Mephedrone Slovenia

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Mephedrone Slovenia

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Mephedrone Slovenia

HRB National Drugs Library

Mephedrone Slovenia

However, 3-MMC has still appeared on the recreational drug market as an alternative to mephedrone, and was first identified being sold in Sweden in It was sold as a research chemical, usually in powder form. There is no known or reported medical use of 3-MMC and it is being used for recreation. Some fatal intoxications have been reported although only a few involved 3-MMC only. Therefore two enantionmers exist, the R and S enantiomer. It is assumed that the S form is more potent due to its similarity to cathinone. But further research has to be done to confirm this. There are several ways to synthesize 3-MMC. One of ways to synthesize 3-MMC, which is adapted from Power et al, is to add ethyl magnesium bromide to 3-methylbenzaldehyde I. This bromo ketone is reacted with ethanolic methylamine to produce the 3-MMC free base V , which can be converted to the hydrochloride salt VI by addition of ethereal hydrogen chloride VI. There are no simple conversions into controlled substances. The most common form of 3-MMC is as a white crystalline powder or as white solid crystals. Sometimes however it is also sold as capsules filled with 3-MMC. There is no information available whether it is a racemate or enantiomerically pure. The metabolism pathway of 3-MMC is not yet fully known. From analysis of human pubic hair of a drug dealer it is known that 3-methylephedrine and 3-methylnorephedrine are metabolites of the drug. Generally, 3-MMC is taken via inhalation, injection, insufflation or oral administration. Repeated use of 3-MMC in a single session, often via different routes, has also been seen. Most self-reported doses range from 50 to mg or even up to mg. Furthermore, most users report repeated usage in order to extend their euphoric experience often leading to 0. The drug lasts from hours with its peak being hours long. In a questionnaire-based study of self-reported 3-MMC users in Slovenia, it was found that The study did not find any instances of users injecting 3-MMC. The desired effects of 3-MMC are stimulation, spontaneous bodily sensations, euphoria, enhancement of empathy, affection and sociability, happiness, awareness and an increased appreciation of music which are similar effects of other amphetamines and drugs of abuse. Since the concentration range is quite high in the literature, defining the concentration at which impairment or fatality occurs is very difficult. No correlation between the measured concentration and the type of intoxication was found. The most likely cause for this is the chemical instability of the drug. In animals, 3-MMC has a rather high absorption rate with the peak concentration being achieved within 5 to 10 minutes after oral ingestion and a plasma half-life of 0. Moreover, 3-MMC caused a significant change in the feeding behaviour of animals often resulting in weight gain over time. Caution is needed when applying the data for human safety from the extrapolated animal data because of low sample size, lack of data and low dosage. However, the Dutch government is going to add 3-MMC to the banned substance list in the 2nd half of for it to be considered as illegal hard drug. This drug article relating to the nervous system is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. IUPAC name. Interactive image. London: KIng's College. ISBN Journal of Psychopharmacology. PMID S2CID The novel psychoactive substance 3-methylmethcathinone 3-MMC or metaphedrone : A review. Power, P. McGlynn, K. Clarke, S. McDermott, P. Kavanagh, J. The analysis of substituted cathinones. Part 1: chemical analysis of 2-, 3- and 4-methylmethcathinone. Forensic Sci. Pharmacological profile of mephedrone analogs and related new psychoactive substances. Neuropharmacology, Pt A , 4— Schmidt, D. Weinshenker, Adrenaline rush: the role of adrenergic receptors in stimulant-induced behaviors, Mol. Frison, S. Frasson, F. Zancanaro, G. Tedeschi, L. Characteristics of the use of 3-MMC and other new psychoactive drugs in Slovenia, and the perceived problems experienced by users. Int J Drug Policy. Determination of a threshold fatal 3-MMC concentration in human: mission impossible. Psychopharmacology, 3 , — Shimshoni, M. Britzi, E. Sobol, U. Willenz, D. Nutt, N. Edery, 3-Methyl-methcathinone: Pharmacokinetic profile evaluation in pigs in relation to pharmacodynamics, J. China Food and Drug Administration. Archived from the original on 1 October Retrieved 1 October Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Retrieved 7 December Retrieved 27 May Drugs en Uitgaan in Dutch. Retrieved 25 February Substituted amphetamine Sub. PEA Sub. Adapromine Amantadine Bromantane Memantine Rimantadine. Oxiracetam Phenylpiracetam Phenylpiracetam hydrazide. ATC code : N06B. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version.

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Background: The study presents the characteristics of the use of new psychoactive substances NPS , the perceived problems experienced by users, and the reasons for cessation or cutting down. The research focused mainly on synthetic cathinones and the use of 3-MMC in Slovenia. Methods: In order to research the characteristics of NPS use, we used a questionnaire which had been developed to determine the characteristics of the use of ATS and cocaine in the context of nightlife and was elaborated in our study on the use of mephedrone. The final non-representative sample included users of NPS from Slovenia, who had completed an on-line survey over a period of 5 months in Part of the sampling was conducted on the ground and with the help of peer-groups. DrogArt's outreach workers and correspondents visited open public places, clubs, and discotheques to encourage users to participate in the survey. Most respondents included in the sample Users attributed greater risks to the use of new drugs and preferred the effects of traditional drugs to those of new drugs. The most frequently reported problems were depression The main reasons for cutting down or discontinuing the use of NPS were 'fear of the health consequences', 'actual health consequences', and 'growing weary of using'. Users experienced various problems related to the use of NPS. However, they are familiar with recommendations on harm reduction and want additional information on the harmful effects of the use of NPS. Based on the obtained results, we can develop specific interventions in the area of harm reduction. Abstract Background: The study presents the characteristics of the use of new psychoactive substances NPS , the perceived problems experienced by users, and the reasons for cessation or cutting down. Publication types Research Support, Non-U. Substances Alkaloids Illicit Drugs Psychotropic Drugs Methamphetamine cathinone 3-methylmethcathinone mephedrone methylone.

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