Meta Description

Meta Description

Sremska Mitrovica

It would be best if you wrote a catchy meta description for your content. One thing is for your article to rank high on Search Engine; another thing is for people to click and visit your website. That’s the job of Meta description. 

Meta description is one or two sentences summary of the article. As a rule, try to insert your keywords in the Meta description. Meta Description has a section in your WordPress. I’m sure you know it. 

Create SEO Title

There’s a difference between article title and SEO title. The article title may not contain the keywords, but the SEO title must have the keywords in it. For instance; 

The Title of the article you sent is: Three Daily Shift To Create a Happier Life

The SEO Title Should be: Life Coach For Mom Program to Create a Happier Life (You can construct the SEO title yourself. But it must have the keywords). 


The headers are another area you must pay attention to. H1 is also the same as the post title. It’s not essential, but some people prefer to add it to their blog posts. 

However, your post must have H2 and ensure that it reflects the Keywords. Something like “How Life Coach For Mom Program Can Make You Happier Through 3 Shifts”. 

Remember, in between subheadings, the word count shouldn’t be more than 300 words. It takes time, but if you can implement some of these things I mentioned, your article will be outstanding and tend to rank higher. 

Internal Link and Outbound Link

You need to insert internal links in the article. Internal link refers to the link to other similar articles you have written on your website. It makes people spend more time on your website, which increases the ranking potential. 

Outbound link is another essential SEO ranking factor. Try to insert it into the article as well. 

Let me know if you have any questions for me. I would be available to answer them. 

Autor: Srem Portal

by Oglasi

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