Mgm logo

Mgm logo

Mgm logo

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Logo Lord, kidinbed, Shadeed A. MGM Home Entertainment was founded in as 'MGM Home Video' for the purpose of releasing its film and television libraries on home video, but nothing ever materialized from this company. On a black background, the words 'MGM' and 'CBS' in the white, upper-cased, Helvetica font fly in from the top and bottom of the screen, with green lines on the top and bottom of each letter respectively. The slash appearing, and the zooming effects, which are just simple computer animation. Pretty good for its time, though. The cheesy-sounding fanfare could be sudden, as could the simplistic animation. On the black background, a metallic forward slash mark drops down. Then a slash draws in-between them as we see a static picture of Leo inside the circle ribbon with the drama mask zooming out. Pretty much the entire formation of the logo, the shine. While the original logo was pretty decent, the Laserdisc variant is very cheesy because you can clearly see the black where 'HOME VIDEO' was, even made more evident by the fact it was a freeze-frame of the logo. Also seen on the early Hemdale releases. This logo was kept on reprints even past , including printings of Pink Floyd: The Wall and Diamonds Are Forever , due to those printings still using tape masters from and , respectively. Minimal to low; depends on how you feel about the fanfare. The following changing colors are: This logo is rather primitive. Third, if you look closely at the left part of the 2nd and 7th text scrolls, the text on both scrolls disappears. In , MGM fixed this, making the transition from green to gray much better. However, one question remains: However, starting later in , it was only used at the end of tapes. Minimal when at the beginning of tapes. A Laserdisc rip of the logo used on other DVDs have this glitch cropped off. The zooming ribbon and pan outs. A big improvement over the previous logo, and holds up well today. However, Leo turning gold looks really cheesy. Besides this, this is a favorite of many. Just your average golden ribbon and Leo the Lion. Strangely, the lion is not in its correct still image. The lion roar. Metro Goldwyn Mayer Home Entertainment. Then the lion zooms out and disappears with a bright flash of light, and 'MGM DVD' centers on the screen as the red oval fades out. A filmed variant exists on some releases such as Support Your Local Gunfighter. The lion roars once. A whoosh, a different lion roar, six cello notes as the letters come in, a growl, and an orchestral hit at the end. Synth chimes can be heard as the logo fades out. Mom , The Crocodile Hunter: This is also seen on the James Bond 50th anniversary boxset. High, bordering on nightmare for first-time viewers, as this logo is extremely loud and comes out all of a sudden. But low for those who are used to it. On a black background, a flash of light emerges from the screen and circles showing clips from MGM-owned movies in order: After that, the logo quickly zooms into us, turning the screen black. Games Movies TV Wikis. Retrieved from ' http: Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. Remove the custom ad blocker rule s and the page will load as expected.

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