Mfc Nami_

Mfc Nami_


Mfc Nami_
How to consistently land better waves?
Trash Talk #28 - Trapped in the Closet
Unpopular Champions Discussion Thread!
Comment deleted by user 7 years ago
In general holding your skills until you know you can hit them is the best strategy. Give yourself that extra half second to aim and suss out possible escape routes your opponent has. Also as lactosefree said, wait for the over commit, I like to hold my wave until right before my whole team gets wipped and then land the sick 5 man full range wave.
You are right to ask help here FYI, you should be hitting over 90% of your waves, missing that much means some fundamental misuse of the skill.
The guy that called in at 1:05:40 is making no sense whatsoever. He first tries to draw a comparison between sports and esports, by claiming that LoL doesn't suck, because Curling exists which.. like - I literally don't understand his argument point.
First of all, if there are people willing to compete and there are organisation that are willing to fund it, then you've got yourself competitive activity, aka; a sport. It doesn't matter how dull, how simplistic or idiotic it is. If it sells, it sells. I mean, Dance Dance Revolution has tournaments for fuck sake.
Secondly, at the core, esports is nothing more than competitive games. League of Legends, is nothing more than a game which is meant to be played for entertainment. But the same doesn't apply to sports. Sports at its core, is a wide range of activities with predetermined set of rules and assets. It is not owned by anyone, it is its own activity. The NBA doesn't own basketball, the NFL doesn't own Football. These activities, can have different rules with the similar concepts and be played in different locations without lawyers getting involved or whatever. Sports is like a deck of playing cards and with those cards, you can play multiple games, where as esports is more like poker.
So when you make these comparisons between the two and claim that "LoL can't suck because X" then you're completely dismissing the fact that LoL is first and foremost, is a video game, made by a company, who decide how the game is played. The game does not change based on professional feedback nor is it catered to professional players. Its not like if I have an issue with the 3 point line in basketball, during a pick-up game and complained like "oh man, I wish it was closer!" The next day the NBA would decide to move the line forward because some casual basketball player, couldn't land his shots. Whilst shit like that, can happen in esports and frequently does.
Also, I know he didn't say anything along the lines of "sports doesn't change, therefore esports shouldn't either" but that's generally the idea I get when I hear discussions like this, that are generally too focused on comparing esports and sports. So first things first, sports changes all the time. Anyone whos ever watched F1 for a whole year, would know that shit changes a lot and quite frequently. As for more athletic sports, the basketball is another great example. There are different rules and designs in how basketball is played, when you compare basketball being played in America and in Europe. Everything from the backboard, to the guidelines on the floor, can and have been different the past. I mean as a sport alone, that shit has change a lot over just the last 100 years. We went from no one ever jumping whilst shooting, to different techniques whilst shooting a freethrow , to adding 3 point lines, to introducing new rules such as goaltending etc. I mean, these are all huge changes, which changed the way basketball has been played for generations and are all, for the better. I mean, players got so good at squaring people out and doing hook shots that rules had to be introduced to make the sport more entertaining. What does F1 do when shit get stale? Change it up, make it harder, make the rules more fair etc. All these things can be applied to games like LoL but since it's an esport, and apparently esports and sports are the same, therefore it shouldn't change. Nah, that's not how it works.
"As far as Governing Bodies go, esport isn't that bad. Even Riot isn't that bad. They do communicate with the public, even though they're kind of cult-ish and terrible, its better than a lot of governing bodies"
Once again, an argument point made by comparing other sports to esports. It just simply does not work. It does not matter how shit Fifa, Fiba, NBA, NFL etc. all are, Esports have a great opportunity to start off on the right foot because it's new and untouched. Riot can set an example of how other esport games could control their titles but they're not. It's such a suppressive way of thinking. Just because there's a greater evil, doesn't somehow justify your actions. Thats like saying, we as a society can't do any better, because countries like South Korea exist, where people are being tortured, have no freedom, are brainwashed etc. That's not a factor. We aren't associated with them, we should try to be the best we can and stop twisting the argument around, to make ourselves look better, because there are far worse countries in comparison. It doesn't work like that. Governing bodies like Riot, can and should do better in almost every respect, because they should set a standard, not do what brings them in more money or whatever.
I think he was trying to say that it doesn't matter if LoL sucks or not, or whether it has bad management, that is not the reason why this person was really making the off my chest post even though he gave that as some reasons. It was how the competitive structure was set up that was really tilting the guy who made that post. That if he had more fulfilling competition he would not care about some of the things he complained about, there are a lot of kinda shitty stagnant games and sports that have mentally healthy competitors because winning feels so good, and only a tiny handful of people in LoL ever get to have that feeling.
As for your last paragraph, I don't think that guy was a Riot apologist, he disagreed with how Riot are handling player toxicity and also argued for sandbox mode(I wish he would not have triggered Richerd about that again). And in the introduction to his segment basically blamed Riot for the decline in the mental health of it's players. Again, I think he was trying to get to the real reason why the player was disgruntled.
Given he is the drug guy he might also have been high as balls, we have to account for that.
I'm someone who has always been an advocate for Zyra mid, ever since release, and I took personal offense when people began playing her as support.
I began playing her a lot more again in Black Market Brawlers, actually, due to her ability to punish and push, which that game-mode rewarded heavily. My biggest issues with her is that her early-game is fairly weak, and her root does feel a little clunky, but for good reason. If I land a snare with 2 seeds stored post-6, someone's probably dead.
Zyra is the Vayne of supports, I play her when I am on tilt and want to 1v5 the other team, building full AP and 21/0/9. Also "fuck you I am taking ignite" I say to my teammates, as they try to reason with me about the need for exhaust with the katarina on the other team.
If I don't do more damage than my mid laner I Babyrage really hard, but this basically never happens.
Also she is my secret weapon for winning Riot RP tournaments.
Exactly, playing her like a healbot is an insult to her.
God Nami's who just heal during team fights make me want to die, it is so easy to land multiple person bubbles when people are scraping that there is no excuse to miss them. Fucking Nymph last year would do this the most, he would throw out the bubbles before a fight at champs when they were out of range and then the melee champs would come in and fuck his carries, JUST HOLD THE FUCKING BUBBLE AND YOU CAN REKT THEM!
I do miss watching Mata play Nami though.
maybe now she'll be seen in competitive
Dude look what happened last time she was in competitive a few months ago, she got her movement speed nerfed, and the mana cost on her W raised. I am happy she is ignored right now.
Also people need to stop trying to get riot to fix Zyra, I need her to win RP tournaments with.
The Nami chromas are so pretty! Originally I thought I was going to boycott chromas... But... They're just so simple yet so nice.
They are all I have ever wanted. There hasn't been any Nami skins that I actually liked or that I thought really fit her, I mean koi and urf the nami-tee were okay but this is perfect.
Should I even watch this? I get ragey when I see people play Nami poorly.

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