Международный транспортный договор образец

Международный транспортный договор образец

Международный транспортный договор образец

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The Customer is obliged to submit the Order for shipment to the forwarder. The Order shall be provided with the all main conditions of the forthcoming shipment. The Forwarder is obliged to acknowledge the receipt of the Order in a written form by fax and notify the Customer of the transport mean and the driver within one working day from the moment of the Order receipt at the latest. The Forwarder is obliged to estimate the packing condition, check the cargo stowage and fastening in the transport. The Forwarder is to give his remarks as for packing , stowage and cargo fastening and in case of refusal of the consignor is to remedy the remarks, to state in the shipping documents. At involving the third Parties to execute the obligations under the Contract, the Forwarder is responsible for the actions of the third Parties as for his own. Should the Consignee finds out short delivery or cargo damages an appropriate report is to be made up. The date of the receipt of such act by The Forwarder is the date of notification. The forwarder shall notify the Customer of the shipment process and events making difficulties for the shipment. The Customer is obliged to prepare the cargo for the shipment before the arrival of the transport. The Cost of transportation is agreed by the Parties in the Order. All increases in rates should be coordinated between the Customer and the Forwarder not later than 7 working days prior to such changes come into force. The custom clearance, fee for overweight and increased because of it transit due, convoy, fee for oversize, additional procedures, letters of guarantee and etc. All additional charges should be preliminary approved by the Customer. The Payment of additional charges will be effected after the receipt of confirming documents. The above-stated documents should be submitted within 5 bank days from the moment of the termination of transportation. Vehicle feed for loading, or time of goods delivery to destination arrival of a vehicle The Forwarder is responsible for the safety of the cargo. In case of loss of the cargo or its damage the Forwarder pays to the Customer the cost of the lost cargo or cost of the recovery repair. Any of the parties will be released from their responsibility for partial or complete non-execution of their liabilities under the present Contract should this non-execution be caused by the circumstances of force-major. In case of force-major circumstances, the time of the execution of the obligations under the present Contract is to be extended for a period equal to that during which such circumstances will remain in force. Should the obligations can not be fulfilled within 60 days the Party that interests are not observed shall have the right to terminate the Contract according to the order stated by the present Contract in relation to the unilateral termination. The Party which is unable to fulfill its obligations under this Contract owing to the circumstances is to immediately inform the other Party of the occurrence and cessation of the above circumstances no later than 7 days from their beginning. Should the notification of force-majeure circumstances is delayed the relevant Party will not be released from their obligations due to the above stated circumstances. Any disagreements, disputes and differences which may arise out of or in connection with the present Contract, its termination and invalidity will be settled by negotiations between the Parties. If the Parties do not come to an agreement by negotiations the matter is to be submitted for settlement in the International commercial Arbitration Court at the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry in compliance with the existing legislation of the Russian Federation. The decision made by Arbitration Court is final and binding to both Parties. The Contract comes into force since the moment of its signing and will be valid within 1 calendar year. Parties have the right to cancel the present Contract advising the other party in the written form 30 calendar days before the cancellation. All commitments arising before the moment of cancellation are to be fulfilled. The Parties agree to inform each other management about the all orders of employers of the one Party with requests to get job and start to work as employer of another Party and settle all questions in connection with this transferring cooperatively. In case of independent retirement of the employers from one of the Parties the other Party shall not hire these employers within one year from the date of their retirement. The Parties shall advise each other about the changes of legal or factual addresses, telephone numbers, and settlement accounts within two days. The Parties acknowledge the sufficient legal force of the documents signed by the authorized persons of the Parties and sent by fax with further transmission of the original copies previously sent by fax to each other. The present Contract is made up in two languages — Russian and English in 2 copies each of them is original, one for each Party. In case of languages discrepancies the Russian version of the Contract shall prevail. All additions and amendments to the Contract shall be made up in two copies, one for each Party. The Customer shall duly provide execution of shipping documents in time. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES. During the execution of Contract the Parties shall act according to Convention KDPG, TIR, other official instruments, agreements, transport rules, the present Contract, Addendums and amendments to the present Contract, and legislation of the Moldova. REQUISITIES AND SIGNATURES OF THE PARTIES CUSTOMER:

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