Mercedes Carrera Aspergers
Mercedes Carrera Aspergers
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Patrick Bissett
Freelance Journalist
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Politics has a well-deserved reputation for being boring. The very word evokes old gray men slumped half-asleep in parliament, roused only to argue along the tired lines of party allegiances. There is truth to the stereotype, but politics isn’t always dull; sometimes, politics is vibrant and interesting, especially when unlikely groups coalesce around issues of mutual interest, or against mutual enemies.
One need only look at how feminists and the religious right came together to tackle pornography and sex work, or how Common Core mandates inadvertently brought together the left-leaning teachers’ unions and the conservative tea party movement.
What makes these coalitions interesting is that they all seek the same goals, albeit for different reasons. In the case of feminists and pornography, it’s about stopping perceived exploitation whereas those with religious motives want to get rid of sexual immorality. The tea party want an end to the Common Core because they see it as unwarranted intrusion by an interfering government. The teachers’ unions want it to go away because they’re worried about losing power and influence.
Another unlikely alliance has recently developed with porn actress Mercedes Carrera joining ranks of Gamergate. Carrera was angered at the attacks by feminists and activists on gamers and saw the media’s portrayal of the debate as inaccurate. As a porn star she too has seen her profession come under sustained attack by feminists, so while the alignment with Gamergate might at first blush seem odd, it was a natural one for the actress.
Carrera was born in southern California, the eldest of two children. Her early childhood was punctuated by frequent moves due to her father’s job as a civilian military contractor. But while there were often new surroundings, new schools and homes to get used to, Carrera doesn’t see her childhood as anything unusual. “I come from a lower-middle class background, there were struggles, just like everybody else,” she says. “My dad was an alcoholic, my mother was something of a narcissist—but when you get down to it, dysfunction is normal in so many families—there’s no such thing as a perfect family life.”
Carrera’s manner is disarmingly forthright. She talks about her early life with detached frankness and faint melancholy. There are very few taboo subjects for her, but she is also keen to draw boundaries on certain topics. “I don’t want people to think of me as a victim” she says, “dealing with dysfunction gave me coping skills to get through life; it made me resilient.”
No sooner has the word resilient left her mouth than she sets off on a whirlwind of tangential observations and thoughts. Before I can formulate a follow up, she’s already tackling another issue, and then quickly another. Carrera talks fast and thinks fast. She sees patterns and connections far quicker than the average person, an ability she attributes to her Asperger’s syndrome. Her thoughts seem to fire at random, but they are coherent; it’s possible to follow along.
Still on the concept of resilience, she riffs on her family life, her school years, pornography, and finishes up by laying the smackdown on her ideological opponents — SJWs and feminists. “Personal responsibility is a really bitter pill for them to swallow, really bitter,” she says. “It’s much easier to set up a villain or blame life experience. In feminism they’ll compare, they’ll say ‘well that woman never got any mean emails and I did therefore I’m a victim.’ This is my frustration with women’s groups — everything is everybody else’s fault. It’s okay to say ‘all men are pigs or all men are x, y, and z,’ but let’s not talk about how you may have contributed to that problem in your relationship.”
Personal responsibility is a defining motif for Carrera, and one she returns to repeatedly during our conversations. “We all get to make the choice every single day about who we want to be. Lots of things have happened in my life and I could tell you victim stories for days — but that’s not happening right now. Right now I’m safe and happy and life is good. I have a job that is entertaining and fulfilling so I choose to wake up and say ‘this is the royal flush that I’ve given myself.’”
A big part of that positive outlook stems from a rewarding career, although porn was never Carrera’s only option. There are positions as a technical trainer and an aerospace engineer on her resume. But for now at least, pornography is where she feels happiest. “It’s fun — it’s really fun work. I think people malign it because it makes them uncomfortable,” says Carrera. “But my personality fits in porn because a lot of the people there have a rebellious streak. I hate bullshit [so] even if I stayed in aerospace, I’m sure I would have got in all kinds of trouble … corporate isn’t the life experience I want. I don’t want to die and have on my headstone “she did a really great job buttering up upper management.”
Such an outcome is, of course, highly unlikely. Carrera’s outspokenness makes her a terrible candidate for corporate schmoozing. It was, after all, her self-confessed inability to “keep my mouth shut” that led to her streaming an intensely angry, but nonetheless heartfelt video earlier this month where she called out feminists for their indifference to the alleged rape and assault of porn actress Cytherea.
She berated feminists for valuing faux victims over those truly in need, and was scathing in her criticism of Anita Sarkeesian. “People could identify with the video because they felt the same frustration. A lot of men feel silenced because they can’t tell Anita Sarkeesian to f*ck off because that’s considered misogynistic. So I’ll do it. They’re going to call me a misogynist? That’s stupid.”
Carrera lent her efforts to a fundraiser in benefit of Cytherea and her family only to have her motivation called into question. The accusations of profiteering echoed earlier criticism that her involvement with Gamergate was little more than a cynical ploy to raise her profile. “They can attack me all day long but they know nothing. My friends say I’m the most bleeding heart libertarian you’ll ever meet,” she says, shrugging at the seemingly incongruous characterization. “I used to donate 15 hours a week at a hospice, I sat with dying people.”
In fairness to Carrera, it is an accusation bereft of any real substance. Carrera founded and runs The Porn Charity which in partnership with The Fine Young Capitalists (a volunteer group that works with underrepresented groups in STEM) raised $11,280 earlier this year to help fund STEM scholarships in the United States and Canada. Carrera’s charitable credentials, embedded as they are in her own personal experiences are clearly legitimate. Yet, her motivation is still questioned. Her accusers are people who not only oppose Gamergate, but also what she does for a living. To Carrera, the reason for the opposition is obvious: “They don’t want to be wrong [and] they don’t want dissent. We’re living in a feminist society that supports them.”
Carrera has ample experience in dealing with such resistance, and she does a good job at playing it off, for the most part. But it’s clear that some of the barbs are hurtful.
As we end our discussion and thoughts shift to the future, her mood darkens a little. A relentless realist, she doesn’t see cause for optimism for a society underpinned by a feminist framework. “The fact that we live in a society where we are afraid to speak concerns me. Now that we see progressive and über -conservatives closing off that horseshoe, it’s troubling. I feel that I’m living in the time where I’m watching Rome fall; I grew up hearing stories about sedition and McCarthyism so I don’t hold any delusions that there was more freedom at another time. However, when people get too comfortable they allow legislation to remove whatever freedoms they have left.”
Right now, it is unclear what a resolution to the Gamergate controversy will look like; perhaps Gamergate will go down in history as the movement that finally shone a light on feminist hypocrisy that was too bright to ignore. Or maybe feminists and SJWs will prevail with Gamergate relegated to the relative anonymity of archived web pages. As the two sides continue to clash, and with no end is sight, it’s impossible to know what will happen.
But perhaps there’s a third way where feminists, SJWs, and gamers manage to co-exist. And who knows, maybe in years from now some unforeseen circumstances will bring these irreconcilable enemies together to face a common foe.
Stranger things have happened. What we can be certain of, however, is that wherever the name Gamergate is mentioned, the name Mercedes Carrera won’t be too far behind.
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... Por ello, la intervención y los apoyos deben plantearse necesariamente desde una perspectiva integral, considerando tanto las propias características del individuo como sus expectativas y los contextos en los que se va a desenvolver. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, en el caso de las personas con TEA sin discapacidad intelectual, las necesidades se derivan principalmente de las elevadas exigencias sociales de la vida cotidiana, de las propias alteraciones en las capacidades cognitivas necesarias para responder a ellas, y también de la falta de ajuste entre estos aspectos y las expectativas que los demás tienen sobre la persona [9] . ...
... La mayoría de las investigaciones se han realizado empleando medidas cualitativas sobre la calidad de vida percibida por adultos, y comparando los resultados en ocasiones con grupos de adultos sin alteraciones en el desarrollo [9] . En general, los resultados señalan que la valoración global que los adultos con TEA hacen sobre su calidad de vida es pobre, y que no se relaciona directamente con el nivel cognitivo de los participantes ni con la gravedad de sus manifestaciones clínicas [9,16]. ...
... La mayoría de las investigaciones se han realizado empleando medidas cualitativas sobre la calidad de vida percibida por adultos, y comparando los resultados en ocasiones con grupos de adultos sin alteraciones en el desarrollo [9]. En general, los resultados señalan que la valoración global que los adultos con TEA hacen sobre su calidad de vida es pobre, y que no se relaciona directamente con el nivel cognitivo de los participantes ni con la gravedad de sus manifestaciones clínicas [9, 16]. ...
... While ASD can be reliably diagnosed at as early as 24 months (Zwaigenbaum et al. 2013), several studies suggest that the age at diagnosis ranges from 36 to 120 months (Brett et al. 2016;Daniels and Mandell 2014). Mean age values have been reported as being around 55 months (Brett et al. 2016;CDC 2014;Hernández et al. 2005) and as delayed until 9 or even 11 years old in milder cases such as Asperger disorder (Belinchón et al. 2008; Williams et al. 2008). ...
... Notable differences were found between the two generations studied; preschoolers were diagnosed at around 45 months and primary school children at around 87 months. These results could be reflecting the presence of more severe diagnoses among preschoolers, or a reduction in the age of ASD diagnosis in Spain (Hernández et al. 2005; Belinchón et al. 2008) . Nevertheless, several studies have shown diagnostic stability at earlier stages of development, such as between 18 and 36 months (Brian et al. 2016;Ozonoff et al. 2015;Zwaigenbaum et al. 2013). ...
The present study aims to assess the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in preschool and school-age children following a two-phase procedure. The screening phase was performed on a sample of 5555 children taking into account parent and teacher information. The individual assessment included the ADI-R, ADOS-2 and Wechsler scales. The estimated prevalence was 1.55% in preschoolers and 1.00% in school-age children. Between 1.84 and 2.59% of the children exhibited subclinical diagnosis. The male-to-female ratio was around 4:1. Most of the children exhibited mild and moderate nuclear symptoms, and the girls showed less severe communication problems. Previous diagnosis was found in 62–71% of the children. Prevalence estimates are close to the 1% international ratings and much higher than previous national reports suggested.
... Concretamente en 1981, Lorna Wing, una psiquiatra británica, hace uso del término Síndrome de Asperger (en adelante SA) "para referirse a un grupo de pacientes psiquiátricos que presentaban dificultades sociales y comunicativas, así como intereses y actividades limitados y buenas habilidades verbales" (Belinchón et al., 2008:1). Entiende esta autora que psicopatía o autismo son inadecuados para referirse a sus pacientes, optando por Síndrome de Asperger, que califica como "más neutro" (Belinchón et al., 2008 :1) y justifica la consideración del Síndrome de Asperger como etiqueda diagnóstica diferente, debate que se mantendrá activo e intenso en los treinta años siguientes" (Merino et al., 2014:27). En este sentido, la utilización de este nuevo término no pasa desapercibida, debido principalmente al enorme impacto que suscita la publicación "apenas dos años antes, en 1979, de un amplio estudio epidemiológico, por parte de Lorna Wing y Judith Gould" (Belinchón et al., 2008:2). ...
Se trata de una aproximación antropológica al autismo como fenómeno social a través de tres agentes clave: las personas autistas, sus familias y los profesionales que trabajan con ellos. Los discursos metafóricos pueden rastrearse en todos ellos y se configuran como un elemento clave en la conformación del autismo como patología/condición de la persona.
... As evidence emerges about the positive impact that early interventions starting before the third year of age may confer on the behavior and communication skills of toddlers, interest is increasing regarding the age at which the diagnosis is made [19]. Although the mean age at diagnosis for eight-year-old children has been reported to remain stable at around 55 months in the USA for the last 10 years [74], several studies suggest that it can vary from 36 to 120 months, with many children remaining undiagnosed until school age or even until 9-11 years for milder cases, such as Asperger syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS [24,[75][76] [77] . On the other hand, children with prominent symptoms such as language regression and more severe presentation, with autistic disorder and intellectual disability, are diagnosed earlier [25,78,79]. ...
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) constitute a public health concern with increasing prevalence worldwide. We aimed to estimate prevalence and age at diagnosis in Greece, where no large-scale prevalence study has ever been conducted. Aggregate data were collected on ASD diagnoses by gender and calendar year of diagnosis up to 2019, for children born in 2008 and 2009, from the Centers for Educational and Counseling Support, which evaluate children to receive special educational support in school. Coverage was 87.1% of centers and 88.1% of schoolchildren born in 2008–9. ASD prevalence overall was 1.15% (1.83% males, 0.44% females; ratio 4.14:1), ranging from 0.59% to 1.50% in Greece’s 13 regions. In five regions, prevalence differed significantly between centers. Overall, only 3.8% of diagnoses were made before the fourth year after birth and 42.7% before the sixth year, with considerable variation between regions. Approximate mean age at diagnosis was six years and one month, and about three months earlier for girls than for boys. Our results provide evidence-based information to guide service planning and development at national and regional levels. Particular attention should be paid to smoothing out inequalities regarding service accessibility and provision. Emphasis should be given to earlier identification and diagnosis of ASD.
... Como ya hemos mencionado, los Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA) no han estado hasta ahora en el foco de atención de la Antropología, por lo que para poder contextualizar y construir buena parte de nuestro trabajo hemos tenido que acudirsiempre con una mirada crítica a fuentes bibliográficas y documentales de la Psicología, al ser esta disciplina la que cuenta con los profesionales e investigadores más vinculados al estudio del Autismo y Asperger. Para ello hemos consultado las obras de Artigas-Pallares et al. (2012), Cowhey (2005), Cuxart & Fina (2001), Lawson (2017, Lahoza (2013), Belinchón et al. (2008) o Barthelemy et al. (2005). Además contaremos con la visión de psicología andrógina que plantea Sandra Bem (1974) y que Aguíñiga y Sebastián (1987) revisan. ...
Many women with Asperger Syndrome get older without an accurate diagnosis. Receiving an adequate and early diagnosis offers the possibility of continuing the life cycle with a better quality of life and being aware of one’s own support needs.
Until now, anthropology has not turned its attention to the situation of women affected by this syndrome, and even less to the difficulties they face in the process of diagnosing it, usually in conditions of inequality with respect to those affected by men.
To carry out this investigation we have counted on the testimonies of women (with Asperger Syndrome) and their families, and of psychologists related to the autistic field.). We will account for the interconnections that exist.
Key words: Anthropology, Asperger, Late diagnosis, Discrimination, Gender.
... Ahora bien, los hombres y las mujeres con TEA en España (y también a nivel internacional) se encuentran en una situación vulnerable pues aun estando en edad laboral y pudiendo disponer de conocimientos, cualificaciones y competencias para ocupar diferentes puestos de trabajo, tienen grandes dificultades para acceder al mercado laboral y desarrollar una carrera profesional en el mismo (Belinchón, Hernández y Sotillo, 2008) . ...
The study: "Employment and Autism Spectrum Disorder. A potential to discover". The goal was to generate knowledge about the current situation of working-age adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Spain.
The study reflects the actual needs and the perspective of men and women with ASD about the barriers and facilitators in accessing to an employment and the impact that may have on their quality of life. The investigation included the perspectives of the other agents of interest (family, professionals, business community and public administration).
The evidence found supports a premise that Autismo España has highlighted before: people with ASD can and want to work. Employment is as a fundamental right, and it contributes to improving the quality of life and independent life for everybody.
The results of the study show that there is still a lot of unawareness in the Spanish business network about the abilities, competencies and potential job skills of people with ASD.
... La investigación sobre la importancia de tomar decisiones y tener un control personal sobre la pr
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