Microsorum Pteropus Petite

Microsorum Pteropus Petite


Интернет-магазин Аквариумных растений c доставкой по России
Род: Microsorum (Микросорум)
Происхождение: селекционная форма
Размер: до 20см
Размещение: для озеленения декораций
Освещение: среднее — низкое
Температура: 22 — 28°С
Темп роста: медленный
pH: 5-8
Жесткость воды: от очень мягкой до жесткой
Содержание CO2: от 0 до 10 мг/л
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с доставкой по России

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Like the ′Needle Leaf ′ variety, the Java fern variety ′Petite′ has narrow leaves but stays considerably shorter and more compact. The leaf blades are also sometimes slightly bent and have slightly wavy edges. Thanks to its small size this variety is also ideally suited to small aquaria. The variety ‚Petite‘ has been produced using targeted selection especially small plants are picked out and propagated by means of meristem culture in the plant laboratory. Like all Java ferns, this variety also grows best when attached to wood and stone.
Show us a picture of your Microsorum pteropus 'Petite' by posting it on Instagram with #MicrosorumDennerle and get reposted if you are lucky!
daughter plants from leaves and roots
Slow growing stem for the foreground
Robust fern plant for the background
Narrow-leaved rosette plant for the background
Delicate stem plant for the background

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Microsorum Pteropus Petite

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