Milk Prostate Massage

Milk Prostate Massage


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Every man in the world has to be familiar with the concept of self prostate stimulation. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Men have prostate problems after some years and this technique is a very convenient way to handle your prostate problems.
The concept of this procedure includes massages on your prostate, which is a very important gland in the male reproductive system. That’s why only men have prostate glands.
The massage could be carried out by a specialist, by a machine or you can complete it yourself.
This tutorial will educate you how to carry on this procedure by yourself. 
Prostate milking is completely possible to perform it with your own hands.
The best thing for you is to visit your doctor and he/she will explain you in details what you are supposed to do. That way you will get detail instructions what you must do.
Prostate milking will ease your pain in the prostate , improve your sexual performance and will better the blood flow in it. These are the main benefits from this procedure.
1. Pay a visit to the bathroom. You need to have your bowels and gladder emptied before the procedure. Many doctors skip this part. That’s why you need to have this in mind.
2. Check your nails. You do not want to have any edges on it because this will harm the gentle area there.
3. Cleaning is one of essential part of the procedure. You need to take a shower and wash your entire body really well.
In addition, before you start the procedure, wash your hands perfectly with Hibiscrub or Hibitan (which are the latest medical products for washing hands, surgeons tend to wash their hands with these two).
You need to find a latex glove to use. Also, using lubricants is a good idea.
4. The lubricants will let your finger(s) enter your anus gentler. You will not feel any pain, if you do it slowly. If you rush, you risk feeling pain.
5. Once you enter your anus, do not anything at first. Get used to the feeling and your muscles will be relaxed after 1 or 2 minutes.
After that you need to search for your prostate gland. It is located on the surface towards your belly. It is a round bulb. It is important to feel it. Take your time to examine the surface.
6. After you find the gland, you need to start massaging it slowly and gently. Do not rub the gland too fast because you will hurt yourself.
7. After some time of massaging, it is most likely for you to ejaculate. You do not worry because this is the normal result from self prostate milking.
You expect to ejaculate after you complete the procedure. However, not every time this is result is achieved. So you need to be patient.
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