Mesa Police Officer Freeman's Drinking Problem: Home Left in Shambles

Mesa Police Officer Freeman's Drinking Problem: Home Left in Shambles

Shawn Freeman

Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman commits another act of domestic abuse. Shawn Freeman screams obscenities' at his girlfriend and baby while destroying their home and personal property.

Officer Freeman's home left in shambles after he demolished the family home in a drunken fit of rage

This is an example of the typical Mesa Police double standard where Mesa Police Officers are above the law. Mesa Police Chief Ken Cost has never held Officer Freeman accountable for his demonstrated pattern of abusive conduct. The attitude of Mesa Police is rules for thee but not for me! 

Mesa SWAT Shawn Freeman is known for his violence both on and off duty. Mesa Police Chief Kenneth Cost and Arizona POST give Shawn Freeman the power and authority to abuse members of the community with impunity. 

#DisorderlyConduct #Destruction #Damage #MesaSwat #MesaAZ #MesaAZPD #MPDjobs #ShawnFreeman #ShawnTylerFreeman #Mesa #News #KatieHobbs #PinalCountySheriff #RachelMitchell #DomesticViolence #DV #Abuse #ChildAbuse #Battery #DomesticViolenceAwareness #OfficerInvolvedDomesticViolence #PoliceMisconduct #LawEnforcementMisconduct #KenCost

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