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Метамфетамин бесплатные пробы Дуррес

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Zhirnova E. ISBN Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Iryna Sarancha. In the article, the authors analyzed the research on the problem of preparing the future preschool teachers for professional activities in an inclusive education. The barriers to the implementation of inclusive education in the practice of general education institutions have been identified. The conditions and ways to overcome obstacles and difficulties in the solving the problems of inclusion are highlighted. Attention is focused on the importance of the forming the professional and personal qualities of the future preschool teachers, required for working with children with special educational needs. It is proved that for effective implementation of the inclusive education in the practice of general education institutions by the future preschool teachers it should make some changes to the methodology of the organization of the educational process of the university in the process of their preparing. A number of tasks aimed at the preparing future preschool teachers for the professio Victoria Ushmarova. Volodymyr Владимир Saienko Саенко. The article reveals the methods that are successfully implemented in the correction of psychophysical development disorders of people with special educational needs. Neuropsychological methods of correction are based on the theory of systemic dynamic localization of human higher mental functions, the harmonious development of which contributes to the success of integration and inclusion of students with special educational needs. Also the article identifies the prospects for the use of neuropsychological methods of psychophysical development correction of persons with special educational needs during the activities to improve the skills of teachers of educational institutions. Felice Corona. Issues in Education, Science and Culture. Таня Быстрова. Алёна Костенко. Sevdzhihan A. This report presents the Developmental Profilea rating scale for child developmental assessment in five key functional areas-physical development, adaptive behavior, social-emotional development, cognitive development and communication. Information on the theoretical construct of the methodology as well as the opportunities for the assessment, identification and targeting of children under 12 years of age for special educational support is provided. Приобщаващото образование е неизменна част от правото на образование, а задължение на всички възрастни, които полагат грижи за децата и специалистите, ангажирани с обучение, е да идентифицират своевременно нуждата от специална образователна подкрепа, за да могат децата да учат и да се развиват. Настоящият доклад представя Developmental Profileрейтинг скала за оценка на детското развитие в пет ключови функционални области-физическо развитие, адаптивно поведение, социално-емоционално развитие, когнитивно развитие и комуникация. Освен информация за теоретичния конструкт на методиката се предоставя и информация за възможностите на Developmental Profile-3 DP-3 да се прилага при оценка, идентифициране и насочване на деца за специална образователна подкрепа. Developmental Profile 3 е преработена версия на вече утвърдения инструмент DP-2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\], \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[2\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Фигура 1. Новата версия съхранява приемствеността с предходното издание, но същевременно отразява културните и технологични промени, настъпили след неговото публикуване. DP-3 дава възможност за бърза и икономична оценка на типичното развитие на децата и идентифициране на забавяне по една или повече от оценяваните области. Инструментът е предназначен за оценка на развитието на деца от раждането до 12 години и 11 месеца, но в зависимост от скалата, неговите индикатори покриват способности, типични за деца до максимум 7 или 9 години, което означава, че в горните граници на възрастовия диапазон ефективното приложение на DP-3 се състои в идентифициране на изоставане. Българската адаптация на скалата е осъществена на базата на лицензионно споразумение между издателя на оригиналния тест Western Psychological Serveices Inc. От тогава до днес е един от най-често прилаганите инструменти за оценка на детското развитие, използван от т. В Съединените американски щати DP-3 често се използва при изготвянето на индивидуални образователни програми и индивидуални планове за семейно обслужване. Неговата ефективност за тези цели и като средство за скрининг е добре документирана в редица научни изследвания \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[5\\\\\\\\\\\\\\], \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[6\\\\\\\\\\\\\\], \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[7\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Българската нормативна извадка на DP-3 е съставена от деца и юноши в норма на възраст от раждане до 12 години и 11 месеца \\\\\\\\\\\\\\[4\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Оксана Плужник. The article explores one of the important teaching strategies for all children, especially children with special educational needs — scaffolding, which accelerates learning how to solve problems. This metaphor was suggested by an American psychologist, educator Jerome Bruner and his colleagues to describe the process of teaching a child in the zone of proximal development, according to the theory of L. It has been clarified that scaffolding has much in common with differentiation, but these two approaches have some peculiarities. They can be combined to achieve goals better. In the process of research, considered the types of scaffolding, their features and strategies for practical application. As a result, tips were provided in the scope of successful use of scaffolding in the classroom. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Oleg Latyshev. Related Papers. Socio-Economic Systems of the Region in the Conditions of Sustainable Development: Realities and Prospects Diagnosis and correction of psychophysiological conditions of persons with special educational needs in higher education institutions. Special Educational Needs.

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