Mike Dozer

Mike Dozer


Mike Dozer

By Graham Gremore April 22, 2016 at 1:04pm · 72 comments

Free of an agenda (except that gay one)

Adult film star Mike Dozer, whose real name is Christopher Steele, just had a whole bunch more time slapped on to his already lengthy prison sentence after being found guilty of raping a 14-year-old boy.
In February, 33-year-old Dozer pleaded guilty to one charge of felony rape and an additional charge of reckless endangerment of another person. He was sentenced to 17 years and six months behind bars.
Yesterday, Dozer was sentenced in state court. After being convicted of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a child under the age of 16 years and of recklessly endangering another person, Montgomery County Judge Thomas P. Rogers tacked on an additional eight to 16 more years to the original sentence, bringing the total up to 25 to 33 years and six months in prison.
“It was so reckless, so outrageous,” Rogers scolded, “that it goes beyond all bounds of human decency.”
Dozer allegedly met up with his victim in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania after first connecting with the child on Jack’d. They reportedly then had sex without a condom, despite Dozer being HIV-positive.
Prosecutors have argued Dozer wasn’t concerned about the victim being underage, telling the boy, “I kinda like my guys young,” according to the criminal complaint. Child pornography was also uncovered on Dozer’s computer.
“Reckless, selfish, lacking empathy, and dangerous, these are the words that describe this defendant,”Assistant D.A. Sophia Polites, who sought the maximum sentence against Dozer said. “This defendant took advantage of this child, took advantage of his age and took advantage of his vulnerability.”
She continued: “He engaged in some of the most egregious and heinous behaviors. He is deceitful. Simply put, he is a dangerous individual.”
In PA it’s up to 20 years in prison for statutory rape of a minor, but this involves homosexuality so expect the worst, harshest, longest sentence. I’m surprised he didn’t get life. When you’re gay and you commit atrocities like this, expect the worst most harsh sentences as opposed to your straight counter-parts.
What he did was wrong but a longer sentence for being gay is unacceptable! That means the law looks at us differently and that my friends is discrimination! Unacceptable what he did but also unnacceptable two sentences one for state and one for county! Who does this? Where is his attorney? Sleeping perhaps?
Sentencing maximums for rape of a minor by state:
…and that predator deserves every single day of it. It’s silly and ignorant to try and paint Dozier as a victim of a homophobic justice system. Dozier is an animal that absolutely should receive the maximum sentence permissible by law. What if he had violated YOUR kid?
He lives in the US so he must pay for what he did. But here in Brazil he would not be convicted. Well, he WOULD, but not because of the 14yo. He would be put in jail because child porn is strictly forbidden in Brazil. I do believe the sentence was too harsh.
I agree with you! I feel he did wrong but getting a longer sentence because you’re gay is unacceptable!
@ Masc Pride : Regardless of how heinous a crime, prisoners have rights too. Especially gay prisoners who face immense discrimination by the legal and jusrice system.
He’d get less time if he was the kids’ mother and just killed the kid. Not to reduce the gravity of the crime… 33 years is a bit much for a non-murder charge.
@ Baba Booey Fafa Fooey : This whole story is really interesting and sad. Dozer was part of a sex ring that used this kid for sex. His own partner committed suicide rather then go through all of this.
Of coarse homophobia will play a part. Look at someone like Mary Kay Letourneau. She was caught doing a 13 year old. She’s straight and being a women gets her a slap on the wrist sentence of 80 days and the rest probation.
Not saying that he doesn’t deserve time. The sentence is ridiculous though.
@ Baba Booey Fafa Fooey : Interesting. In my state of CA it all depends on the age difference but even at that they’re very lenient compared to states like PA. Even still the maximum is 20 years.
They really threw the book at Dozer. Him being positive didn’t help of coarse but everyone knew he was a positive porn star.
@ Stache : I’ve read about some cases involving gay defendants where the majority of the jury believed that “gay was a choice” and that “being gay was a sin”. Can you imagine your life in these people’s hands? Frightening.
@ Baba Booey Fafa Fooey : Yup. The same attitude towards a black man accused of raping a white women in pre civil rights Alabama my guess.
I’ve been in one of those juries. Even today you better believe jury homophobia is still a thing.
@ Baba Booey Fafa Fooey : There is no disregarding how heinous the crime was. This is 33 years Dozer won’t be able to do this to another minor. Again, if this was your raped and now possibly HIV-infected (for life) child, I highly doubt you’d be claiming Dozer’s punishment is unjust. Pedophiles and rapists absolutely should rot in jail — gay or straight.
This kid wasn’t in danger! It was in poor taste to not use a condom but being HIV positive and non detectable you cannot pass it on! Do some research before making such claims! Being HIV positive I’m fairly certain I know more about the illness than you do? I’ve spent hours upon hours with my physician going over every scenario! People need to stop stigmatizing this illness or nobody will get treated! That my friends is when the real problems will begin! People not on treatment having say 3 encounters per week without knowing and passing it! They intern have 3 encounters per week! Do you see where this is going quickly? Do you?
@ Stache : Seems like a good reason not to rape women and children, no? lol
@ Masc Pride : I’m the last to defend guys like this. However, it was consensual and no one got hurt. Yet he’s getting a sentence that’s worse then murder.
No one here is saying what he did was right and that he doesn’t deserve punishment. Make noo mistake. This is a special punishment for gay men.
I’m with you 100 percent! I’m wondering if any legal groups would step in to help him? He’s not innocent of all crime but certainly the sentences were far too harsh! He didn’t deserve more time than given for murder! My Aunt was murdered and raped stapled 32 times! Killer got 8 years in Wisconsin! If he had been gay and it was a man he probably would’ve gotten 50 years? Why not even it out and make. Otha like 20 years
I’m not certain why the kid was on the adult apps, (I wasnt that advanced at 14 years old), but the kid got a crash course on the dark side of gay life.
@ Stache : “Look at someone like Mary Kay Letourneau.”
To this day I can’t figure out what she saw in that ugly little ba-tard to make her leave her husband and kids. I mean get real. As in pull out the magnifying glass and tweezers, if you get my drift.
As for this guy and that kid I take the fifth, your honor. I see BOTH as being guilty here and do not believe many of these kids and their “traumatic” memories are every thing else but that. I didn’t know about the boyfriend committing suicide. Do you have the link to the “scoop”, as in details about what actually transpired from the front door kick down and on? Thanks.
@ Stache : “Look at someone like Mary Kay Letourneau.”
To this day I can’t figure out what she saw in that ugly little ba-tard to make her leave her husband and kids. I mean get real. As in pull out the magnifying glass and tweezers, if you get my drift.
@ Bob LaBlah : The Sword .com did a better story on it IMO but queerty won’t allow me to post their link.
Yeah, you had to go there. Lol I guess she just likes em young and maybe she got tired of her white husband. If I’m going to be doing time for someone they better be hot and hung as hell.
@ Stache : This was a 14 year old kid, not a consenting adult. How do you know that no one was hurt? These guys didn’t care about the rights of the individuals they violated, yet if they’re treated unfairly we’re supposed to care about their rights as criminals? I’m sorry but that’s the exact mentality that’s leading to a country where predators have more rights than their victims. Like I said, for criminals that obviously don’t care anything about anyone else, fear of unjust punishment is a great reason to not violate others (though it shouldn’t be the only reason).
@ Masc Pride : Post pubescent teenagers are not “children”, except to the christian right and others who see the world through a specific unrealistic lens. And statutory rape is not the same (necessarily) as violent sexual assault, as the statutes themselves recognize.
Certainly a reasonable adult should not have sex with a legal minor less than half their age, and does not withhold HIV status from someone likely to be ignorant of its importance. This is not, however, pedophilia either in a legal or psychological sense, and there is a long history of liaisons with this kind of age disparity throughout history (especially involving marriages between men and very young women…not always forced as we’d all like to believe). Teenagers are as likely to be the sexual aggressors in situations like this, and it is not always the younger one who is the victim. When I was in around 30 I had sex with a 15 year old who had used fake ID to get into the baths in Manhattan. Given his height and body hair he easily passed for 20 and only told me the truth afterwards (and he was clearly VERY experienced as a top). Scared the shit out of me as he could have used his age to blackmail both me and the facility we were at.
Let’s leave the emotional and uninformed responses to the heterosexuals who demonstrate all the time that they are much more upset by their young men being “turned gay” than by their young women being abused (look at the shorter sentence given to that Subway guy who was into actual children, but only girls). Sex with those much younger is most often a lapse of judgement, not the act of a “predator”. Had Dozer been 20-21 (probably his intellectual age) the sex would not necessarily have been considered statutory rape in many states. The predatory act is the callous withholding of HIV status, and the failure to protect a partner likely to be naive where HIV is concerned.
@ Masc Pride : Please learn what the legal and psychological definition of a pedophile is. You are using the Christian Right definition, not the real one. And also learn the difference between Rape (in the sense of sexual assault) and Statutory Rape (what Dozeer was actually charged with, and which is quite often involves understood consent on the part of both parties).
@ dwes09 : How about we leave the defending of pedophiles to pedophiles? 14 year-olds are children in the eyes of the law and reasonable adults. Every kid’s body has its own schedule. Late bloomers aren’t uncommon at all. There are pre-pubescent 14 year-olds. Defending pedophiles in the name of gay rights also seems kinda homophobic.
@ dwes09 : I’m just using the English language definition. Pretty sure a guy that rapes 14 year-old boys and has child porn on his computer counts as a pedo to more than just the Christian right.
@ Masc Pride : “This was a 14 year old kid, not a consenting adult.”
Statutory rape laws recognize that the consent of a pubescent/post-pubescent individual can be real consent, and are not the same as laws dealing with rape as a violent sexual assault. Judges have a great deal of leeway in statutory rape situations, and as has been pointed out to you, exercise leniency generally where heterosexual activity is involved.
“leading to a country where predators have more rights than their victims”
AH! Perhaps you ARE a member of the Christian Right. You will have to provide actual proof that predators have more rights than their victims. And not being treated as if they are in jail in Somalia or Saudi Arabia does not count. The Bill of Rights still applies to those incarcerated, for better or worse.
@ Masc Pride : He was not charged with rape. That is simply a misuse of the term by Queerty. All the articles refer to the charges as statutory rape, (once again) a very different charge with very different implications. And that charge indicates the law HAS recognized the level of physical maturity of the 14 year old involved.
There is no “English language” definition of what is entirely a legal and psychiatric/psychological term; there is only popular misuse. You are doing exactly the same thing as those members of the Christian right who insist on using the lay meaning of “theory” even after being informed that a scientific theory is an entirely different thing. Perhaps the website you should be going to is World Net Daily or Breitbart, rather than Queerty. I am not defending Dozers, simply pointing out the dangers of basing response on emotions and misunderstandings rather than facts. He should go to jail, and the 14 year old should be punished as well for defrauding (the only way he could have gotten on a sex site) and soliciting as a minor. It is obvious he is not entirely a victim.
@ dwes09 : False. There is definitely an English language definition of the word. You can whine about the Christian right and believe I’m a part of it all you want, won’t change the fact that this animal is off the streets for a long time. Since Dozer has TONS of time on his hands now, you should write him to let him know just how much support the gay community has for an HIV+ pedo that likes to bareback 14 year-old boys and view kiddie porn. Heartwarming.
@ Masc Pride : “Defending pedophiles in the name of gay rights also seems kinda homophobic.”
Once again, he was not charged with pedophilia, he was charged with statutory rape…the implication being that the teenager was post-pubescent. And I did not see in the article that he was CHARGED with possession of child pornography. Considering the lengthy sentences that come with that conviction, if it was actually child porn I expect he would have been charged with that as well.
And how EXACTLY is pointing out the documented disparity in sentencing between those involved in sex with young women or young men “defending pedophiles in the name of gay rights”? Especially when there is nobody in the legal or law enforcement or psychological fields calling this guy a pedophile (for like the third time, statutory rape is NOT pedophilia). Personally I think those who are actually convicted of pedophilia should be chemically castrated, but there is no indication of pedophilia at all in the legal proceedings here as reported.
Facts always matter more than feelings or imagination. Always.
I think it’s weird that this guy would get so much more time than somebody who stalked a stranger, beat raped and robed them.
Why do the court systems think that apparently brutalizing and raping an adult should get somebody 2-5 years, and then this crime gets 33. Seems like a large disconnect.
And don’t get me started on the Philly gay bashers two of whom got probation and the woman only did a few months in jail because she wouldn’t take the plea.
That’s scandalous. He should have robbed a bank, killing the guard. He’d have gotten less time and might have gotten away with it. Some 14 year olds know what they want. Not saying you should but 33 years for a non violent act? One day, sentences like this will be studied and used as examples of how barbaric and ignorant we still are.
OK. Here is my take on it. Dozer is getting what he deserves. BUT I do think some of the other crimes mentioned should have greater sentences attached to them. I think murderers should get just as much time as Dozer is getting. The guy who killed Islan Nettles only got 12 years. 12 years compared to Dozer’s 25 to 33 years. The boyfriend of Jessica Dutro who helped her kill her FOUR year old son because they believed he was gay…guess what? He got only 12 years. She got life, he needs to get life too. Pedro Jones who punched a 17 month old toddler to death that he thought acted “too feminine”, got 16 years compared to Dozer’s 25 to 33. So yes, Dozer is getting EXACTLY what he deserves as far as I am concerned….but many murderers are NOT. That needs to be changed.
@ dwes09 : “False. There is definitely an English language definition of the word.”
Here’s the definition:
“Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.” You may have a definition you use, but according to the actual definition of the word, it does not apply in this case, and he was not charged with that crime. Other than his possible passing of HIV to the 14 year old, pedophilia is a far worse crime than what he committed in terms of physical and possibly emotional damage.
My objections to opinion based on emotion rather than fact extends to both those on the right and those on the left (like the gentleman who assumes any distaste for effeminacy stems from issues with one’s father).
@ dwes09 : Apparently he was charged for child porn as well. Dozer’s real name is Christopher Steele:
“In October 2014, a federal jury convicted Steele of charges of using an interstate commerce facility to entice a minor to engage in sexual conduct, interstate travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor and receipt of child pornography.”
Edit: Apparently he was charged AND convicted for child porn as well.
@ Masc Pride : Whoever was his lawyer should hold their head in shame though.
@ Stache : An HIV+ 33 y.o. barebacks a 14 y.o. and had child porn in his possession, yet it’s his lawyer that you feel should be ashamed here? Explains so much about previous posts.
@ dwes09 : All of your posts seem to be so right and on target.
A 14 year old who’s on a gay sex web site is really NOT pre-pubescent. At about the same age, 50 years ago, I cruised restrooms with glory holes and got really turned on,but I never did anything, even at 15 when my family went to Yosemite. Now, when adolescents mature earlier and they can cruise gay hook-up sites on line, our legal system still seems to be stuck in “The Scarlet Letter” age. Most Western Eurpean countries have changed the legal age of consent to 14 or 15, and in the US,. Straight males have been marrying (often their cousins) girls even younger. Just look at the Mormons. So I guess Dozer made a bad decision after meeting the guy he assumed was a twink male of legal age.
As for the HIV issue, Dozer has ALLWAYS been a bottom, at least in every porn scene I’ve seen. If he was on meds and his HIV was undetectable, all the hoopla and extra years, are just NOT a factor. According to all the latest studies, transmitting HIV when you are undetectable is impossible.
Still, you have to ask whether the extra years are logical or a result of homophobia in the judicial system. I tend to think it’s the latter.
@ Masc Pride : Well, that’s a whole other thing and certainly should contribute to the length of his sentence!
@ jimontp : Since it appears he was also tried and convicted for child porn, I have to temper my feelings about the sentencing. Child pornography often victimizes children horribly, and to have it in one’s possession is to be complicit in the damage it does.
no way defending this guys behaviour, but what was this 14 yo doing on this site ?
@ dwes09 : In the same way that the term paedophile gets hopelessly misused in the USA to label 18-year-olds having sex with a 17-year-olds, it’ll also depend on what was being classified as child porn.
Reading the follow up article on Dozer, the teen eventually tested negative and from what I understand, the porn found on Dozer phone were pics that the same teen sent to him. It should b noted that the teen filmed his school mates un
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