Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer

Jack Prabha

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) is a middle-level certification that authenticates an individual’s capacity to develop innovative solutions across various technologies. The certification is offered in the following specialization:

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Server Infrastructure

Desktop Infrastructure

Private Cloud

Enterprise Devices and Apps

Data Platform

Business Intelligence




The process of getting the certification largely depends on the preferred concentration of the enrollee. The exam is a 5-step process and it integrates different question formats such as drag-and-drop, simulation problems, and multiple-choice questions. Irrespective of the specialization, the cost of the examination is $150. Over the past twelve months, there have been over 4,700 entry level jobs posted with this credential being part of the criteria for application. Most common title of jobs that are opened to people with the Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) certification includes:

System Engineer

System Administrator

Field Systems Technician

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