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Mfc Girls Snapchat
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Online, offline, email, or postal. If you know of or encounter a scam, this is the place to let people know about it. If you have any questions, you can post here and have your question answered by people who are knowledgeable about all types of scams. If you have fallen for a scam, you can post your experience here to warn others.
Hello, this person added me pretending like we matched on Tinder a while back. Her pics and vids were real time and even had one with her holding a piece of paper with my account name written on it for evidence so I know this person was really interacting with me in real time and not just some sweaty Indian guy in a scam office somewhere. BUT, the website she sent as a link to purchase her premium Snapchat seems sketchy and I was curious if anyone else has come across this, . I used a burner card because it was only 10 bucks and tried it out and it sent me to a dating site that I now have an account for and I’m not sure what to make of it. Also the burner card declined $12 and $40 charges a few minutes later. Thoughts? Prior knowledge? Literally any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi! Thanks for sharing! I checked it with a detection tool ( Trend Micro Check ) and it says it's a scam . ( ). Hope this helps!
Sounds a lot like this, from the Master Post of common scams:
You will encounter a "cam girl" on a dating/messaging/social media/whatever site/app, and the scammer will ask you to go to their site and sign up with your credit card. They may offer a free show, or ask you to vote for them, or any number of other fake stories.
You will encounter a "pornstar" on a dating/messaging/social media/whatever site/app, and the scammer will ask you to create an adult film with her/him, but first you need to do something. The story here is usually something to do with verifying your age, or you needing to take an STD test that involves sending money to a site operated by the scammer.
I’ve had those kinds of scammers before but it wasn’t like that this time. It was very real for the first little bit but the website to purchase the premium was what seemed sketchy so I used a burner card with a one time use and figured $10 ain’t shit to lose if I do and it signed me up for a dating site and didn’t get any add from a premium account. She also said something about her phone not letting her read my messages which was total crap, not possible especially on Snapchat.
Haha I’ve got Ellie hitting me up, great tits. Would love it to be real, lifetime membership gets you two meet ups and I’d love to fuck the shit out of her
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Wow! This video sounds to me like he got contacted by the same exact “pitch”, with the username picture and all…. (for those who don’t trust tiktok I found the whole podcast that tiktok clip is from ).
I wonder if this is like an actual shady company behind all of this? Or what is the deal? Because I’ve been reading and seeing reports of tons of these “girls” adding people on Snapchat/fakebook then using word for word the exact same pitch. Some are legit just pushing for links to OF and apparently there are agencies.
She’s still at it. Ellie X is the name now. Glad I read this thread.
Elle x is in my snap chat too but little do they know the porn star they’re stealing videos and stuff from is actually Allie Nicole lol just do a reverse image search 😂
Hey! I got Ellie too. Did she send you nudes too?
Yeah this same girl just sent me tons of messages asking for the same thing, even sent a video w my username lol. Scams are evolving imo
I just had the same exact thing happen to me. An account named with the name "Claire" added me on Snapchat, said that she found my username on Tinder. I went through the same process as above. I was sent pictures and videos that seemed oddly real time and a video in which she held up a piece of paper with my username too. At the end of it all I was also sent the same link that you were. Seems pretty sketchy. I came to the internet for answers, and found this thread. Turns out though the girl that they used in the snaps is someone named Heidi Grey.
bro thats exactly what happened to me. The paper thing and all. The same process. Im like that is too good to be true .
How did she get your Snapchat? Was it on tinder or do you not have tinder?
The exact same thing happened to me in every little detail down to her Snapchat not working same girl to people are starting to scam on Snapchat using live videos they aren’t really live and idk how they are doing it
The paper with your name is just typed on to the photo. My name has double letters and they were EXACTLY the same. This whole process just happened to me too, I assume they're scams and just let them send me shit till it's obvious I won't fall for it lol
Had the same experience down to a T as everyone else in here.
The part that really gets me, and arguably the only reason I put any time and effort into researching this and not just brushing it off as a scam straight away is the oddly real-time snap with my username. Where she sent a video and held up a piece of paper with it on it.
Reverse image search also didn't lead to much other than 2 results. The first of which easily could have been overlooked as it was one photo of many, of your standard blonde haired, tattooed women. Not only that, but it wasn't the first result, as well as not be linked to the actual person, Heidi Grey And the second result being this reddit post.
At this point, I'm, just super curious as to how the video with the paper works / was fabricated. As there's no possible way that it's the actual person in the video.
It’s the same picture for everyone and I got it again from another account. They photoshop the name and date onto the picture on the pice of paper looking like hand writing
One question i bought this scam for 9,99€ with my normal kredit card and now i know it‘s a scam. It is a one time paybill or will they take more money i‘m a little bit scared now fuck those scammers. It would be great if somebody could help. And if yes what can i do against it

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