Merz - Germany's next "based" chancellor?

Merz - Germany's next "based" chancellor?

Friedrich Merz.

Out of the shrouded mists of the past, Merkel's oldest nemesis has once again entered the stage to contend for the throne of Germany's chancellorship. His name is Friedrich Merz, and he is hailed by many as as the traditionalist saviour of the Christian Democrats (CDU) – and maybe of Germany as a whole. He's currently in the lead for the position of Chancellor-candidate of the CDU, and with elections looming in 2021 he is certainly a potentially very important person in the Europe of the 2020s.

However, there is an unfortunate misconception that he is indeed such a "based" saviour of Germany and thus possibly Europe. Ultimately, just being more to the Right than Merkel doesn't mean much in itself. Rather, there is a danger in perceiving Merz as a right-wing answer to 20 years of Mutti's leaden rule, as the leftist press has already termed him "Germany's Trump". They're right – but for the wrong reasons. Let's take a critical look at his recent past and positions.

The main gripes on the Right with Merz are the following:

  1. Corporate Finance background
  2. Philosemitism
  3. Pro-Americanism

To put it bluntly: While the Alternative for Germany is the System's pressure valve for growing right-wing discontent within Germany as a whole and disappointment with the Cuckservative handling of immigration, Merz may very well be another such pressure valve. Here the comparison with Trump is indeed quite valid, as Donald has largely unmasked himself as just another arch-capitalist Zionist with nationalist pretensions filling the void left by 8 years of intensifying culture war,

First of all Merz acts as an avenging angel for the weakened CDU, where discontent with Merkel's leftist policies has been simmering for a while now, expressed most directly in the formation of an unofficial 'right wing' that has held on to conservative positions of 20 years ago and is thus just to the left of the AfD. Secondly, he may be a more mainstream alternative to the Alternative for Germany – pulling off the System's neatest trick. After you have succesfully created a new 'enemy' of liberal democracy (who himself doesn't disavow that system), you re-absorb the enemy into your position to quell the discontent and further stigmatize the remaining 'hardcore' leftovers as the true reprobates who don't want to come back to the warm bosom of centrist consensus.

Friedrich Mer(z)chant

Merz led the center-right group in parliament from 2000 until 2002, when Merkel pushed him out of that job. He left parliament in 2009, and in recent years practiced as a lawyer and headed the supervisory board of the German branch of investment manager BlackRock in 2016. BlackRock is the largest asset management company in the world, found by the two Jewish Americans Bob Kapito and Larry Fink. With an almost 5% stake, its the largest Deutsche Bank shareholder, for example, with total asset holdings around the 5.5 trillion dollar mark. If you want to know more about how BlackRock and other companies are behind the push against home-ownership and expanding the power of G̶o̶l̶l̶u̶m̶s̶ Landlords, read this.

Merz was also involved in the cum-ex scandal, when German police raided BlackRock offices in 2018 on suspicion being involved in the largest financial fraud in Germany's history. Several German banks had exploited a legal loophole which allowed two parties simultaneously to claim ownership of the same shares. This contrived "dual ownership" allowed both parties to then claim tax rebates even though both were not entitled to it. The scandal cost taxpayers billions of euros. However, it seems BlackRock was not involved in it to a degree that warranted further attention.

Aside from BlackRock, Merz was on the supervisory boards of a whole swathe of investment and real estate corporations, notably the German stock exchange and the vast IVG real estate group. Ultimately, these positions have made him very wealthy, as he is known to have a personal fortune in the lower millions of Euros.

Mass Immigration is bad because...

...Muslims say mean things about Jews. The fact that this statement alone being 'controversial' or 'right-wing' in Germany says a lot about the position of the Overton window we're in right now. In a much-disputed Tweet on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, Merz blamed rising antisemitism in Germany, partially, on Angela Merkel’s liberal open-borders-policy during the 2015/2016 refugee crisis. While this is a nice "gotcha", we all know that ultimately modern politics is just various niches that agitate for Jewish interests in some way or another, and that especially cuckservatives believe that being pro-Israel is somehow good political ammunition against mass immigration. PSA: this isn't how you fight a culture war, and why conservatives always lose and conserve nothing in the end.

However, he is far from the most outspokenly Zionist candidate in the race. The current Prime Minister of North-Rhine Westphalia and close second, Armin Laschet, responded to the Tweet by saying that “people, especially among the political right, are quick to says that antisemitism has been brough to Germany by immigration. In fact, it has always been here.” Naturally Laschet is right, and it is of course not the case that Jews did anything to majorly agitate the populations of 109 countries to develop a deep suspicion of them. It is very telling how the whip of anti-semitism must first and foremost be reserved for one's own people.

The USA: Our Greatest Friend and Ally

The Atlantic Bridge and its most prominent members and organisations.

Perhaps most tellingly, Merz is a highly outspoken Atlanticist and takes a very pro-american position. Where Americans have AIPAC or any other one of the countless bi-partisan Zionist lobbygroups that one must be part of to achieve political success, Germans have the Atlantic Bridge (Atlantik-Brücke). This organisation also exists prominently in the UK for identical purposes.

Wikipedia lists it as "the leading private non-profit association to promote German-American understanding and Atlanticism.". Similarly to visits to Israel for young Republicans, "through various programs for "Young Leaders", military officers, journalists, and students, Atlantik-Brücke fosters social networks among current and future leaders in business and world affairs." Notably, it was founded by the wealthy Jewish banker Eric M. Warburg. Effectively it serves as the "carrot" to the whip of American G.I.s still stationed in their tens of thousands on German soil should the eternal Kraut get any funny ideas.

Among its prominent German members are several chancellors (including Merkel), former ministers of the Interior and Defense, federal presidents, CEOs and managers of large media conglomerates, editors and journalists of major newspapers, and the heads of large German and international financial institutions. It's current President is the former leader of the Social Democrat party, Sigmar Gabriel.

Also among its members are all three major contenders for Merkels throne: Norbert Röttgen, (chairman of the Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs), Armin Laschet, and... Friedrich Merz. Merz is the most committed Atlanticist among these, as he has led and organised conferences on behalf of the organisation discussing the widening "rift" between the US and Germany. This rift can also be partially attributed to Trump and Merkel's personal animosity, and the lackluster defense spending Germany engages in.

However, at the end of the day, Merz can also be seen as a potential "saviour" of Germany's commitment to NATO and to prevent the 'diplomatic' relationship between the US and Germany from deteriorating further and thus securing US interests. In other words: he's the US's "shabbos goy". Mind you, the pro-American and pro-Israeli position is also highly rep

To sum it up: Merz, like most conservatives, cannot actually simply argue for a pro-German position. This must always be done through the lense of benefitting other peoples and interests first. He believes Merkel has ruined the German economy (partially true) – but is a finance hawk the answer? He says Muslims are behind the rising antisemitism – but does he speak with equal fervour about the increase in mass rape and terrorism? Finally, Merz advocates for more German military spending – but not in order to strengthen its position in the world militarily and make its army proud and useful again, but rather to relieve the occupational forces of our Nr.1 ally of its budgetary overshoots.

What do we get with Merz? Ultimately, nothing of substantial importance for German interests – but a long list of other interests that would seek to fill the cracks in Merkel's globalist policies with some fresh mortar.

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