Milking Prostate With Dildo

Milking Prostate With Dildo


Milking Prostate With Dildo

Sexual Health » Sex Ed, Men's Health: "Stimulating the Prostate to Orgasm (III): Dildos and Thrusting"
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by dooboige, edited by


June 06, 2013

In the first article in this series , I gave some general advice about how to approach learning to have prostate orgasms and talked about manual stimulation of the prostate. In the second article , I talked about the virtues of probes, prostate massagers, and vibrators. In this, the third and last article, I will discuss the use of dildos.
I suspect that this kind of play is easier if you have a partner who can manipulate the dildo for you, though I confess I have never had that pleasure. And, obviously, if you have a partner who is prepared to wear a dildo, or one who has a fleshy penis of their own, then you have all kinds of additional possibilities to explore. But I have not had those pleasures, either, so I will not comment on them.

Still, there are other ways to go "hands free." I've had some luck mounting a dildo. Some years ago, for example, I had a vibrating dildo that had died. So I took out the vibrating mechanism from the base and mounted what was left on the end of a broomstick, or something of the sort, which I then was able to wedge under my mattress firmly enough that it would not move when I did. I could then get on my hands and knees, insert the dildo, and rock myself back and forth so that the dildo would go in and out of me. This is good for simulating intercourse, but it can be hard to get a good angle for stimulation of the prostate.

Similarly, many harnesses, especially items like the Thigh Leather Harness , can be mounted on pillows, or wrapped around sofa cushions, or what have you, and a dildo can then be attached to them. There are also various sorts of sex furniture that will accept a dildo, and these can be used as well. This does not work so well for serious thrusting, however, as there tends to be too much "play" in this kind of setup. That is, they move too much when I do.

But there is a different technique that has sometimes worked very well for me, namely, to insert the dildo as far as it will go, and then to rock my hips back and forth over it. This causes some slight in-and-out movement, but mostly it effects a kind of prostate massage, pushing the body of the dildo against the prostate as my hips rock back, then releasing the pressure as they rock forward, and so forth, over and over. This is a nice, "active" way to play, and it can give your hips quite a workout.

I suggest experimenting with where your "resting" position is. If you move your entire body forward a bit so that the base of the dildo moves back, then the part that is inside you will move toward the front of your body, i.e., towards your prostate. If you move your body back, then the dildo moves away from your prostate. This allows another degree of control over the amount of pressure that will be applied when you rock your hips.
We have seen, then, that there are several different ways to stimulate the prostate so as to bring about prostate orgasms. Not all of these methods will work for everyone, but all of them have worked for me, at least at some time or other, though even now some of them are more reliable than others. No one can know what will work for you and, as I have said, it will take time to learn how to orgasm in a new way. Only through practice and experimentation can you find what works and does not work for you.

If you're wondering whether to start trying, though, then let me just say this: you do not know what you are missing. If you did, you would not wonder; you would start right now. Prostate stimulation provides a depth and kind of sexual pleasure that is simply not available to people with prostates any other way, so far as I am aware.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments or to message me privately.

Prostate Buddy brought about a whole new experience for me even though I've been doing prostate massage for years. – Di's Guy


I enjoyed you article and completely agree. Continuous thrusting allowed me to have great orgasms!

How to free the hands though? Man! I wanted free hands and active hips. I finally "landed" on a great method.

Use a duffel bag, duck tape, and a nice long dildo with balls. You can cut a slit or hole near the base of the duffel bag, insert the dildo thru the hole or slit, and then use tight duck tape wraps to secure the dildo in place. Also, a cardboard strip inside with a hole that the dildo goes thru will help with stability too.

Once you have the duffel filled, the ride is amazing! For me, my duffel was a length that supported my stomach as I could literally rock my hips and ride the entire length of the dildo! Nice practice for when you are with the real thing too!

To increase the wonderful sensation, cut a slit into a microfiber sheet and slip it over the dildo and the bag. As you rock back and forth, the mirofiber will, if you are a man, rub against the penis and eventual ejaculation.

Easy to disassemble and easy to clean, but I doubt you will want to disassemble after the first ride because you will just want to ride and ride.

Warning, you will sweat, you will moan, you will have pleasure, and you will want the real thing sooner than later because it is likely the only thing better. Sadly, it is also dangerous!

A lot of toys don't work for me as my prostate seems slightly further in for what I need. The NJOY Pure Wand is wonderful because I can hit it easily. But my issue is I need to go side to side or in circles. Vibration and rubbing up and down don't work. I would like to try a dildo with your suggestion of putting it in and moving it around.

I've been trying to use butt plugs to gradually increase the size for the dildo. Can someone suggest a diameter dildo size as it relates to a butt plug? For example if my butt plus is 1.5" is that the best size for a dildo? If not what is a good recommendation?


For a hands free rocking good time I use a 2"x 8"x 5 foot long board...well painted or varnished so that a good suction cup based dildo will stick in place. Adjust the angle against a wall....may want to put a wash cloth over top of board so as to not damage wall...then stick that dildo where you think the best spot is and hop on! The beauty of this is that every angle can be found and every angle has a different sensation and best of all your hands are free to porn, rub your crotch area, hold a mirror, take pictures, and reach behind to grab the board and rock it back and forth!!! May this post help those in need of a better way to do it.

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Home Male Q Sex How to Milk Your Prostate in 10 Easy Steps

/ Sex , How To , Male Q / By
Mr. Q

/ March 28, 2021 June 20, 2022
Relax Your Body, Relax Your Mind, Relax Your Hole
Apply an Anal Lube to Your Prostate Massager
Inject More Lube for Smoother Insertion
Relax your Anus and Gently Push Outward
Slowly Insert the Prostate Stimulator
I'm Mr. Q.
I started MaleQ with the goal of answering the questions about sex, dating and relationships for people just getting stated.
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2 thoughts on “How to Milk Your Prostate in 10 Easy Steps”

I am going to let you in on a small but important piece of information that is going to open the doors to a world where your sex life is at its full potential. The prostate , or what is sometimes referred to as the P-Spot is located on the interior of the colon wall. Learning how to milk your prostate can help to send your sex life to new levels.
You may have heard that anal sex or anal play can feel amazing. The reason? It is because when you stimulate the prostate – an organ essential in creating orgasms – it tigers your body to climax .
Prostate massaging, or “ milking ” as it is sometimes referred to will cause your orgasms to become stronger than they have been before.
If you are skeptical, as most people are, my advice is to explore this new territory with an open mind. Whether or not you consider yourself a bottom or even a gay man, learning how to milk your prostate will improve your sex life in ways you never thought possible.
How to Milk Your Prostate Complete Guide
Depending on how tall you are, your prostate will be located deeper inside. This means that you will need a prostate massager that is the appropriate size and length to get the optimal stimulation. We go through some recommended prostate massagers at the end of this guide.
The first thing I recommend doing before venturing into anything anal is hygiene . This will make your experience safer, cleaner, and more enjoyable. Many people are initially turned off by the eww factor, but the reality is – if you clean up beforehand with an enema, then you should have no problem.
If you have never experimented with anything anal before, then my best piece of advice is to relax . Take a deep breath. If you are tense and uptight things are going to hurt. If you are relaxed things are going to feel great! A great way to get in the right state of mind is to take a warm bath beforehand and calm your nerves.
Once you are relaxed and cleaned out you want to get your lube ready. Apply a generous amount of lube to the prostate stimulator or your finger. Also, add some more in and around your anal entry.
Another handy tool is a lube injector. This lets you shoot lube directly inside and get an even application. This will make using your prostate massager a lot more convenient and comfortable.
With plenty of lube, you want to first insert the first bulb on the tip of the stimulator. You want to insert it in the correct direction, with the tip hooking towards the direction of your belly button.
If you are using a finger, you will notice a small bump about the size of a Ping-Pong ball about a half-inch in, on the wall closest to your belly button. If you press in on is you will notice a strange feeling like you have to pee. This means that you have found your prostate!
Once your body is relaxed and adjusted, slowly move the stimulator the rest of the way in. Once it is all the way in it may feel a bit strange, like you need to poop. This feeling should pass in a few minutes. Once your body is adjusted it is time for the fun part.
Gently massage the area back and forth while masturbating. This may feel strange, but your body should adjust after a few minutes. You will likely have an orgasm much sooner and stronger than you usually do. In fact, most people say that this is the strongest orgasm they have ever experienced . Even if you are new or you feel uncomfortable at first, try to experiment and keep at it. Once you get over the initial discomfort the rewards will be well worth the effort.
If you are doing prostate play for the first time, then you will need to prepare the essentials. The Anal sex starter kit packs all the tools you need to for the job.
Choosing the right prostate stimulator can make learning how to milk your prostate a much smoother and enjoyable experience. Here are a few of our favorite prostate massagers.
Our top Prostate toy pick is easily the Sonos. The soft, medical-grade silicone is comfortable yet durable, and the stimulator itself is sculpted in a shape that targets your p-stop better than any other stimulator we have tested.
The Sonos is ideal for all levels. Thanks to its narrow design it is easy to insert, and the angled prostate tip guarantees targeted prostate milking. Overall, it is our favorite prostate massager we have tested.
Material: Medical-Grade Silicone Diameter: 2.3 cm. Insertable-Length: 10 cm. Features: Targeted Prostate Tip Difficulty Level: Anal First-Timers
For those in the market for a more feature-packed, high-end experience, then The Dr. Joel Prostate Vibe is the prostate massager for you. The slightly thicker, the longer body is more realistic and fulfilling (if you know what I mean).
The body is made from medical-grade silicone, is waterproof, and has an 8 Speed vibrator built-in.
The smooth tip is easy to insert, and angled to target the prostate. The shaft itself is textured for even more stimulation. Put simply, it is one of the best prostate massagers for the price.
Length: 6.25 in (15.9cm) Width: 1.5 in (3.8cm) Material: Medical Silicone 8 Speed Vibrator Powered by 2 AAA Batteries Waterproof
If you are looking to go to the next level, vibrating simulators will give you the strongest orgasm in a very short period of time.
A quality anal lube is absolutely essential to milking your prostate. This will ensure you have a smooth and satisfying experience. Pjur Analyse Me Water is one of our favorites lubes because it is toy-compatible and designed specifically for anal play.
This lube also contains a mild anal relaxant for smoother entry and increased comfort. This is especially helpful for anyone new to prostate milking.
Relaxing Ingredient: Jojoba Extract Relaxant Strength: Mild Lube Thickness: 3/5 Water-Based Toy Compatible
It is absolutely essential that you clean your prostate massager after every session. To start, wash it down with hot, soapy water. Next, be sure to disinfect it with a dedicated toy cleaner.
This is an essential step to ward off nasty germs and smells that may build over time. Toy Cleaner is an easy and effective way to keep you and your toy safe and germ-free.
Toy cleaner is a great way to keep your toy fresh, hygienic, and odor-free.
Once you get used to the sensation of milking your prostate you can try experimenting with a partner and trying different style toys for a different effect. The key is to be adventurous and try something new. If you give prostate milking a try and really learn how to milk your prostate then I can tell you that you will not regret it!
It’s a fact of life – anal play can be messy. No matter how careful you are, you may still find some “surprises” after milking your prostate. To ensure you have the deepest clean before your prostate milking session, we recommend doing a deep douche with an anal enema.
For most people, a classic bulb enema should do the trick. These work by shooting water deep inside and removing any residue that might be hiding leftover.
Removable Enema Tip Smoothed Tube for Easy Insertion EZ-Squeeze Enema Bulb 4 Sizes to Choose From
An anal trainer kit can help you to get used to the feeling of prostate play. This is especially helpful if you are particularly tight, or want to stretch out to bigger, more realistic sizes.
The Anal Play Starter Kit comes with all of the tools we mentioned above including An Enema, Anal Lube, Lube injector, 3 Piece Anal Trainer Kit, 2 Cock Rings, and Toy Cleaner.
3 Piece Anal Plug Starter Kit 2 Cock Rings 2 Lube Injectors Pjur Analyse Me Lube 100ml Anal Enema Toy Cleaner 100ml
These are our tips on how to milk your prostate. Do you have any tips of your own? Are there any questions you have that we haven’t yet answered? Let us know in the comments below!
If you have any questions about how to milk your prostate, or would rather ask us directly feel free to email us at .
Really appreciate thanks for sharing the post !!!!!
Thanx for the advice. It works great! Any suggestions for anal lubing?
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A Beginner’s Guide to Prostate Milking
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Guys, what if I told you that it was possible to chain up multiple orgasms in quick succession? But wait, I’m not finished. What if I also told you that these orgasms were extra-powerful, super-orgasms that sent shivers through your whole body? Such is the magic of prostate milking .
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