Mfc Convention

Mfc Convention


Mfc Convention

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This note describes the ID naming and numbering conventions that MFC 2.0 uses for resources, commands, strings, controls, and child windows.
The MFC ID naming and numbering conventions are intended to meet the following requirements:
Provide a consistent ID-naming standard used across the MFC library and MFC applications that are supported by the Visual C++ resource editor. This makes it easier for the programmer to interpret the type and origin of a resource from its ID.
Emphasize the strong 1-to-1 relationship between certain types of IDs.
Conform to already widely used standards for naming IDs in Windows.
Partition the ID-numbering space. ID numbers can be assigned by the programmer, MFC, Windows, and Visual C++-edited resources. Appropriate partitioning will help avoid duplication of ID numbers.
Several types of IDs can occur in an application. The MFC ID-naming convention defines different prefixes for different resource types.
MFC uses the prefix "IDR_" to indicate a resource ID that applies to multiple resource types. For example, for a given frame window, MFC uses the same "IDR_" prefix to indicate a menu, accelerator, string and icon resource. The following table shows the various prefixes and their usage:
Within a DIALOG resource, MFC follows these conventions:
The "IDC_" prefix is also used for cursors. This naming conflict is not usually a problem because a typical application will have few cursors and many dialog controls.
Within a menu resource, MFC follows these conventions:
Commands that follow the MFC command architecture must have an ON_COMMAND command handler and can have an ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handler. If these command handlers follow the MFC command architecture, they will function correctly whether they are bound to a menu command, a toolbar button, or a dialog bar button. The same "ID_" prefix is also used for a menu prompt string that is displayed on the program's message bar. Most of the menu items in your application should follow the MFC command conventions. All of the standard command IDs (for example, ID_FILE_NEW) follow this convention.
MFC also uses "IDP_" as a specialized form of strings (instead of "IDS_"). Strings with the "IDP_" prefix are prompts, that is, strings used in message boxes. "IDP_" strings can contain "%1" and "%2" as placeholders of strings determined by the program. "IDP_" strings usually have help topics associated with them, and "IDS_" strings do not. "IDP_" strings are always localized, and "IDS_" strings might not be localized.
The MFC library also uses the "IDW_" prefix as a specialized form of control IDs (instead of "IDC_"). These IDs are assigned to child windows such as views and splitters by the framework classes. MFC implementation IDs are prefixed with "AFX_".
The following table lists the valid ranges for the IDs of the specific types. Some of the limits are technical implementation limits, and others are conventions that are designed to prevent your IDs from colliding with Windows predefined IDs or MFC default implementations.
We strongly recommend that you define all IDs inside the recommended ranges. The lower limit of these ranges is 1 because 0 is not used. We recommend that you use the common convention and use 100 or 101 as the first ID.
By convention, the ID value of 0 is not used.
Windows implementation limitations restrict true resource IDs to be less than or equal to 0x7FFF.
MFC's internal framework reserves these ranges:
0x7000 through 0x7FFF (see afxres.h)
0xE000 through 0xEFFF (see afxres.h)
16000 through 18000 (see afxribbonres.h)
These ranges may change in future MFC implementations.
Several Windows system commands use the range of 0xF000 through 0xFFFF.
Control IDs of 1 through 7 are reserved for standard controls such as IDOK and IDCANCEL.
The range of 0x8000 through 0xFFFF for strings is reserved for menu prompts for commands.
For multiple resource types (primarily used for menus, accelerators, and ribbons).
For dialog template resources (for example, IDD_DIALOG1).
For menu items that do not use the MFC command architecture.
For menu commands that use the MFC command architecture.

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March 25 – 27, 2022 | Ann Arbor Marriott Ypsilanti at Eagle Crest | Ypsilanti, MI

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Is It Motor City Furry Con Yet?

Motor City Furry Convention is Michigan's 18+ anthropomorphic appreciation convention, for furries and furry fans alike. Come register at either Sponsor or Super Sponsor level and let our expert lounge staff show you why people come to party with us year after year. We have great panels, board games, video games, events, and so much more. This con is a labor of love and we aim to share that with all our guests. So come experience all the fun!
Dealers Den applications for Motor City Furry Convention 2023 are now open, now through August 5th!
See the Dealers Den application page for more information, and some tips on what we'll be looking for:
As a reminder, in case the website is still showing the old dates (as it is right at this moment) our 2023 dates will be:
(Please bear with us as our web team works to get next year's theme in place! And if you're looking for other 2023 information, we'll have panel submission, registration, and other stuff up pretty soon.)
Dealers Den table applications close around end of day August 5th, 2022 . Good luck!
Today we want to thank the vast majority of our attendees for making MCFC the amazing con it is. We appreciate your donations to our charity and we are overjoyed by the fun you have when here. This makes all the hard work over the year (5 months in this case) totally worth it.
However, we unfortunately have to address several issues that were brought to our attention by the hotel after the convention. We are lucky to have a good hotel team that is still willing to work with us and these problems are not irreparable, but these issues do need to be addressed. We have chosen to break these down and ask everyone who has attended to read through them. MCFC is your con as much as it is ours and some of these issues, whether you were part of the problem or not, will require all of us to fix.
The first part of this statement is a rather unpleasant topic. We were informed that in the late night hours the public bathrooms were left in varying states of unsanitary conditions by our attendees. The hotel noted that some guest rooms had sanitation issues as well. The hotel went as far as to describe the conditions as a “biohazard.” While it is the hotel’s responsibility to take care of the restrooms and clean the hotel rooms, this responsibility extends to “normal use” and the conditions present significantly exceeded that threshold.
MCFC is well known for providing a party atmosphere and we understand that there is a desire to go a bit harder partying seeing your friends once more. Getting a little drunk and partying has never been something we wanted to limit but this year there were reports of excessive cases of vomit left unreported and found by hotel staff in the public bathrooms. Several hotel rooms were also left in a poor state. Going forward, we ask that our attendees be more respectful of the hotel. Please watch your alcohol consumption. Take your time and manage yourselves and your friends, if necessary, so everyone can have a good time. We do know that the inevitable will happen on occasion, but the frequency with which it occurred this year was not acceptable. In the future, please try your best to clean up after yourselves, to the best of your ability, or offer assistance to the hotel staff, especially in your own rooms. That said, we intend to increase the frequency of safety sweeps, adjust some things in the Sponsors Lounge, and ask the hotel to keep track of any rooms that tend to be problematic and will act accordingly if needed. You may also be subject to additional cleaning fees for your room.
We received reports of multiple occurrences of feces on public restroom walls and private room bathrooms in a manner that is inconsistent with illness or accidents. Some guest rooms had feces left on beds or in sheets. This behavior is unacceptable and we have encouraged the hotel to assess fees and keep track of what rooms may have been left in this condition. Accidents can happen, but please clean up after yourself, ESPECIALLY in your own room, and notify the hotel about the situation if needed. If they need to take care of that sort of issue, sooner is better than later.
This is a subject that is quite volatile in the Furry community as of late and we want to begin by acknowledging that the ABDL community as a whole is filled with good people who know how to act properly and this section is to address the bad actors. We have reached out to the local community and asked them to talk to their members, but we want to implore the ABDL/Baby Fur community as a whole to work within themselves to address these shortcomings. There were reports of several instances of adult diapers left in public bathrooms, in stalls, on countertops and trash cans filled with them. We understand that wearing diapers is part of being in the ABDL community, but we are asking you to not leave these items in public spaces and to return to your rooms to deal with them. We also ask that, out of respect for the hotel staff, you double bag and dispose of them in a manner that requires minimum contact between the hotel staff and these items. If you need extra trash bags, please ask at the front desk. They would gladly supply you with extra rather than encounter a nasty surprise in the room.
The furry community has always been a rather affectionate group of people. Between consenting adults hugs, cuddles, kisses, or even a friendly squeeze of the butt are not uncommon. We respect this. However, we did have a few reports of people, shall we say, rounding 3rd base sliding for home. Please if you want to put on a show invite your friends back to the room but we ask you keep the PDA to appropriate levels for a hotel lobby/public spaces.
We understand hotel space is limited and we are working with the overflow hotels to offer more space. That being said, we had reports of people sleeping in public areas of the hotel, their cars, or locations other than an appropriate space. We can’t allow this to happen and we request you do your best to make sure you’re in a condition to drive home, make it to the overflow hotel, etc.
We are sorry to have to post this letter and take some of the joy away from an otherwise good experience of MCFC 2022. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in making improvements in these areas. If you see something going on that shouldn’t bring it to the attention of security staff. If it’s your friends please tell them to stop. We are a small staff and can’t do it alone. We appreciate your help in this matter. We appreciate your help in continuing to prove to our hotel what an awesome group of people we are that can outshine these troublesome complaints this year and put this in the past.
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The count seems to be right around 300 fursuits. Thanks to all that participated!
Now that you've had a day or two to rest and reflect, we'd like to hear about your MCFC 2022 experience! Or let us know if you have an interesting idea for next year.
Good or bad, let us know how your convention went:
Today we would like to inform you of the recent changes to our COVID-19 policy. In response to the declining rate of infection and recent changes to CDC masking guidelines, MCFC has chosen to return to a policy, similar to last year, of strongly recommending but not requiring masks in most areas of the convention space.
There will be some exceptions to this policy such as Main Events , Secondary Events , Registration , and the Dealers Den where we will require that you to continue to mask up due to the nature of those venues. There are some other activities that may require masks and signage will be provided to remind you of the locations where masks will be required. In other areas the choice will be up to you, your personal situation, and your comfort level. We still highly recommend masking in general as an extra safety measure and ask you to use sound judgment and courtesy to others in all areas of the convention space. We aim to offer a safe yet relaxed environment to enjoy the social aspect of the furry fandom. We ask for your understanding that, like most things during this pandemic, these requirements are subject to change dependent on Covid conditions in our area.
We will, however, still require proof of vaccination to attend the convention this year, as vaccination continues to be the most effective way to reduce the risk of infection and the severity of COVID-19.
We look forward to welcoming you to our convention this year and allowing you to experience an enjoyable break from everyday life during these trying times.

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