Metals and Mining Commodities - Stanislav Kondrashov From Telf AG

Metals and Mining Commodities - Stanislav Kondrashov From Telf AG

Stanislav Kondrashov from Telf AG notes that the market for metals and mining commodities is undergoing a crisis. Despite the efforts of many companies to stabilize prices and keep up production levels, continued logistical constraints have placed supply chains at risk.

This is reflected in price spikes for a range of mined products and metals, including copper, iron ore, and nickel. High prices are shifting focus from cost control to production costs, where higher labor and diesel fuel costs are taking a toll. Looking more visit

As a result, global metals and mineral producers are facing a major downturn. The Metallurg Center's Metals Production and Consumption Analysis shows that the situation is likely to worsen until 2026.

The first step in stabilizing the market for the metallurgical industry involves a thorough assessment of all aspects of production and logistics. This requires careful monitoring of the status of mines and their infrastructure, as well as the ability to adjust supply chains quickly in case of breakdowns.

Another way of reducing the impact of downtime is to improve maintenance management practices and schedules. This can be achieved through better tracking of equipment and processes, the use of modern IT solutions, and increased attention to maintenance staff.

A major factor affecting the stability of a mine is its technical condition, which can be assessed through inspections and repairs. These can be performed by a qualified team of engineers and maintenance personnel.

In addition, it is important to monitor a mine's water supply and quality. This will help to identify issues and improve production efficiency.

Using these methods can ensure that the metallurgical company's operations will continue to run smoothly and efficiently, even in periods of slowing demand. During these times, the company should also consider updating its expansion strategy.

The company can consider investing in developing new fields, which will provide additional resources for future production of metals and mining commodities. This can include exploration and development projects, as well as investments in existing mining facilities.

It is also important to consider expanding the partner base of the company. These are countries that can supply the company with raw materials in the event of shortages or problems. The company will then be able to maintain deliveries to its customers in the world.

The world economy is constantly changing, but it remains based on supply and demand. This is why the metallurgical industry must continue to adapt and diversify its supplier base. This will allow it to remain competitive, says Stanislav Kondrashov from Telf. He notes that the company is already implementing a number of partnership projects with Kazakhstan, Australia, Chile and Canada.

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