Mikki_G Mfc

Mikki_G Mfc


Mikki_G Mfc

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Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation will Retire Pledgee Account from DTCC Services End of Business Day 8/3/22 👀
Citadel Securities Asks Florida judge to dismiss collusion charges alleging Citadel demanded Robinhood PCO and crater target stocks, this time citing Newest SEC Report on GameStop
Hurricane Ida is "Worst in 170 Years" How to Bankroll the Destruction Like an Ape King
Congressional hearings / DFV / GME / etc megathread
Ally Invest Locked my Account from trading! INCOMING DIRTY TRICKS
Serious - What Will Make Hedge Funds Close Shorts?
Do not believe the hedgies when they say they've closed their positions. First half of January, short float % actually increased! We won't have a clear picture of what happened last Friday till the new numbers are released on Feb 9. Who wants to bet the short float numbers go even higher?
Not enough karma to post on the Canada derivatives post but here is my reply. "Want to know the craziest part about this? Look at who was CRO at the OCC in Chicago back in January last year. He left and went to work where? Canada at Tfose group holdings. A new derivatives market for Canada. The OCC website was down for maintenance that weekend. I was doing some digging into this but haven't had the time to properly sort through the rabbit hole of info I have been saving. The connections are unreal. If systemic risk was going to happen due to the options as Peterffy said on live TV. Then why would the head of risk at the OCC derivatives clearing house bail? Go to Canada in a time when his 10 year expertise would be most needed? Maybe I will make a post with my info at some point it has just gotten to be so much information I don't know where to start."
Want to know the craziest part about this? Who was Chief Risk Officer at the OCC in Chicago back in January last year? John J.J. Fennell for 10 years. He left and went to work where last year? Canada at Tfose group holdings. A new derivatives market for Canada. The OCC website was down for maintenance that weekend. I was doing some digging but haven't had the time to properly sort through the rabbit hole of info I have been saving. The connections are unreal. Check out how many links "JJ" has to Citadel and others. If systemic risk was going to happen due to the options as Peterffy said on live TV. Then why would the head of risk at the OCC derivatives clearing house for the previous 10 years bail? Go to Canada in a time when his 10 year expertise would be most needed? Maybe I will make a post with my info at some point it has just gotten to be so much information I don't know where to start.
The bs SEC report gives the SHFs lawyers the opportunity to claim negligence and motion to dismiss the case because the “gubbermint” found nothing. So just fuck all to the ppl that lost gains.
The day that everyone understands that it wasn’t the GME stock price, but the GME options that were fucking them is the day that you will also understand that the entire episode was nothing but a SEMI-ILLEGAL IV CRUSH.
There were INFINITE gains to be had on those options and if you believe that you could still actually sell them during that time then there are a lot of stories that are saying that you couldn’t

My options were worth a high of 1.1 million before they showed me how much of a slave we all are. Its real crazy that the OCC website was down for maintenance that weekend. Nobody talking about that either. I have been digging up information on a lot of these big players, it is crazy what you can find when you follow the money. These people try to scrub their online presence but they have made some mistakes. I am only one guy that got robbed of being a millionaire. I lost my $35k worth of options which is a lot for me. However, I won't let that keep me down. It ignited a fire in my soul. A fire to fight back against this modern day slavery. I have learned so much about the derivatives market. The history, the people responsible, the people currently in power. The connections are unreal. If we all dug in collectively I cant even imagine how much we would uncover. I have so many people connected already just from maybe 200 hours of digging online. I haven't had the time to put it all together and don't think I am done finding connections. The connections go so much deeper than David Inngs(Formerly COO for Etrade) and the cayman islands, Larry Fink and his partners and children, Wayne Luthringshausen and the CBOE and OCC, ROBIN HOOD FOUNDATION (not to be confused with Robin Hood Markets INC) what a slap in the face to poverty, Apex Silver, Michael Cahill retired OCC Ceo or his son Michael Cahill who is with interactive brokers, John Fennel chief risk officer at the OCC who was replaced June 1st of this year( don't worry he went to the Toronto stock exchange to help manage the risk for Canada since he did such a bang up job in America), IMS and the Aztez group in the Cayman Islands and Jersey and how they are tied to Credit Suisse, Diana Naylor Chief Administration Officer at Citadel( office of the founder and CEO) formerly the Director of scheduling for the United States Senate, the list goes on and on and the connections do as well. You really have to dig to find connections, you have to learn to read company filings, you have to read about the history of derivatives. I may not be a millionaire, but the knowledge I have gained over these past 8 months is worth more to me now. I will continue to dig and when I have the information and time to write it all up and connect the dots I will share what I have learned. I encourage you all to do the same. Follow the money. Knowledge is power.
This is a bad, bad storm. The news is still focused on Covid and Afghanistan, so most of the country doesn't realize how bad it is going to be.
Katrina was 920 millibar Cat 3, this is a 935 millibar Cat 4 currently. Max sustained winds are 150 mph; Category 4 only goes up to 156. So this is on the big side of a Cat 4. Late last night, the flow of the Mississippi River discharge started to drop; indicating strong storm surging up into the river holding the river back. It is on the same track as Katrina; New Orleans will be on the east (bad) side of the storm. Hopefully the unlimited money that was poured into infrastructure in the city 10-15 years ago will keep the levies and pumps running. But there will still be a lot of devastation broadly across Mississippi, Louisiana, and maybe other states. This is a serious, dangerous storm, but it's not even the headline story on most news websites.
Katrina hit on a Monday, so the markets were open that day and immediately after. Immediately after Katrina, ExxonMobil Corp, Chevron Corp.. BP, and Halliburton Co., popped. IDK what they did longer term. Schlumberger did good.
Home Depot and Lowe's both did good that year. Carmax (buying new cars), MASCO (construction materials). If it was like Katrina; Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and Lowe's will have several stores in the area get demolished or almost get demolished. These companies, I'm sure, have already mobilized and pre-staged fleets of 18 wheelers full of supplies (bottled water, batteries, flashlights, trash bags, clorox, tarps, etc.) a few hundred miles away. Wal-Mart is in Bentonville, Arkansas; Depot is in Atlanta, and Lowe's is in Charlotte. They each have multiple 1 million square foot warehouses within a few hundred miles of New Orleans. They all have dedicated logistics teams which track and follow storms, and pre-stage and shift inventory to the southeast during hurricane season. These trucks will arrive from Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, etc. as soon as possible after the storm. The next day, the stockpiles from the Florida warehouses will arrive. They will set up make-shift bases in the parking lots which will also be like staging grounds for non-profits, government organizations, etc. That will also drive insane foot traffic into whatever else is left of the store. Even if those stores are basically destroyed in the storm, they will have the highest same-store-sales in the entire chains for the following year.
Immediately after, Allstate and Renaissance Re both got hammered.
In the 1 year range, local casinos will do really good from the bored construction workers away from their families who will get paid bank to go down there and work. IDK what the pure plays on that are.
All these are probably going to pop (or drop, for insurance companies) on Monday morning. There are probably some better ones too.
"These companies, I'm sure, have already mobilized and pre-staged fleets of 18 wheelers full of supplies (bottled water, batteries, flashlights, trash bags, clorox, tarps, etc.) a few hundred miles away. Wal-Mart is in Bentonville, Arkansas; Depot is in Atlanta, and Lowe's is in Charlotte. They each have multiple 1 million square foot warehouses within a few hundred miles of New Orleans. They all have dedicated logistics teams which track and follow storms, and pre-stage and shift inventory to the southeast during hurricane season. These trucks will arrive from Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, etc. as soon as possible after the storm. The next day, the stockpiles from the Florida warehouses will arrive. They will set up make-shift bases in the parking lots which will also be like staging grounds for non-profits, government organizations, etc. That will also drive insane foot traffic into whatever else is left of the store. Even if those stores are basically destroyed in the storm, they will have the highest same-store-sales in the entire chains for the following year."
All of this is NOT true at all. I own a storm restoration company and just spent the last year in Lake Charles. A lot of the stores are still destroyed a year later. The two walmarts that had the least damage had no stock for months after the storm. I have pictures. Home Depot was a nightmare. They were completely out of stock of almost everything for 6 months. There is an order for restoration. You first have to get all the wet drywall, flooring, and insulation out. Then you set up several fans to dry everything out. Home depot in Lake Charles currently has so many fans left over because they did not get them in time. They may have ordered them but for whatever reason they were not there in time. This applies to all other stages of the restoration. Shingles were not available for roofs. When they were available, months later, only charcoal and weatherd wood were available. Everyone had to drive in supplies from Houston. I must have made 30 trips myself. I choose Home Depot over Lowes as prices are generally cheaper for same products. There are two Lowes in the area and they were better prepared so I had to go there. There is another local big hardware store called stines I don't think they are publicly traded but if they were that would have been the play. TPO and EPDM, the two main products used for commercial roofing are currently unavailable at the major roofing supply companies in Dallas. Where are they going to get the materials from if these other cities don't have them? Logistics are messed up. I could go on with plenty of other points but this is getting pretty long. You have severely over estimated the logistics teams of these companies. Lake Charles was a huge mess.
Commenting to timestamp most important part of whole hearing. Melvin just said it was an options problem. All those options expiring Friday were all being bought. All the Calls were going ITM. This. This. This. This is the problem.
I definitely have the balance, that is not the issue.
The Options Clearing Corporation website was down for maintenance today. My guess is the options got completely out of hand and that was definitely a factor in shutting the markets down on Thursday. Every Call they made was going in the money. They have to sort it all out.
Look at put options for 2/12 looks like they are not even banking on us holding two weeks.
are they really dumb enough to start new shorts now?
Check out the puts on 2/12. Theocc .com hasn't updated Friday's numbers but that should give you an idea of how many people are thinking this ends by then.

Last visit 2 days ago ‱ Joined 5 years ago ‱ 22,320 hits (4,252)
Your collection is soo cute!! Thank you for accepting my fr!! <3
Welcome you have an awesome figure collection that i am envious of (i only collect such small amounts of figures so my collection isnt nearly as amazing)
Oh merci Mimi !! :'3 Mais... En fait c'est le 17 mon anniversaire mdr !! (maudit calendrier de mfc xD) Mais ça me fait super plaisir, merci éwÚ
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BON ! Je suis en vacances ! DONC je peux enfin rĂ©pondre Ă  ton message qui est affichĂ© sur mon mur depuis des mois et me fixe de son regard invisible en me disant « arrĂȘte de procrastiner. RĂ©ponds Ă  Mikkia !! » xD
Comment vas-tu depuis tout ce temps ? Tu as pu retrouver un peu du poil de la bĂȘte ? Ta formation se passe bien ??

mikkia Ouais je comprend pour CCS surtout que c'est pas mal long en animĂ©, mais en manga y'a que 12 tomes ! Au final l'anime a quand mĂȘme pas mal de Filer...mais il reste trĂšs sympa ! Oui les coffrets sont super beaux ! MĂȘme l'ancien que j'ai en DVD est magnifique ! MĂȘme les tomes sont ressortis en collector ! *^* <--- pigeon qui a rachetĂ© la sĂ©rie ( mais il me manquait des tomes des anciens ! ;-; )

Ouais je vois pour CCS:o Ca me rappelle Sailor Moon en fait ! Je serais bien tentée de prendre ces deux séries en manga au final, surtout que la nouvelle édition de Sakura est tellement belle snif...

mikkia J'aime beaucoup Fuu aussi ! J'aurai craqué sur sa figma si j'avais pu préco à ce moment là. Mais je suis déjà super contente d'avoir Umi ^.^
Ouiii le couple est trop cute ! ♄
Tout à fait d'accord ! Y'a tellement pas grand choses..puis elles ont l'air superbes ensembles tu me tente de compléter ma collection haha xD
Ha ouais pas pratique pour l'épée haha à ce point là oO eh ben !
OMG oui ! Ca serait tellement magnifique une scale d’Émeraude et de Zagato, ensemble ça serait tellement beau ♄♄ Mais oui qu'ils t'embauchent tes idĂ©es sont gĂ©niales !!! xD J'aimerai tellement mais tellement !! :o

C'est déjà bien d'avoir sa préférée ! ^-^ J'aimerais bien qu'ils fassent d'autres goodies en vrai, mais bon c'est déjà bien d'avoir des figmas !
Faudrait que je me procure quelques CD de la licence d'ailleurs, j'aime beaucoup les chansons !

mikkia Idem !
Je suis totalement d'accord avec toi, c'est un budget Ă©norme...et certains mois je fais zero mais zero sorties pour mes figurines xD D'oĂč ma volontĂ© de rĂ©duire pas mal du cĂŽtĂ© figurines mais ce wonfest....olala quel dilemme ><
Pareil pour les vĂȘtements j'ai des goĂ»ts trĂšs particuliers j'ai un style un peu gothique lolita donc les vĂȘtements sont extrĂȘmement chers... et en plus de ça j'ai pas non plus une taille standard j'ai une poitrine dĂ©veloppĂ©e et des formes du coup je paye toujours plus cher ( ouaaaais )
Bref du coup je te comprend c'est un sacrĂ© investissement aussi de se payer des vĂȘtements qui nous plaisent, surtout qu'on veut les garder longtemps donc on mise sur la qualitĂ© donc ça coute un bras mais au moins on les gardent le plus longtemps possible ^^
J'ai aussi eu une période CD en fait ça reviendra ...c'est un cycle...une roue sans fin HAHA xD

Wha tundois avoir une jolie collection de vĂȘtements dans ce cas ! ** Tu achĂštes des trucs chez Angelic Pretty ou c'est trop cher ? Moi aussi j'ai des formes, alors les vĂȘtements me coutent plus chers snif GENIAL ! ;; En plus j'ai envie d'en prendre plein en ce moment mais c'est tellement cher, genre un pull c'est minimum 50$. Ca fait MAL...

Ha je peux comprendre pour les figurines snif, moi aussi je me limite, et de plus en plus. Je crois que mes derniĂšres prĂ©commandes ce ne sont que des Prize xD Et elles sont arrivĂ©es sans que je ne m'y attendent (surtout celle de Promised Neverland, au secours, je les ai vu j'ai direct craquĂ© xD j'espĂšre qu'elles seront bien !) Par contre comme tu le sais j'ai pas eu de coup de cƓur pour le WF de cet hivers :/ Je suis encore salĂ©e que rien de Mob psycho n'ait Ă©tĂ© annoncĂ© d'ailleurs mdr et comme l'anime est terminĂ©, je pense que c'est mort.

mikkia HAHA merci ça m'aurait bien fais rire ♄ En meme temps je t'en ai tellement parlĂ© >>'
OUI JE PREND TOUT !!!! la nendo la scale la figma je prend TOUT ! x'D ( * attention nous interrompons ce programme pour fait de fangirlisme trop présent, merci de votre compréhension*)

PTDR tbh je ferais pareil aussi si j'étais fan du personnage xD D'ailleurs les préco mettent du temps à s'ouvrir là Ú_é ! C'est horrile je trouve d'attendre aprÚs une précommande...

mikkia Mami je suis complĂ©tement fan obligĂ©e je la prend >< ! Moi aussi j'aime beaucoup Madoka, surtout dans sa version ultimate ! C'est bien pour ça que j'ai craquĂ© pour la Scale d'ultimate Madoka chez Stronger ! D'ailleurs pour la Mami j'ai de beaux espoirs pour la colo etc car c'est le mĂȘme fabricant ! Mais ça va faire bobo niveau prix x_x'

J'ai peur aussi pour le prix mais je pense que la qualité sera au rendez-vous donc ça balancera ! Enfin j'espÚre... mdr

mikkia Puis bon j'ai oublié de te le dire mais je suis aussi trÚs tentée par les bunny de Ah my goddess notamment la Urd qui est mon personnage préféré ! Et la Belldandy dont j'ai adoré la colo !
Je suis aussi trÚs attirée par la Scale de Ozymandias, mais bon, Megahouse....c'est limite parfois encore plus cher que Alter xD...aie

MOI AUSSI ! Mais juste Belldandy parce que c'est ma favorite du trio... Je me tate encore Ă  si je la prendrais ou pas. En fait je suis tentĂ©e, mais je me dis que c'est mĂȘme pas ma waifu, et qui vaudrait mieux que je garde mon argent pour quand un personnage fĂ©minin que j'aime vraiment Ă©normĂ©ment (genre Lina dans Slayers ou Asuka dans Evangelion) sera adaptĂ©e en B-Style :/ Donc je me tĂąte. Je verrais au moment des prĂ©commandes !
Je confirme Megahouse c'est aussi cher que Alter pourtant c'est pas le mĂȘme type de qualitĂ© ^^'' j'ai abandonnĂ© Ozymandia, je le trouve trop cher pour ce que c'est x_x

mikkia Yep ! Ah mais Si si(j'ai cherchĂ© tout Ă  l'heure en plus xD ) La voila ! :3 personnellement si c'est comme ça, j’apprĂ©cie vraiment les couleurs : du violet du bleu des touches de roses tout ce que j'avais demandĂ© *-* ♄
Au pire ouais ton porte monnaie est sauf ! XD

Oh oui en effet les couleurs sont trÚs belle j'aime beaucoup !! ** Les couleurs sont trÚs harmonieuses entre elles du coup c'est super sympa !
Voilà ! XD Faut voir le positif, je suppose mdr !

mikkia NOOOOOO je l'ai paaaas mais je le NEEEEEED JE LE SUR NEED mais il est tellement CHER T-T je l'ai retirĂ© de ma Wish list parce que vraiment le prix mĂȘme d'occasion est devenu inaccessible mais j'aimerai tellement le prendre !

Sérieux Crow ?! Oo Je pensais pas que le prix aurait tellement augmenté, c'est dommage, j'espÚre qu'un jour la bonne occasion se présentera ! :( Parfois il suffit d'attendre et une bonne occasion arrive, faut juste s'armer de patience ! ^^

mikkia Oui non mais complétement, en plus la folle que je suis elle a commandé la nendo collector DX ET la version normale ( pour bien me ruiner mdr )

Ha lala... si GSC faisait une nendo de Reigen, je leur en prendrais 3, moi :) :) :) PTDR pardon pardon. Mais je veux dire je comprends, quand tu aimes un personnage on est toujours tenté d'en prendre plusieurs, surtout quand il s'agit des nendoroid !

mikkia Ah sérieux ? Moi si ça passe c'est le matin sinon c'est mort xD c'est galÚre :/
Euh non pas du tout ! Je suis pas en centre ville de chez centre ville mais je suis en ville, une des plus grandes villes de France....
Mais bon plus la v
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