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Commentary and Gossip About Michigan Escort Boards

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Hailey Wells, a local escort with crooked, nicotine stained teeth, bleached hair, and the overall appearance of a southeastern Ohio Hillbilly, (see the excellent book Hillbilly Elegy for an explanation) has taken to begging for donations to supplement her hooker income. As new home owner, it seems that she’s shameless in soliciting money from her Twitter followers.
Grifting like this seems to diminish Hailey’s “high end companion,” branding. If Hailey Wells is a $1000 per appointment, “high end companion,” why is she asking for small donations on social media? I guess any money is good money if you don’t have to work for it. And, I suppose there are enough fawning suckers out there who will tap “send” on their Venmo app to curry favor with this average looking hooker.
If the $1000 appointment isn’t working for her, instead of grifting her Twitter followers maybe she should drop down to the lower level appointment style. MiCompanions.com, the low end hobbyist message board that’s been recently resurrected , has plenty of $200 an hour opportunities with experienced hobbyists who will keep Hailey really busy with 15 minute appointments.
I wonder how Hailey’s mentor, Lena Czura, feels about a member of her “high end” cohort diminishing the brand?
Newly elected Washtenaw County Prosecutor Eli Savit issued a policy statement that effectively decriminalizes the exchange of sex for money between two consenting adults.
Does this mean Washtenaw County is the new destination for sex tourists from the Detroit Metropolitan area? It seems likely that anyone who’s even remotely close to Ann Arbor will go out of their way to set up appointments there.
This is a boon for local hotel occupancy. And, what about all of the vacant office and shopping center space? Why not lease a store front or office for cheap rent and set up a “relaxation station?” I can see the office directory listing now—Evans, Czura, and Belmont, LLC.
MiCompanions, the former lowbrow hobbyist message board that was taken down a few years ago, is back. For the uninitiated, take a look a some of my previous posts, many are tagged micompanions, on this board to see what that board was all about.
TLDR; MiCompanions is owned and administered by several individuals who have proven on many different occasions that they are untrustworthy and hostile towards escorts and anyone whom they perceive to threaten their “empire.”
Even though I started this blog to highlight the unethical, dangerous, and many times really hilarious behavior of these board owners and administrators, I’m not going to go out of my way to write about them this time for a couple of reasons.
First, they’re taking a small risk opening the board back up and they don’t seem to be making money doing it. Sure, they may shill for donations if it becomes successful, but the FBI isn’t finished taking on trafficking and these message boards are low hanging fruit.
Sesta/Fosta makes it prima facia illegal to operate a message board where prostitutes advertise their services and so an FBI take down along with the attendant questioning of board members isn’t out of the question. If you want to find out what happens when you’re arrested by the FBI for operating an escort board legally, read this.
But, in the end, it’s a good thing for local hobbyists to have a place to exchange information and these guys, such as they are, are stepping up. So, I don’t have any interest in interfering with them as long as they’re not being dishonest and pulling a bunch of shenanigans. Of course, I won’t know unless someone tells me since I have don’t trust them enough to join their board even under an assumed name.
Second, my sense is that these escort message boards have run their course. There are other options that are far better in today’s world. The halcyion years for whore boards ended with the demise of Scorps Guide and Escort Vault. Younger, non career hookers found other options to find johns leaving these boards to the lower end of the escort business.
Sure prices are cheaper, but the quality of the providers is average to below average. And, the hobbyists who use these boards don’t care. They’re more concerned with saving money than they are with getting the most attractive sex partner. All of this means that I’ve personally got no interest in spending my time trolling that board for material to write about. Even during a pandemic, there other, more productive things to do.
Finally, the names I’ve heard so far have one foot in the grave. Too much stress, like being mocked on a blog that nobody reads, could kill them. So, unless something major happens that needs exposing, I’ll mostly ignore MiCompanions.
As always, if you decide to join and find out you’re being bullied or you or your personal information is compromised, let me know and I will write about it here. And, if you decide to join, take the following precautions and don’t compromise on any one of them:
1. Use ToR or a paid for VPN service that does not log ip addresses. Search the privacy.io web site to find something like this. You’re doing this to hide your IP address from the people who run the board, and to encrypt your web traffic so that you ISP doesn’t have a log of your traffic.
2. Use a hardened Firefox browser when you access the site. A hardened Firefox browser is one where you customize your privacy setting so that your computer doesn’t give out information that can be used to find your real identity. It’s easy to set this up. Google the phrase “hardened Firefox browser” and you should find directions on how to do this. It’s a 5 minute process and it will make it impossible for people with the level of tech savvy that the MiCompanions folks have to trace anything about you.
3. Use a throw-away, end to end encrypted email address to sign up for the board. Do not use gmail or outlook or any other common provide that tracks your usage. I’d recommend TutaNota or ProtonMail. Both have free accounts and you only have to use it once. Do not use the address you sign up with for any other account.
On their last attempt at running a board, Mica and his crew were not logging IP addresses that I could determine. But, better safe than sorry. The fact that the site is hosted in Iceland makes no difference. Everyone using it is subject to US law and the everything posted on the site can be scraped by LE.
So, don’t take any chances. The minimum recommendations above aren’t perfect, but they’re good enough for this purpose.
The only interest that I have in the new MiCompanions is exposing them if they abuse their Admin privileges (and of course in any idiotic shenanigans like the Shviz post I made several years ago – click on the Shvitz tag below if you want some funny reading). So, if anyone wants to report back, my email is on the About page here at MiComplainers. Good luck.
Five hundred bucks an hour with a three hour minimum. Seems like a high price to pay for middle aged hooker who’s past her prime. But, that’s the going rate for, what one guy who emailed me called “the Westwood Cartel.”
While it’s not really much of a cartel, middle aged hookers, Parker Westwood, Lena Czura, Miranda Evans, and a few others are all using the same pricing structure, boudoir photographer, and pithy branding to tell a fictional story and make themselves look more interesting than they are.
This branding is all the rage with the over 35 cohort of aging hookers who’ve turned to Twitter to attract business. Rather than give up on the business, they’ve rebranded from middle aged matron to “high end” escort by paying a photographer to shoot from just the right angle and then do a ton of editing the change their appearance from below average middle aged matron to something more glamorous.
Of course, like most things related to the escort business, what you see is not necessarily what you get. Their branding is terrific. But, buyer beware. Take a look at the following email that I received recently.
The Lena Czura Experience The less appealing the Michigan options get, the more I’m stunned at how these middle aged matrons can capitalize on the geriatric men with no taste and too much money The current cartel madam is Parker Westwood. She is tacitly in charge of the Lena, Miranda Evans, Belle Bellmonte, Hailey Wells group. Ive met all these women except for Hailey and Parker. I can confidently say Miranda is the best lay and the most attractive of these women. Miranda is an extremely sexy woman despite whats been said here. She is however an awful person. Her arrogance, insecurity, and rudeness comes across within seconds of speaking with her. Belle was attractive but somewhat stupid and just vanilla in every way. Her pictures depict a Playboy model-esque woman but in truth she comes across as a cute 18 year old who dresses like a high schooler. Lets get to Lena. First of all her pics are heavily photoshopped. She is attractive in a basic way but in real life, she is slightly chubby and soft. Her moon polish peasant face has the tell tale signs of alcoholic bloat. She also is 100% a lesbian. She used to have a muscular black girlfriend/pimp that looked like a roided out tranny sitting outside of her hotel rooms. If its possible, she is less likeable and more arrogant than Miranda. They all work out of the same rental except for Miranda who books her own rooms mostly. Attached is a photo which shows what Lena looks like unedited.
He sent an unedited photo of Lena Czura and it depicted about what I expected. A little overweight, but not corpulent, very average looking middle aged woman. All of what’s been written, expect the writer’s opinion of Miranda Evans’s appearance, is pretty much what I would expect. So, have fun, but go in with lowered expectations.
Who is this? This photograph along with the name of a business was blindly emailed to me from an anonymous email address. Can anyone identify who it is? Feel free to email me if you don’t want to post here.
Several people have either emailed me or posted in the comments that the website-Seeking Arrangements-is better than any internet source they’ve used for finding commercial sex. I briefly browsed the site when it first came on line several years ago, but I had privacy issues with and I left it alone. So, I don’t know much about it.
With no active message boards and the online advertising sites mostly scams with providers who are interested in extracting as much money as possible for the least amount of effort, a lot of people are seeking a better source. I’m not sure that Seeking Arrangements is that source and I’ll explain why. But, I’d welcome comments from people who are sold on the site and use it successfully.
My biggest issue with Seeking Arrangements is privacy. Even if you use a pseudonym to sign up, an encrypted email account from ProtonMail, Tutanota, or C. Templar, and log in every time from a hardened Firebox browser using a VPN that doesn’t log IP addresses, you still have to provide a payment source (I’ve been told that the free version of SA isn’t worthwhile) and that source can expose your real information.
I don’t know if they take single use, prepaid debit cards for payment and I suppose that would work. But, the fact that Seeking Arrangements requires some link to your real identity is a tough thing to get around. Plus, when I logged on to check for cookies and trackers, they had 17 different tracking cookies. ProTip: don’t use a browser that you have ever used to connect to Facebook. This tracking makes it a non starter for anyone who values their privacy unless you consistently take a ton of precautions.
With that out of the way, what about finding pay as you go hookers on SA? I’ve heard that the connections you can make there are more authentic, provide much more value for the money, and are a lot more fun than a traditional by-the-hour hooker.
Sounds great right? But there’s a trade off. Actually finding a pay by the session provider on SA takes a lot of back and forth and screening. You can’t just log on and say meet me at the local Marriott tomorrow at 10. I keep hearing things like extended “dates,” dinner, social events, and all kinds of time consuming non sex activities. All of this makes it more likely that you’ll slip and expose your true identity or run in to someone from your real life and expose yourself to them.
So, if you’re concerned about privacy or you simply want to find a woman to have sex with whom you won’t have to be with for an entire evening, it doesn’t sound like SA is for you. And, if you do want all of the social interaction and don’t care about privacy, why not just use a hook up site like Tinder?
I’ll be interested to hear from anyone who’s used Seeking Arrangements successfully and likes it. What are the pros and cons and what can first timers do to make Seeking Arrangements work for them?
Since the beginning of the Pandemic, I’ve received three separate emails from people alleging that some providers are offering sex without a condom as a regular menu item. Is business that bad out there?
One guy wrote me to tell me that he didn’t even want bareback sex but was tricked into it when a certain provider slid it in before he had a chance to do anything about it.
I’d like more than anything to name names, but I haven’t been able to verify any of this. However, where there’s smoke, there’s fire and three separate emails from different people lend some credibility to the bareback allegations.
Personally, I don’t really care if two contenting adults want to have commercial sex without protection. But, it seems hypocritical for escorts to moan on message boards about how terrible it is that the johns want to go in raw, but when business is bad, offer up no condom sex to anyone who asks.
I’ve seen escorts who are starting to work again. Natalie Chase, now Salone posted a Michigan tour. Miranda Evans , who amusingly states her age as 30 on her website (she’s 35), has continued to post availability and fly to select “gentleman” in other markets. And the lovely /s Lena Czura, a large, middle aged red head with a Polish peasant’s body is posting available times for all of those suckers who want to pay big money, only to be disappointed that Lena looks nothing like her pictures in person. Finally, our fan fav Jess is out of jail and consistently posting availability. These are only a few of the old stalwarts of the Southeastern Michigan message board culture. And, there are others.
Visiting hookers has always been a risky proposition. You could get robbed, arrested, or contract an STD. So, maybe the risk of Covid-19 isn’t the worst thing that could happen. Are hobbyists venturing out again? Did they ever stop?
Hotels in city centers are operating at 30 to 40 percent occupancy and business travel has pretty much stopped. So, who’s seeing these traveling hookers? And, how are they making enough money to justify the travel?
Who is paying $500 for this ? Sure Hailey Wells is OK for an average hooker, and kudos to her for showing her face. But $500? Are things really that bad out there?
Miranda Evans and her cohort of middle aged, average looking providers are all asking for big money in exchange for sex, And, while I realize that all johns are distasteful and asking for $500 and more is kind of like hazard pay. It seems excessive given the average looking appearance of these old ladies.
What’s pushing prices up? One theory is that the Sesta/Fosta legislation has eli
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