Migraine and Headache Relief - Boulder

Migraine and Headache Relief - Boulder

Lindsey Rimes

Many individuals will experience at least one headache and/or migraine at some point in their life. Both of these ailments involve pain in the head, but they are distinct conditions with different characteristics and underlying causes. For those seeking headache and migraine relief, a growing number of individuals are turning to alternative treatments like upper cervical chiropractic care. One of the main struggles when seeking care is not knowing where to go or who to turn to. At Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder, which has been referred to as a migraine relief clinic by others, we are here for you to turn to. Our team of skilled Boulder chiropractors are dedicated to the health and wellness for all those we cross paths with.

Difference between headaches and migraines

While headaches and migraines are often used interchangeably, they are not the same. It is important to understand their differences because then it helps paitents identify their symptoms accurately and find appropriate relief. 

In short, here are a few distinct differences between the two: 


- Headaches are a broad term encompassing various types, including tension headaches, sinus headaches, and cluster headaches.

- The pain in headaches is typically dull and constant, affecting both sides of the head.

- Common triggers for headaches include stress, fatigue, eye strain, and dehydration.


- A specific type of headache disorder that is most often characterized by recurrent, severe, headaches. 

- The presentation is generally described as being a throbbing pain on one side of the head that is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.

- Migraine attacks can last from a few hours to several days and significantly impact daily activities.

-There is not an exact cause that is known to cause migraines, but genetics and environmental factors are believed to be a cause.

Headache and Migraine Relief

While there are various options for headache and migraine relief through traditional medicine, many individuals seek an alternative approach to relief. Upper cervical chiropractic care is a drug-free and non-invasive option that has shown great promise in managing headache and migraine symptoms. 

Upper cervical chiropractic puts focus on the relationship between the uppermost vertebrae (bone) in the spine, known as the atlas, and the nervous system. Misalignment of the atlas can lead to interference of the nerve signals in the body which has the potential of triggering headaches and migraines. By utilizing gentle adjustments to realign the atlas, these Boulder chiropractors aim to restore proper nervous system function and alleviate headache and migraines symptoms.

Benefits of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care:

1. Drug-Free Relief

2. Addressing Root Causes: Rather than simply masking symptoms, chiropractors focus on correcting underlying issues, potentially offering long-term relief. Rather than ridding the body of symptoms as they occur, chiropractors want to also prevent future episodes from occuring.

3. Individualized Treatment: Chiropractors assess each patient's unique condition and tailor their approach to suit their specific needs.

Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder: Your Trusted Migraine Relief Clinic

For those seeking migraine relief in Boulder, Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder is a trusted option. Led by experienced Boulder chiropractors specializing in upper cervical care, the clinic is dedicated to providing patients with personalized and comprehensive treatment plans to suit their needs.

The chiropractors at Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder understand that migraines can be debilitating and negatively impact quality of life. Through precise adjustments, they aim to restore spinal alignment, alleviate nerve pressure, and improve nervous system function. The ultimate goal is to help patients live healthier and happier lives without pain.

We can help you!

Reach out to Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder at 303-442-5911 to receive a consultation to discuss how we can help you! Our team of Boulder chiropractors are here to help you begin your journey to a less painful, happier life.

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