.

Once they arrived at the house, they saw that the door had been torn from the hinges.

"Ma! Pa! Where are you?!" shouted Enri.

As they got to the dining table, they saw their mother and father sitting on the chairs with their throats slit, the horror in their faces burned into their memories.

"Ma! Pa!" cried Enri as she rushed for them both. Eunice just stood at the doorway, his mind not believing what he was witnessing. His mother and father had been mercilessly murdered, and he didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, a raspy voice came from the second floor.

"Survivors!" shouted a goblin that emerged from the stairs. He was not alone, as two more appeared behind him, carrying a club and an bow.

"Eunice, run!" shouted Enri as she grabbed her dumbfounded brother and ran out of the house.

"Kill them!" shouted one of the goblins as they fired arrows at them. The two siblings ran for their father's workshop and locked the door behind them.

"Enri, what do we do?!" said Eunice, still afraid.

"I.....dunno...." answered Enri weakly.

"Enri, what's wrong?!" asked Eunice. He found out as she fell to the floor, an arrowtail jutting from her back.

"Enri! Stay with me!" cried Eunice as he held his weakened sister in his arms.

"Eunice....I'm sorry....I wasn't big sister....." muttered Enri as her vision slipped into the darkness.

"ENNNRRRIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" screamed Eunice as tears ran down his face. He hugged her sister tightly. "Don't leave me, Enri!"

"The humans are here!" the goblins voice could be heard outside. The monsters banged and slashed at the door, trying to tear it down.

"You. You monsters!" growled Eunice, his eyes burning with rage. "I'll never forgive you for taking Enri from me!"

However, Eunice was no warrior. He was only 10 years old and couldn't even lift his father's wood axe.

Suddenly, a dark cloud formed in front of him. A moment later, a woman clad in black and horns on her head appeared.

"Who....who are you?" Eunice asked the mysterious figure.

"I am Tiamat. But who I am is of little concern to you. I appeared to you after sensing a strong desire from within." answered the woman. She looked at what he was holding and realized what had happened.

"They took your precious sister from you, and do you know why they did?" asked Tiamat.

"What are you...." Eunice's voice trailed off.

"Because you are weak!" answered Tiamat with a sneer. "It's a common law in this world: The strong will devour the weak. They will trample upon them and impose their rule over them."

"That'" Eunice couldn't even look up, blaming himself for his sister's demise.

Tiamat got on one knee and grabbed his face. "But that could be changed."

"What are you talking about?...." asked Eunice.

"You just need to obtain power. Power to annihilate those who oppose you. Power to protect that which is important to you. All you need is ask for it." goaded Tiamat.

[You never say what you really want. That's why you never get what you want.] his sister's words echoed in his mind.

"Yes. I want power. Power to seek revenge from those who took Enri from me." he answered, gritting his teeth in rage.

"Yes, let it all out." said Tiamat. "Then, to give you power, give your soul to me."

"I will give you the strength of two dozen men. Just pledge your soul to me, and I will help you seek revenge for your precious Enri." declared Tiamat.

"Hmmm?~" said Tiamat. "I couldn't hear you~"

"I, Eunice of the Hord Village, give my soul to you, Lord Tiamat, so that I may exact my vengeance towards my enemies." he answered.

Tiamat smiled. She placed her hands on his head "Then I, Demon Lord Tiamat, bestow upon thee, my strength to you in exchange for your soul, so that you may be triumphant against your enemies."

"Spirit of the Corrupted Earth," chanted Tiamat, "bestow upon this mortal the strength of two dozen men, so that he may shatter all who oppose him." And with that, she imbued Eunice with dark magics. His eyes became bloodshot, and his muscles grew to an immense extent.

"And now, go and fight, my Berserker." said Tiamat. "But remember: The moment you die, your soul goes to me. Until then, farewell." And the Demon Lord disappeared from his presence.

Just then, the door to the workshop tore down, and goblins rushed in. "Get the humans!"

Eunice looked at them and stood up. The woodaxe beside him was too heavy for him, but he picked it up as if it were a small stick. His eyes burned with fury.

"Kill.....Monsters......" he uttered. He slashed at the first goblin, cutting off his head cleanly. Same with the next, and the next. He got out of the workshop and eyed any monster he could see.

"Another one!" grumbled an ogre who was passing by. "I kill this one!"

The big monster swung at Eunice with his club, but Eunice ducked just in time and unleashed a torrent of slashes at the beast.

" powerful..." the ogre spoke as he fell to the ground.

Blood soaked, the berserker proceeded to rid his entire village of monsters, killing each one without hesitation.

"Boss, the village has been ransacked!" said one of the bandits.

"Hmmm....looks like sum monsters did this." said Mortimer. He had just become to leader of his group and was going to pillage the place. "Guess the monsters got our work cut out for us. Too bad they also left with the spoils."

Mortimer looked to where the bandits were pointing, and spotted a young boy who was sitting on a pile of dead goblins.

"That's a sorry sight." he mentioned. Mortimer moved up to the boy and spoke. "What happened here, lad?"

At once, the boy swung his bloody woodaxe at him. He barely had time to evade.

"Whoa whoa! Calm down, boy. I ain't no monster!" exclaimed the Bandit Boss.

"You're......human....." muttered Eunice.

"That I am, lad." replied Mortimer. "Now tell me straight. What in the name of Aigis happened here?!"

"Monsters.....attack......Many villagers.....dead...." he responded in broken sentences.

"And where did they go?" asked Mortimer.

"Nowhere......I......slaughtered them......" replied Eunice. "I........avenged Enri......."

"Well, is that a fact?" said Mortimer. "Guess they really did ya a bad one, huh? Tell ya what, why don't ya come with us? We could use a strong warrior such as yerself."

"Well, we're gonna be goin' and gettin back at them monsters for beating us to our prize." said Mortimer. "You get to kill more of 'em if ya come with us."

"Kill.....more....monsters........" uttered Eunice as he got up and followed the bandit group.

"Ya know, I think you and I'll get along pretty well....." mentioned Mortimer as they left the ruined village.

And so, the bandit Eunice came to be. Those who witnessed his prowess in battle gave him the title, "The Berserker."Β 

"I really don't need this right now....." muttered Gellius under his breath. He just returned from the battlefield and he's already anticipating what would be said about his appearance.

As he entered the town along with the remnants of his platoon, he heard hushed whispers from the townsfolk.

"Look at that," said one man. "The Shield of Light."

"Why are there only three people with him, though? Wasn't he part of an entire platoon?"

"Of the platoons he's been in, rarely do they come back with more than several men still standing. On most missions, he would come back alone."

"He must be cursed, bringing misfortune to all those men he leads to battle."

"I bet he doesn't feel anything about seeing his men die at his side."

Gellius felt his heart shatter little by little as he marched towards the Castle. This wasn't a new occurence to him. Every time he came back from the battlefield, people gave him eyes of scorn and contempt, as if he were no better than the monsters he fought.

"I never wanted for my men to die while I survived." he cursed under his breath. "Aigis knows I tried my damn hardest to make sure they'd come back."

Perhaps due to the nature of his work, or perhaps due to his latent ability to attract misfortune, Gellius mostly faced nearly insurmountable odds against monsters. Most of the time, his troops were outnumbered three to one against the monsters, but because of his specialized training, he would always manage to pull through. The same can't be said for the men under his command, however.

An armored fist slugged him in the arm, temporarily clearing the cloudiness of his mind.

"Ow!" he exclaimed. "What the hell was that for, Leeanne?!"

The red-clad beauty beside him shrugged. "Just thought you needed some shaking up to get your head back in it."

"Yeah? Well I'm 'back in it' now." replied Gellius. "So please don't do that. You, of all people, should know how much your punches hurt."

"Yeah, and that's why I never stop doing that." laughed Leeanne. "So cheer up, Captain."

Gellius forced a smile. Leeanne, his squad leader, is probably the longest surviving unit that he has ever worked with. And so she naturally knew what was on his mind every time they came back from the fighting.

"You're right." he said to Leeanne. "Which is why I'm heading to the tavern first. You do the reporting to Jerome."

"Wha- You're just pushing your work to me, captain!" complained Leeanne.

"Didn't you say that I should cheer up?" asked Gellius. "I'm just acting on your suggestion."

"But writing reports take looonnngggg~"

"Then you better get to it. Reports don't write themselves, you know."

"Uggghhhh! To think I even tried to raise your spirits...." replied Leeanne as she stormed off in the direction of the barracks.

Gellius chuckled under his breath as he went towards the tavern. Upon entering, he saw Conrad and his crew being as boisterous as ever.

"Aye! It's Gellius, lads." said Conrad to his fellow bandits. They looked in his direction and cheered.

"How'd yer mission go, eh?" he asked, but Gellius remained silent as he picked up a stool and sat on the counter.

"What's wrong? Complications?" asked Conrad.

"I don't wanna talk about it." replied Gellius. He turned to the bartender and asked for a glass of Aigis' Thousand Year Brew.

"Ohhh, beginnin' with the strong stuff, I see" said Conrad. "Must have been very BAD complications, I take it?"

"Lost about 85 percent of my platoon just now." he replied.

"Ahh....very bad complications, indeed." said Conrad.

Gellius took a sip from his glass and shivered. Despite not really being fermented for a thousand years, the beverage was still strong enough to make men like Conrad feel woozy after half a glass.

"Ya know, I never really got why you Capital City pups serve 'em aristocrats the way ya do. And I know my life choices ain't exactly whatchu'd call decent, but I whenever I have one of 'em existenz....exzit.....exact....." Conrad's voice trailed off as he tried to remember the word he wanted to use. "Bah! Whatever! Whenever I question why my life's so twisted, I always like thinking back ta my reason fer choosin' this path."

Gellius smiled as he tried to imagine what sort of circumstances would lead a man to becoming the Bandit King, but
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