Milan Starcevic: Lawyer Rainer Filmich gives new information about Nuremberg 2

Milan Starcevic: Lawyer Rainer Filmich gives new information about Nuremberg 2

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A few months ago, Dr. Rainer Filmich spoke with Jerm Warfar about his plans to sue WHO for crimes against humanity. One of Europe's most influential lawyers is currently preparing the largest class action in history, known as Nuremberg 2.

On April 1 this year, Fulmih spoke again with Jerm Warfar to share the latest information. "There is light at the end of the tunnel," he said, adding, "We won the trial and we'll get more."

During the interview, he said of the Crown trial: "These are the worst crimes against humanity that have ever been committed. Those few people who still can't think for themselves, 10 to 20 percent of the population know that it has never been a virus, but the depopulation of the world's population and control."

Philmich says the actions against the corona have nothing to do with vaccination, but are part of genetic experiments. The players behind the scenes made a lot of mistakes. For example, he believes that vaccine manufacturers did not expect so many side effects now.

He spoke to an informant who said they had originally planned not to publish the entire scenario until 2050. Then greedy people pulling the strings decided to implement the plan much earlier, the informant said. 

"I think that's why they make so many mistakes," said Filmich, who has received statements from more than 100 scientists and experts with irrefutable evidence of the main crime against humanity.

Counsel further states that Nuremberg-2 may require a special trial because it is so large that it may be beyond the reach of national courts. Who are these people pulling the strings? According to Fulmich, this is a group of about 3,000 super-rich. This group includes the Davos top around Klaus Schwab. 

What do they want? Total control over people. They bribe doctors, hospital staff and politicians. They threaten people who refuse to cooperate. They use all sorts of psychological methods to manipulate people.

Fulmih also spoke to another whistleblower, who explained why Europe is the main battleground in this war. "Europe has completely gone bankrupt. Pension funds have been looted. That's why they want to put Europe under control before people understand what's going on," the lawyer says.

His advice: Spread the truth and facts as much as possible and don't waste your energy on people who desperately want to get vaccinated. "We can't save everyone. Many people will die," concluded Dr. Rainer Filmich.


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