Middle Age Cunt

Middle Age Cunt


a middle-aged spread — ≅ животик (появляющийся с годами); отсутствие талии (у пожилых людей) 

middle-aged man — человек среднего возраста  
middle-aged forest stand — средневозрастное лесонасаждение  
middle-aged woman — женщина средних лет, женщина бальзаковского возраста  
middle-aged ewe — овца в возрасте от двух до пяти лет  
middle-aged market — рынок лиц среднего возраста; рынок среднего возраста  
middle aged — средних лет; пожилой  
middle-aged — средневозрастный; средних лет; пожилой лет  

The patient was in late middle age. 
Пациент был пожилой, но ещё не старый. 
He feared the approach of middle age. 
Он боялся наступления среднего возраста. 
a middle-aged man with a florid complexion 
мужчина средних лет с румяным лицом 
as our generation approaches middle age 
поскольку наше поколение приближается к зрелому возрасту 
middle-aged people bulging at the waist 
люди среднего возраста, раздавшиеся (располневшие) в талии 
She exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread. 
Она занималась спортом, чтобы избежать появляющегося с возрастом животика. 
Living with Henry had made her feel middle-aged. 
Жизнь с Генри заставила её почувствовать себя немолодой. 
middle-aged men drooling over a starlet half their age 
немолодые мужики, исходящие слюной от старлетки вдвое младше себя 
The play is a bedroom farce about a middle-aged couple. 
Эта пьеса является постельным фарсом о зрелой паре. 
a middle-aged woman who has retained the starch of youth 
женщина средних лет, сохранившая энергию молодости 
the strong association between the disease and middle-aged women 
крепкая связь между данным заболеванием и женщинами среднего возраста 
A middle-aged woman had a lucky escape when a tree crashed down onto her car. 
Женщина средних лет чудом спаслась, когда на её машину упало дерево. 
From an easygoing young girl, she had metamorphosed into a neurotic middle-aged woman. 
Из добродушной, весёлой девушки она превратилась в невротичку средних лет. 
the film ends with the middle-aged romancers respectably married  
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WooordHunt — ваш помощник в мире английского языка

It’s a hard one to answer because some people seem old at 35 and are falling behind on tech etc but on average I would say 35 is still quite young because a 35 year old today could expect to live to 90+ (with the likely improvements in rejuvenative medicine I think it will be significantly more) so he or she is only just over a third or the way through. Having said that we start to physically decline at around 30 but then again there are people at 75 who are still very functional (see pics at the end) so I guess much depends on the person but most people are fairly shot by 50 if they don't loo
It’s a hard one to answer because some people seem old at 35 and are falling behind on tech etc but on average I would say 35 is still quite young because a 35 year old today could expect to live to 90+ (with the likely improvements in rejuvenative medicine I think it will be significantly more) so he or she is only just over a third or the way through. Having said that we start to physically decline at around 30 but then again there are people at 75 who are still very functional (see pics at the end) so I guess much depends on the person but most people are fairly shot by 50 if they don't look after themselves so I feel it’s reasonable to say 45+ is middle age.
Interestingly researchers at Simon Frasier University in Canada found that a persons cognitive performance peaks at age 24. The researchers studied game replays from the video game "StarCraft II," tracking the players across different age groups. They found that the players of 24 and older experienced greater delays than the younger players when reacting to the game, also they noticed that the deficiency got worse the greater the age of the player. Another study put the age of cognitive decline beginning as 27 so I guess mid 20s be viewed as the age when one is cognitively over the hill. Regardless I see middle age as 40/55.
Personally perhaps I should get myself put down as I am mid 50s so getting well up there! I still seem fine and think fast on my feet but experience counts for a lot and is very compensatory. Also my girlfriend of 15 years standing is 20 years younger than me so that kind of keeps me up to speed and on the ball.
Interestingly the guy below figured its never too late to get in shape!!!!
And See Ernestine Shepherd below getting toward 80. It would all be too much for me to undertake even now and I am pretty health conscious but the proof is you can be old at a young age or young at an advanced age because Ernestine does not look like an old lady yet what else can she be at nearly 80??
I am 43 years old. Am I still a young person? What does middle age really mean anyways? How do I overcome the fact the concept of middle age? I would think that midlife would start at around 46-50.
How old are you when you are considered "middle aged"?
When does youth end? 25, 30, 35, 40 years old?
How old is considered middle age in today's society?
Also known as medieval times, it was the period of time between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance–most historians classify it as beginning around 400 A.D., but its end dates are far more debated.
For instance, the Renaissance probably began in the 1300s in Florence, Italy, any beginnings it might have had in the first half of that century were severely interrupted by the massive outbreak of the Black Plague around the late 1340s, which killed one third of the population in Europe at the time, and was probably a major catalyst for the Renaissance.
Also known as medieval times, it was the period of time between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance–most historians classify it as beginning around 400 A.D., but its end dates are far more debated.
For instance, the Renaissance probably began in the 1300s in Florence, Italy, any beginnings it might have had in the first half of that century were severely interrupted by the massive outbreak of the Black Plague around the late 1340s, which killed one third of the population in Europe at the time, and was probably a major catalyst for the Renaissance.
But the Hundred Years War between England and France began in 1337 and ended in 1453, and the War of the Roses (1455) ended in 1485, and while both led to new revolutionary military technical advances throughout Europe, I generally consider those events to be more classically medieval than Renaissance-era.
Likewise, the prosperity of the Renaissance didn’t even reach Spain until the reign of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, beginning with Isabella’s ascension to the throne in 1474 at the very earliest, and likely taking hold only several years later.
I’m sure there will be historians disagreeing with me (I am by no means an expert) but I generally consider the Italian Renaissance to have begun in Italy around 1400, (the Northern Renaissance slightly later, prolonging the medieval period) and to have reached its height as early as 1492–the year when Christopher Columbus reached America, when Ferdinand and Isabella expelled the Jews from Spain with the Alhambra Decree, when Henry Tudor of England and Charles VIII negotiated the Peace of Etaples (and Elizabeth Woodville died), and when Rodrigo Borgia was elected Pope Alexander VI–but no later than 1517, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to a church door. And I would say the it ended around the 1560s-1590s, primarily with the first wars of religion: The French Huguenot Wars, which began in 1562. The Protestant Reformation and the reign of (Protestant) Elizabeth I of England (ascended 1558) also contributed to the demise of tje Renaissance.
This places the middle ages from about 400 A.D. to 1400s in Italy, and the end of the 15th century in the rest of Europe.
Originally Answered: What age is Middle age?
At 72, able to look back on a lot of the received beliefs we all hold about life, beliefs that, with a little bit of conscious observation, are revealed to be myths and cultural artifacts with little or no basis, few things stand out to me as being so utterly mythical as the term “middle-aged” does.
“Middle-aged” is such an arbitrary term, even more arbitrary than “old.” For one thing, almost any age between 18 and 60 is so different from one individual to another, one culture to another, one degree of educational attainment to another, or one kind of worker to another, that it's impossible to
At 72, able to look back on a lot of the received beliefs we all hold about life, beliefs that, with a little bit of conscious observation, are revealed to be myths and cultural artifacts with little or no basis, few things stand out to me as being so utterly mythical as the term “middle-aged” does.
“Middle-aged” is such an arbitrary term, even more arbitrary than “old.” For one thing, almost any age between 18 and 60 is so different from one individual to another, one culture to another, one degree of educational attainment to another, or one kind of worker to another, that it's impossible to generalize at what point they would call themselves “middle-aged.” But you can bet that it's considerably later than younger people begin to call them that. As far as I'm concerned, it's an utterly useless and meaningless term.
Back when I thought it meant something, it justified my experiencing a “mid-life crisis” which in turn justified my buying a foolish sports car. Over a stretch of 20 years, from my late 30s to my late 50s, I had a total of 3 mid-life crises. And 3 sports cars. Stupid, stupid, stupid. That my wonderful wife indulged this idiocy on my part is testimony to her innate good sense that I would grow out of it. Even the last one, bless her wise soul.
Free yourself of these terms as applied to you or to others, and see if life doesn't become easier. See if you ever experience an urgent need to use these broad categories. They are baggage from another era. No need to carry that baggage any more.
I’m 25 now, so I have a while to go before I reach middle age, but I’d consider the technical definition of middle age after a person passes their thirties. After all, most people in their thirties will find it easy to move around without any pain, and most woman can usually still have kids in their thirties. I’d say middle age starts between the forties and fifties because that’s usually when people have fully settled down, that’s when most people are done having kids, and that’s when bodily aches and pains due to moving around too much become more common. Most people live up to somewhere bet
I’m 25 now, so I have a while to go before I reach middle age, but I’d consider the technical definition of middle age after a person passes their thirties. After all, most people in their thirties will find it easy to move around without any pain, and most woman can usually still have kids in their thirties. I’d say middle age starts between the forties and fifties because that’s usually when people have fully settled down, that’s when most people are done having kids, and that’s when bodily aches and pains due to moving around too much become more common. Most people live up to somewhere between their 80s-90s, so that makes the ages between a person’s 40s-50s the technical definition of being middle aged.
If age 35 is considered middle age, then what is a person who is age 50 considered?
What is considered middle age for a woman?
How do 29 year olds see 19 year olds?
I'm turning 40 in 8 days. Is it young or middle aged?
At what age does the middle age start? Is it 30, 35, 40, or 50?
Middle age in the proper sense of the term meaning halfway through your life, I would say is between 35 and 43. My reasons for this is that double 35 is 70, which in my opinion is the first year of old age and therefore the youngest age you can die at without dying young. 43 is the last year of middle age because the longest average lifespan for a certain group of people is 86 for Japanese women. So middle age is actually only about 8 years long. I am aware of course that some people die before reaching 70 and some live longer than 86, but this is in general accurate in my opinion. I have also
Middle age in the proper sense of the term meaning halfway through your life, I would say is between 35 and 43. My reasons for this is that double 35 is 70, which in my opinion is the first year of old age and therefore the youngest age you can die at without dying young. 43 is the last year of middle age because the longest average lifespan for a certain group of people is 86 for Japanese women. So middle age is actually only about 8 years long. I am aware of course that some people die before reaching 70 and some live longer than 86, but this is in general accurate in my opinion. I have also noticed that a lot of people use middle age as sort of an umbrella term for any age between young adulthood (18–34) and old age (70+) when this is inaccurate. There should be a name for people who are aged between 44–69, as this is in my opinion neither young adulthood, middle age or old age.
I don’t know when I realized I was middle-aged, but I know when I realized I looked middle-aged. I had a very nice and respectful young man from Sudan in an ESL class a few years ago. I don’t remember how it came up, but he made a remark in class one day that was something like, “And you, you look like you are around fifty years old.”
It wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t been told for years and years how much younger I looked than my age!
Ah well, these things happen. I didn’t hold it against him. But notice how I haven’t forgotten it either!
If life is a journey then when you reach to the half a way and you needs some rest , that in between halt is middle age. when you look back and remember some beautiful scenario on the way.you appreciate yourself for crossing the hurdles that make your way difficult. You take long breath and consumes the energy to move further enthusiastically. Which is one end and another start of your journey is middle age.
Middle age is not a particular age period. More than it, it is physical and mental status that someone is considered middle aged. When someone is not dreamer like young. But realistic like
If life is a journey then when you reach to the half a way and you needs some rest , that in between halt is middle age. when you look back and remember some beautiful scenario on the way.you appreciate yourself for crossing the hurdles that make your way difficult. You take long breath and consumes the energy to move further enthusiastically. Which is one end and another start of your journey is middle age.
Middle age is not a particular age period. More than it, it is physical and mental status that someone is considered middle aged. When someone is not dreamer like young. But realistic like philosopher. The life has still challenges for him/her . But Now they are trained.and they can accept it easily. They don't want to look young now. But don't want to feel themselves old. So sometimes they need hair die and anti aging cream.
Most beautiful thing of this age is that it is age of success and steadiness for most of successful people.
Around 40–60. I tend to not associate middle aged by age but by lifestyle. One person can appear middle aged in their 30s whereas another person could appear young in their 40s. And people age at different rates too. A 28 year old could look middle aged whereas a 40 year old could look young. Additionally, everyone has their own timeline for when they adult and mature. So I think young, middle aged and old are not definite for everyone. I personally believe people begin enter middle age and old age at their own age. It’s also mental attitude too. Some people never acknowledge how old they are
Around 40–60. I tend to not associate middle aged by age but by lifestyle. One person can appear middle aged in their 30s whereas another person could appear young in their 40s. And people age at different rates too. A 28 year old could look middle aged whereas a 40 year old could look young. Additionally, everyone has their own timeline for when they adult and mature. So I think young, middle aged and old are not definite for everyone. I personally believe people begin enter middle age and old age at their own age. It’s also mental attitude too. Some people never acknowledge how old they are and go their whole lives perceiving themselves as young.
Originally Answered: What is middle ages?
First learn that, the Roman empire had been struggling for so long against numerous barbaric tribes from the north who were encroaching on Roman territory, while simultaneously at war with the Persian empire . These tribes included the; Huns, Goths, Visigoths, Vandals, Alans, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Burgundians and the Alamanni.
This put so much strain on the empire that the Western Roman Empire allowed some tribes to settle onto its territory, figuring that, they'd help the Romans to fight off other tribes, and also offer manpower for the war with the Persians. The most notable ones wer
First learn that, the Roman empire had been struggling for so long against numerous barbaric tribes from the north who were encroaching on Roman territory, while simultaneously at war with the Persian empire . These tribes included the; Huns, Goths, Visigoths, Vandals, Alans, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Burgundians and the Alamanni.
This put so much strain on the empire that the Western Roman Empire allowed some tribes to settle onto its territory, figuring that, they'd help the Romans to fight off other tribes, and also offer manpower for the war with the Persians. The most notable ones were the Goths, who were fleeing from the invading Huns, around 376 AD, and thus immigrated into Roman territory in large numbers following this agreement, but who later sacked Rome around 410 AD.
The Goths finally mutinied, and elected a Gothic commander Odoacer, as their king. Odoacer, immediately deposed of the Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustus, and proclaimed himself as king of Italy. At that point, the Western Roman Empire fell, around 476 AD.
It is here, that the middle ages begin. Henceforth, the barbaric tribes overrun Europe. The urban population drastically declined, because of looting, and all sorts of chaos. Aqueducts, and magnificent buildings, built by the Romans, became derelict and were subsequently quarried, for building material. There was no written history, nor advance in sciences or arts. There was a huge loss of knowledge. High levels of illiteracy, superstition, tribal feuding and land grabbing, prevailed. This period without enlightment, is the reason, why it was also refered to as, the dark age. The only, little form of education, which remained was owed to the church, which was funded by its followers, the huge land titles it owned, and the subsequent conversions, it got from the tribes, due to its teachings and promises of peace. This, and other factors, helped to end the middle age by 1450 AD.
What exactly is middle age? Is it when you hit 40 or 50 or 60? According to one study, the average person believes youth ends at 35 and old age begins at 58. Therefore, the years in between — all 23 of them — constitute middle age.
Some say its 45. But it doesnt really matter. 40, 45. Its not going to be any different. Its not like people are just going to have a spurt of motivation just because you move it up 5 yrs.
united states military is weak trash. China dominates them.
What exactly is middle age? Is it when you hit 40 or 50 or 60? According to one study, the average person believes youth ends at 35 and old age begins at 58. Therefore, the years in between — all 23 of them — constitute middle age.
Some say its 45. But it doesnt really mat
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