Mexican Cartel Beheads 4 Women

Mexican Cartel Beheads 4 Women


Mexican Cartel Beheads 4 Women

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Home Mexican Cartel Beheading Women
More than a dozen, heavily armed, masked fanatics crowd behind the four bound women who are forced to kneel at the men’s feet while facing a video camera. The fear in the women’s eyes, torn clothes and barred breasts only hint at the horrors that preceded their appearance on camera. As the fanatical leader screams invectives at the women in a foreign language, the women cower before the men as they apparently provide the answers that the militants seemed to demand.

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If in Muslim country mostly “Arab Saudi and Iran” beheadings the suspecteds because of commits crime like “Rape, violence robbery with murder, adultery affair with conspiracy to kill victim or by doing smearing later make excuse in the name Freedom of speech”. But in the largest Muslim population country Indonesia ( Sunnnis Muslims ) there is no punish with beheaded
Drug Cartel Christians terrorists behead people not about the LAW at all but in the name of power and money
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posted on 17.09.2014, 18:34:03
by artichokegrower

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:35:52
by MeshugeMikey
(Please RESIGN Mr. President Its the RIGHT thing to do_RETIRE THE REGIME!)

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:37:02
by MNDude

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:37:36
by Slyfox
(Satan's goal is to rub out the image of God he sees in the face of every human.)

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:40:20
by DoughtyOne
(Obama and the Left are maggots feeding off the flesh of the United States.)

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:40:58
by Ditter

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:42:01
by skeeter

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:43:06
by Junk Silver

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:44:13
by Resolute Conservative

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:44:21
by Rick66

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:45:14
by Mich Patriot
(Pitch black is the new "transparent.")

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:45:15
by artichokegrower

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:47:23
by Go Gordon
(Barack McGreevey Obama)

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:51:50
by FlingWingFlyer
(Don't just stand there! Help fight political correctness!)

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:51:55
by Enterprise
("Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire)

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:53:41
by Obadiah
(None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.)

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:56:46
by Resolute Conservative

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:56:56
by gimme1ibertee
(When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.)

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:58:33
by silverleaf
(Age takes a toll: Please have exact change)

posted on 17.09.2014, 18:59:01
by Slyfox
(Satan's goal is to rub out the image of God he sees in the face of every human.)

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Posted on 17.09.2014, 18:34:03 by artichokegrower
As Obama continues to allow those wishing to freely skip across the border to do so, the reason this is so utterly terrifying has been made clear in one simple video
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The difference between ISIS and the Mexican drug cartels? The Mexican drug cartels have beheaded more people. While the President and Congress ponder on what to do in Syria and Iraq the absolute most brutal terrorists on the planet have access to our open Southern border. Wake up people!

disgusting. I read the description, and no way I’m going to watch that video.
Obama gives aid and comfort to muslim extremists as in "Arab Spring."
Obama is in charge of our military.
Mexico, meet ISIS (tactics). ISIS, meet Mexico (tactics).
Do we know in what part of Mexico this happened?
The idea that the race hustlers & Chamber of Commerce with their toads in Washington DC and in state capitols across the land would refuse to protect the border from animals like these masked ghouls just to fill their own pockets is enraging.
You are correct, and what makes it worse is that as a nation we chose this.
We knowingly abandoned our values and strength in return for the promise of free sh*t from the government and unlimited perversion.
America is about to sit down for a memorable banquet of consequences.
This video angers me to the point of shaking in anger. These chicken-shiite mexicans. We should basically kill all of the cockroaches just as we should ISIS pansies. There is no excuse for allow any of the people into our country.
We should flood that stinking toilet with arms or simply invade it.
They were family members of rival cartel members. That was really bad. Animals...
In the end, it will be up to the people to (eventually) defend against drug gangs and radical islamists...on American soil.
ISIS will have to get busy to catch up with the brutality of the Mexican drug cartels
Mexico Drug Cartel Hitman Beheaded and Dismembered 800 Victims
WTF is going on in this world. Beyond sick.
That’s why it is so important that Americans do whatever it takes to defend the Second Amendment and beat back the “government” blitzkrieg to disarm us. Americans are going to need their guns to fight these monsters.
It’s dreadful. Yet I think this needs to be shown, uncensored, on national TV for about a week to show our citizens know who Obama’s friends are.
Truer words could not have been posted.
Sadly the white people that run Mehico (see the first family’s pic) don’t care what happens to those brown people.
these dudes were just honoring their Aztec native culture of blood sacrifice
where is your cultural sensitivity?
viva la raza
We didn't abandon our values. A high tech shyster managed to fool enough people and to steal enough votes to swing two elections.
Now we are having to deal with someone who never could honestly get elected for pit bull catcher.
But therein lies our challenge. Do we lay down a let Obama have his way with us? First of all, yuck. But, we gotta keep our dukes up for the next round.
Obama is already upset that the Republicans in Congress have obstructed him more that any democrat in the history of America.
Obstruction is doing something. Even mild obstruction. Even the "thought" of TEA Party control of the world has got them all jacked around.

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[Editor’s Note: This article is from a website that contains pornography. The extremely graphic video described below can be found here .]
It’s Mundo Narco with their watermark overload again. But other than that, the video is pretty significant because one of the executed women is the infamous Crazy Blonde, aka La Guera Loca who became notorious for beheading a captured Zeta and peeling off his face with box cutter . Zetas got their retribution, it would seem.
Los Zetas captured four women who confessed (for whatever it’s worth) to working for El Cartel del Golfo (The Gulf Cartel), the primary rival of Los Zetas. The execution takes place in an open field. The women kneel in the dirt as a group of masked, heavily armed gunmen stand in threatening poses behind them. Three of four women have their breasts exposed. One of them appears to be an aged and a little heavier woman so she got to keep her top on. La Guera Loca, also known as Comandante Guera is the woman with the nicest breasts, wearing a pink top–on the far right.
After your typical Narco interrogation, in which the women stated their names, who they were affiliated with and what their job was, the Zetas proceeded with decapitation and dismemberment. {snip}
During the interrogation, the women admitted to being affiliated in some capacity with José Guadalupe López aka “El Ostión” (The Oyster). Young girl on the left said she was his niece. Woman second from the right was a halcona (a hawk, aka a lookout). Comandante Guera said her name was Yesenia Pacheco Rodríguez and said she was with “Commander Gallo”, a member of CDG in Altamira.

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