Mf Spanking Story

Mf Spanking Story


Mf Spanking Story

09/07/2022 30/06/2022 by katzenbaer

10/06/2022 10/06/2022 by katzenbaer

02/06/2022 27/05/2022 by katzenbaer

02/06/2022 20/05/2022 by katzenbaer

13/05/2022 13/05/2022 by katzenbaer

02/06/2022 06/05/2022 by katzenbaer

02/06/2022 29/04/2022 by katzenbaer

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This story was inspired by the brief account by a mother who reluctantly used
spanking to discipline her children.

I initially thought of bringing my children up without the need of spanking - perhaps in reaction to
the way I'd
been brought up. However, by the time my daughter got to six her behaviour was really bad (she takes
after me) so I
had to admit my parenting methods weren't working and she went over my knee. The improvement in her
behaviour was
considerable, so I continued with it.

I must say I found spanking my kids much better for family relationships. I remember once my
daughter (about nine)
had been a real pain on a shopping trip, so when we got home she got a spanking over my knee. After
a cooling off
period we had cuddles and a talk and she was delightful the rest of the day. I think without the
spanking we might
have had endless conflict the rest of the day.

Another inspiration for this story is that classic spanking
cliche: A mother pulls down her daughter's pants and
puts her over her knee. Before spanking her, the mother
tells her daughter that the spanking
will hurt her more than her daughter. In this
story, this cliche actually true.

This story is fantasy, not reality and I don't support spanking children in real life.

Abigale was nearing the end of her patience. She had taken her nine year old daughter, Lily, on a
shopping trip to buy clothes for the coming school year.

The morning had not started well.
Abigale asked Lily wear a dress, but Lily wanted to wear jeans and a
t-shirt. When Abigale insisted on the dress, Lily protested, but finally put on the dress Abigale laid
out for her.

Lily was at an age where she didn't care about clothes and she quickly grew impatient as she tried
on the outfits her mother selected at the department store. When Abigale asked Lily to try on
another outfit, Lily stamped her foot and asked when they could go home.

"We're going to leave when we're done. This behavior needs to stop young lady or you are getting
a spanking when we get home", Abigale said firmly.

The threat of a spanking got Lily to behave until they went to the shoe store and started trying
on shoes. When Abigale asked Lily to try on some "Mary Jane" style shoes, Lily loudly stated that she
hated them. Abigale bought Lily the hiking boots she wanted, along with a pair of "Mary Jane"
shoes to go with her school uniforms. By the time they left the shoe store, Abigale was angrily thinking
about the spanking she was going to give Lily when they got home.

When they got home, Abigale sent Lily to her room. Abigale was careful to never spank Lily when she was
angry and on several occasions she decided to not spank her when she calmed down.

When Abigale was growing up, she and her sister had been spanked whenever they misbehaved.
Abigale and her sister were only a year and a half apart. They were very close, but they also got into
loud fights that sometimes ended in pushing and hair pulling. These fights often ended with them
both getting bare bottom spankings over their mother's knee.

Since Abigale's sister was younger so she always got spanked first. That meant that
Abigale would have to watch her sister crying over their mother's
knee, knowing that soon she would have to pull her
panties down and bend over her mothers knee for her spanking.

When Abigale turned nine many of spankings that she and her sister got where given
with a paddle. Getting paddled hurt much more than
their mother's hand spankings.

The paddle not only made the spankings the girls got more painful, but also added a
ritualistic aspect to their punishment. Sometime the sister who was getting a spanking
would be sent to fetch the paddle. On other occasions, their mother she would
order the naughty girl to pull her panties down and bend over her knee. Then she would send the other sister
to fetch the paddle while the naughty girl waited, with her bottom bared, for her spanking.

Although spankings became more infrequent as they got older, Abigale's mother spanked the sisters
until they left for college.

Abigale planned to raise Lily without spankings. She planned to use time-outs, talks and lots of love
to deal with misbehavior. Unfortunately, Abigale found that Lily took after her. Lily was
stubborn and threw tantrums when she did not get her way. When Lily was six, Abigale sent Lily to her
room for a time-out when she had misbehaved. Lily started slamming her door repeatedly, while she
threw a tantrum. Abigale realized that her approach to disciplining her daughter was not working. She
held Lily in her arms. When Lily calmed down, Abigale told her that she was going to give her a
spanking. She pulled Lily's pants down, put her over her knee and spanked her until she was crying
and her bottom was red.

Abigale found that spankings worked well for Lily. Putting Lily over her
knee halted the out of control tantrums. Often when Lily started to wind up for a tantrum,
Abigale would ask her if she needed a spanking. Most of the time that got Lily to calm down
and Abigale could talk to her. Still, on some occasions, Lily would launch into a tantrum
not seeming to care about the threatened spanking. Then Lily would go over Abigale her knee for
a spanking.

After Abigale sent Lily to her room, she made a cup of tea. Sitting in the kitchen sipping her
tea, Abigale thought about Lily's behavior on their shopping trip. Lily had been very
selfish and spoiled. Lily had ignored Abigale's
warnings about the consequences of acting out. She
decided that Lily's behavior could not go unpunished and
that she would have to give Lily a spanking. This
meant that Abigale would also be getting a spanking that night.

When Abigale finished her tea, she went upstairs to her bedroom and got the spanking paddle
from her dresser drawer where she kept it next to her panties. Abigale walked to Lily's bedroom
at the other end of the hall. She knocked on the door and went in.

Lily was sitting on the side of her bed, looking exactly like what she was, a girl in a bad mood
who was about to get a spanking.

Abigale sat down next to Lily and talked to her about why her behavior
was unacceptable. This turned out to be a monologue, since Lily stared at the floor in front
of her and didn't say anything.

"Do you have anything to say?", Abigale asked Lily

Lily didn't answer, but kept staring at the floor.

"I'd like an answer, young lady", Abigale said sternly.

"It doesn't matter what I say. You're going to spank me anyway", Lily said angrily.

Abigale repeated her discussion about Lily's behavior. This time Lily replied that she
hated shopping. Abigale talked to her about how sometimes we have to do things that
we don't like.

When the discussion was over, Lily looked like she was
about to start crying.

"I'm sorry, Mommy. I'm sorry I acted like a brat", Lilly said softly

"I know you're sorry, honey", Abigale said. "But I am still going to
have to give you a spanking."

Lily started crying softly. Lily stood up, reached under her dress,
pulled her panties down and lay over her mother's
left thigh. Abigale pulled Lily's dress up, baring her bottom.

Abigale held Lily with her left arm and started
spanking her bare bottom, alternating cheeks.
By the time Abigale had given her twenty slaps on each
buttock, Lily was crying.

Abigale picked up the paddle. She patted Lily's bottom
with the paddle.

"I'm sorry, Mommy. I'll be a good girl. Please don't spank me with the
paddle", Lily said as she cried.

Abigale decided on the spanking she would give Lily before she put her
over her knee. She promised herself that she would administer the spanking
she had decided Lily needed. This helped Abigale's
resolve when Lily was sobbing, promising to be a good
girl as Abigale paddled her.

When Abigale finished giving Lily twenty smacks with the paddle, Lily's
bottom was red and she lay limply over her
mother's knee sobbing.

"It's all over now, honey", Abigale told Lily.

Abigale took Lily in her arms so she was sitting on her lap.
She told Lily that she loved her as she kissed her

After Lily stopped crying, Abigale got up, put the paddle back in her
bedroom and went downstairs. After a few minutes Lily joined her. Abigale
hugged Lily again. When Lily apologized for acting out, Abigale told her
that this was all forgotten. Lily had gotten a spanking and that was the end
of the matter.

The moody, sulky Lily was gone for the rest of the
day. Abigale and Lily had lunch and baked
cookies together. Abigale through that Lily was
delightful for the rest of the afternoon.

When Abigale's husband Lucas came home he was greeted with a hug from his
daughter. He commented to Abigale privately that Lily seemed
like she was in a good mood. Lily was very talkative during dinner. After dinner
they watched a movie and then it was Lily's bedtime.

After Abigale kissed Lily goodnight, she went down to the living room where
Lucas was sitting on the couch reading.

"I had to give Lily a spanking this morning", Abigale told Lucas when she sat down
next to him. She told him about the shopping trip, Lily acting out and
the spanking she gave Lily when they got home.

"I'm sorry that you had to spank Lily. I know how you hate
having to spank her", Lucas said. "Unfortunately, spanking
seems to work with her. Hopefully this is something that
she will grow out of soon."

"Spankings do seem to be effective", Abigale admitted. "But I don't ever want to
get to the point where spanking is the first thing I do. If I spank
Lily, I want to make sure that I have tried other options and
that I've thought about it carefully. If I give Lily a spanking,
I should be willing to take a spanking myself."

Lucas kissed his wife. "OK, love. Do you need me to give you a spanking?"

"All right. Go upstairs and get ready. When you're done, come get me", Lucas said.

Abigale went upstairs and undressed. She gave herself a
water enema and took a shower.
After showering she put on a pair of sheer black string bikini panties and a matching
sheer bra. She laid out the spanking paddle, the punishment strap, a hand towel and a tube of lube.
Then she went downstairs.

Lucas watched his wife walk across the livingroom. He thought that she looked breathtakingly

Abigale went over to Lucas and sat on his lap. He could see her nipples through the sheer
material of her bra. Lucas put his arms around her and kissed her.

"Are you ready for your spanking?", Lucas asked.

Lucas kissed her. "All right my love, lets go upstairs and take care of your

Lucas followed Abigale upstairs. He watched her bottom
as she walked in front of
him. Her sheer panties barely covered her cheeks and he could see the cleft
of her buttocks beneath the transparent material.

When Lucas followed Abigale into their bedroom he saw the paddle lying on the side of the bed
and the dark brown harness leather punishment strap at the end of the bed, on the left side.

Lucas sat down on the side of the bed, next to the paddle. Abigale stood
in front of him. Lucas unhooked her bra and she slipped it off her shoulders.
He took her nipples in his mouth, first one, then the other. Abigale moaned softly as his tongue
circled her nipples and they became erect.

"Pull down your panties", Lucas ordered.

Abigale pulled her panties down to her knees and bent over Lucas' left thigh with her upper body on the bed,
and her bottom bent over his knee. She grabbed a pillow.

She felt Lucas' hand caress her bottom, moving over the curve of her buttocks and over her
upper thighs.

"Are you ready to take your spanking, love?"

"Yes, Sir. Please give me a hard spanking", Abigale said softly.

Lucas started spanking her, alternating buttocks. Abigale buried her face in the
pillow, muffling her cries as Lucas spanked her. Abigale felt like she was a naughty little girl
again, being spanked over her mother's knee.

At first Abigale was able to take her spanking without crying. As the spanking continued,
the pain started to build as Lucas' hand
punished her bare buttocks. Abigale lay still over his lap and took her spanking
with her buttocks relaxed. After a time she started to cry softly.

Abigale told Lucas that when she spanked Lily she had given her twenty slaps on each cheek. Lucas
give Abigale forty smacks on each buttock. When Lucas stopped spanking Abigale her bottom was blushed a
deep pink and she was crying steadily.

Lucas caressed her bottom, the soft, smooth skin warm under his hand. He thought about moving his
hand between her thighs, but he reminded himself that this was a punishment spanking, not foreplay.
Instead he picked up the paddle and patted Abigale's bottom with it. This was the same paddle that
Abigale had spanked Lily that morning.

When Abigale had patted Lily's bottom with the paddle, Lily had begged her not to paddle her. The
little girl in Abigale also wanted to beg Lucas not to spank her with the paddle. The mature part of
Abigale knew that she needed to be paddled. She arched her back, pushing her bottom up, offering
her buttocks for punishment.

"Good girl", Lucas said as he brought the paddle down on Abigale's right buttock, before administering
another smack on her left cheek. He held her tightly as he paddled her, giving her a pair of smacks
on each cheek every few seconds. The paddle really hurt. Abigale tried to remain still, with her
buttocks relaxed like she had while Lucas spanked her with his hand. But the paddle hurt a lot more and
it was difficult to avoid clenching her buttocks and kicking l
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