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Pornstar Micah Andrews who looks cool in any porn movies. It can overpower any size of a penis, in any of its holes. Micah Andrews always enjoys sex with a partner, all for real.


/ March 5, 2013 March 5, 2013 /

62 thoughts on “Exclusive: Gay-For-Pay Twink Porn Star Micah Andrews Arrested For Assault After Stabbing Homeless Man “10-15 Times””


Gay-for-pay porn star Micah Andrews has appeared in over 100 gay porn scenes with a variety of gay porn studios, including Men, Next Door Studios , Colt, Kink, Extra Big Dicks, Raging Stallion, Dominic Ford, and more. Now, he’s set to appear in a Denver courthouse on charges of assault with a deadly weapon after violently stabbing a homeless man nearly a dozen times.
While he awaits his court date, Micah Andrews is able to have Skype calls with his sister from inside jail (as seen above on the left, not on the right LOL), and it’s actually his sister who first brought Micah’s story to the public.
Here’s Micah Andrews’ sister, “Amanda,” in what has to be the most amazing Facebook post of all time . Can she be thrown in jail also for crimes against grammar?
Attention I would love everyone to help me get this story out, I would love to try to get the news involved. Ok so here’s the story my older brother is in Denver county jail and here’s the reason why. My brother was in his apartment with some girl and a random homeless guy broke in, he was trying to buy drugs, my brother tried kicking him out and this homeless guy started punching him and would not leave btw this guy was super cracked out so anyways this guy started breaking all of my brothers belongings, plasma tv, speakers, tables, etc… At this point my brother is still trying to get him out they kept fighting but then the homeless guy pulled out a huge 20 pound chain with a dead lock on it and tried to kill my brother so he panicked and stabbed this guy about 10-15 times. This guy was so high on drugs he still didn’t go down, at this point my brother knew the cops were coming and left because he was scared (you would too) even after my brother stabbed him he went around to every tenants door and tried to kick it down he broke the balcony door upstairs and etc… I called my mom she came and got him, when the cops showed up the girl who was at my brothers said she invited the guy in and he went all crazy blah blah blah fake story…so the cops had no idea about my brother being there at all. The next day my brother came home everything was covered in blood so my brother , that girl, some friends, and I cleaned up the apartment and for three days everything was ok. The fourth day that girl who lied and made up that story to the cops ratted my brother out because he didn’t want to be with her. The cops showed up and Dustin just confessed to everything, they arrested him right away. A week goes by and no one not even my brother knows what’s going on, the swat team busted down my brothers door and tore his place upside down looking for evidence so now at this point everything is damaged. Two more weeks go by and he is still in jail with no info about what’s going on. I called the jail and they told me about his first court date which they never informed my brother about which they are suppose to and when he went they made his bond 50,000 and they were trying to charge him with assault with a deadly weapon. My grandpa looked up the guy my brother stabbed and he has a criminal record from here to the moon he is a really bad guy. This entire time my brother has been is jail he has asked everyday if he can talk to an attorney/public defender and they wouldn’t let him that’s illegal everyone has right to one, I also read that they can only keep him in there for 90 hours while his place was under investigation but they can’t hold him any longer until proven guilty and he has been in there for a month now also illegal!!! My brothers court date was today and when I went my mom talked to a public defender and told him everything, when the public defender talked to the judge he asked to reduce the bond and asked to let him go because he was not guilty for what he did. He was defending his life in his house ( make my day law ) the judge looked like he was going to let him go but they he turned to “the people” and they brought up juvenile records from like 7 years ago and not only that said that that girl said my brother was trying to rob the homeless guy, they said that girl told the investigator he was stabbing him and the guy tried to escape but my brother kept stabbing him TOTAL LIE why in the world would they believe the girl who lied in the first place?!?!they denied the bond reduction and wouldnt let him go.So Dustin is still in custody with no information about his next court date for something he is not guilty for. The guy he stabbed got out of jail over a week ago and so did the girl who lied to the cops but the one who shouldn’t be there is. What they are doing is super illegal and I can’t sit here and watch my innocent brother go down for this so my goal is to get everyone to share this event invite all their friends and to it and make it as public as I can ,I want it spread so much that the news get involved I’m going to get Denver county jail in trouble for this shit they are pulling, I’m going to do what it takes to get him out so please everyone help my brother get out he would never harm anyone and he has a 1 year old baby girl waiting for him and I need my brother around he is my world. Im not gonna let the whole bullshit court system get away with this so please share this story,Thank you.
Micah/Dustin follows a long line of gay-for-pay porn stars with violent arrests, most recently Ryan Idol , who was convicted of attempted murder after hitting his female partner over the head with a toilet tank lid.
And Sister Amanda’s rant aside, the arrest record and charges for Micah/Dustin are fairly straightforward:
Micah Andrews’ first court date is March 11th.
On the bright side, if he is convicted and sent to prison, at least he’ll be well prepared…
straight? lol not as long as you’re taking dick up the ass like a bitch
Wasn’t he on Haze Him with Jacob Marteny? Lol omg why do so many gay and G4P actors keep killing and attempting to?? Its scary shocking!
He got out of jail on 03/16/13 still not sure if he bailed or was released and the charges dropped. He accepted my Facebook friend request but his timeline is vague when it comes to his case. He does have a baby daughter though. He got a girlfriend pregnant it seems.
Yes, I would like to know what his Facebook is as well.
He’s out of jail. I am not sure if he bailed out or was released but he is out.
Any updates? The sister has apparently taken her facebook info down.
Hope he’s innocent… I wish him luck…
If people could be jailed for crimes against grammar, there would be no more internet comments sections.
He’s not “gay4pay” he shooted a bareback sex scene with his boyfriend.
Maybe it’s barebacking with Jake Cruise that caused the split with reality. The last few guys that did BB with Jake quickly exited the porn industry.
Sure there are no gay men in this word… Everyone is 99% straight totally straight and 1% homosexual freaks.
Seriously, these guys happen to be fucked up both sexually and socially, and actually most girls are lez. Just look what “boys” they like – ugly transgendered creatures, which look more like girls than a man.
Something a lot of gay guys don’t really get: most models/actors ARE NOT GAY and are often so desperate to get money to fuel their addictions, pay child support, or remain ‘at-large’ because they’re wanted for a felony somewhere and have disappeared into L.A.; therefore they can’t leave a paper trail by getting a real job!
This is why ‘the industry’ is full of these guys because other than selling drugs there’s nothing they can do. It just floors me when I listen to gay guys who actually think these guys in are gay and ‘just curious’ about gay sex (think in terms of the ‘girls’ used in lezbo porn – uh…not real lesbians my friends). These are desperate people who are doing whatever they can for a quick $1000. Now that gay porn is going more mainstream, it’s getting easier to catch these fugitives. Notice how many have been picked up for murder or arson or felony robberies, etc…not as innocent as they look, and the see gay men as the easiest victims because when we see someone who looks like they do, it’s so easy to manipulate us.
I wonder if they have gat copos watching all that porn looking for wanted felons?
He looks adorable on tha jail house phone.
I wonder if any other Daddy Mugs alumni have gone postal other than Luka Magnotta and Micah Andrews? Perhaps they should be offered counselling after they finish the scene.
I didn’t make the connection that both the “Canadian Cannibal” Luka Rocco Magnotta and Micah “My Sister Has an Extra Chromosome” Andrews both did scenes for Daddy Mugs.
I wonder if the Daddy Mugs experience is so disturbing that it causes the gay porn equivalent of PTSD which, in the cases of Luka & Dustin/Micah can lead to a complete psychotic break. LOL
I didn’t know that Luka was with Daddy Mugs.
didn’t Micah Andrews take his porn name because of his then boyfriend (something Andrews – also a porn name)?
Hey he’s gay for pay; he’s a straight fella; apparently has a kid (still unclear if it is a pet goat or human child)… I read all that on the Internet so it must be true.
While this is not necessarily a nature vs. nurture discussion, but if I had to fuck women on a daily basis for money, I would definitely go postal.
Another guy with fucked-up sexuality fucking up his life!
There’s an article on another blog about another gay-for-payer (and CF alum) who was arrested 11 times over the course of six years. These gay-for-pay guys are textbook sociopaths! Breaking the law repeatedly, substance abuse problems, total disregard for the safety of self and others, angry, arrogant, and violent, incapable of learning from past experience, constant lying/dissembling, etc.
That would be Jeff and it’s right here.
oh please. i am not claiming to know ANYTHING about this case or what happened but it seems like total bullshit. maybe he and his girlfriend were setting up this homeless man to rob him and everything went awry…..or what his sister said is true…EITHER WAY this is what happens when you enter the world of drugs and drug dealing. drugs lead to desperation and desperation leads to any and every bad situation that follows. stabbing someone 10-15 times is a crime of passion and anger. and if this guy WAS so cracked out that he wouldn’t go down then that means Dustin was dealing with crack in some way, dealing or using. I know crazier things have happened but I can’t see a crack crazed bum trying to murder someone over marijuana.
There are a few things that Dustin’s sister fails to mention in her Facebook “event” post:
– On March 27, 2012 Dustin was arrested for “Drug Offenses”
– A warrant for Dustin’s arrest was issued on April 27, 2012 due to “Failure to Appear” to his Court date
– On February 12, 2013 when Dustin was arrested for “ASSAULT 1-SBI W/ DEADLY WEAPON” the active arrest warrant from 2012 was noted in the system.
– At his first appearance on February 13, 2013 the 2012 Drug Charges were discussed and Dustin entered the following plea to those charges:
Dustin was sentenced to time served (the time being the one day in custody for the Assault with a deadly weapon charge)
While I am not suggesting that marijuana possession makes Dustin a career criminal; I think it is important to note that the “Failure to Appear” likely weighed heavily on the Judge’s decision in setting the bail amount.
I would love to get a copy of the police report from the charges he is currently facing as it will tell the story from the perspective of the victim, the girl and Dustin.
Apparently, he also has a juvenile record. Those are usually sealed, so you won’t get any details there. Maybe there’s a history of violence?
I don’t know if he has a history of violence; Colorado’s Court System’s online records search charges a fee for older stuff but more recent records can be accessed for free.
I can tell you that Dustin’s sister is either confused, ignorant or delusional; in the Facebook post Zach shared Dustin’s sister writes:
“I also read that they can only keep him in there for 90 hours while his place was under investigation but they can’t hold him any longer until proven guilty and he has been in there for a month now also illegal!!!”
Dustin was arrested on 12 February 2013.
Today is 6 March 2013.
Unless there is a new counting system that I’m not familiar with then today would be day 23 of incarceration; he has NOT been in jail for a month.
Dustin’s sister is either unaware of the warrant for Dustin’s arrest from his failure to appear in Court regarding his 2012 drug charges or she conveniently left that tidbit out of her Facebook post because that fact doesn’t help her “Donna Martin Graduate”-like outrage against the West Beverly School Board, I mean Denver Downtown Detention Center to spur the release of her brother.
If you have an active warrant for your arrest due to failure to appear in Court for another charge and you
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