Michelin of Bat and Rat at Paris

Michelin of Bat and Rat at Paris


(26 Mar) Jon Solomon, who is a left-leaning, a “Han-Scholar”, French and working in Shanghai, pointed out that a Doctor in Hong Kong, Mr. Yuen Kwok-Yung (Dr. Yuen), committed the offence of colonial racism.  He then asked for the Principal of Hong Kong University, a Mainlander, to dismiss Dr. Yuen.

In 1986, Queen of England and Prince Philip visited Mainland China, they met a British girl from Edinburgh who was studying in Mainland.  Prince Philip joked: “Be aware of turning slit-eyed if you stayed in China too long!”

This “Han-Scholar” is a fine example of a "slit-eyed" victim. The “Inferiority of The Chinese” referred by Dr. Yuen, both Lu Xun and Albert Einstein, who had closely observed Chinese via interviews, stated the same. Lu Xun's fictional works can be widely purchased and borrowed in Hong Kong, respectively at Chinese-operated bookstores and Hong Kong Public Libraries.  While no university in Western dares to stop a “colonial racism”, Jewish Theory of relativity.

Has Jon Solomon read Lu Xun's works? Or is his “Han studies" still at the kindergarten stage?  If eating rats and bats were nothing wrong, the Chinese in Paris should respond to the left politicians by opening a specialty store at Avenue des Champs-Elysees and offering grilled rat and bat soup.  Also, that “Han-Scholar” should invite President Emmanuel Macron to join the opening ceremony for the celebration of Paris being a culturally-diverse city.  I shall lead the rest and sponsor the first 50k euros for such an event.

Hong Kong complied with the rule set up by the British Emperor, who destroyed the Old Summer Palace, stopped the Chinese from killing cats and dogs for food.  Such abhorrent examples of colonial racism have not yet been abolished by the British Remnant: Carrie Lam.  For the Chinese in Hong Kong who claim themselves to be patriots, please warmly remind your comrades on the Chinese internet: Brutal displays of eating cats, dogs and wild animals are criminal offences, set-up by a colonial racist, these rules are still enforced in Hong Kong. Therefore, not a single Hongkonger, not even our chief executive is a full-blooded Chinese.

Eating cats, dogs and pangolins are a brutal habit. But someone said:" Some aboriginals in the south pacific islands also eat bats? Why does everyone only point at the Chinese?"

Lu Xun has already torn down such ridiculous whataboutismsfrom the Chinese years ago. In a supermarket, there are two thieves who did not know each other, the first one ran far after stealing, the other one was caught by the Manager at the scene. He shouted: He stole it too, why did you only catch me?  Does the Manager laugh?  I did see the thief at the front.  However, I was gay and I thought he was handsome and you were ugly.  Right? I have a prejudice, just against you.  So what?

Lu Xun and Einstein, two famous Philosophers from East and West, were both colonial racists.  If humans stuck to the civilization of colonial racism, pandemics would not happen today.

If the whites of the west could develop their career in their local countries, they would not go to China. In the current situation, many Chinese would like to strengthen their power by utilizing a “White” face.  Jeremy Lin, an American-born Chinese, would be killed if the Whites did not express their stances. This is colonial racism in 21 Century.  Any “White trash” who has to develop his career in Mainland, don’t pretend to be an idiot, like how to get rid of the naked Shanghai girl on the bed, the process is clear.

Source: Apple Daily News


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