



Meowriza fact 215: Meowriza's cock once reached a length of 6 football fields!! 🀯

A subreddit for fans of F1NN5TER/Rose, a Minecraft YouTuber and crossdressing Twitch streamer.
Idk why you feel the need to 'declare' this
Same thing I said to another person's post.
This is a preventative measure for others to understand that even though I may voice a negative opinion about something in relations to Meowriza, it establishes that it is not done with a Trans-phobic mindset.
There has been some recent 4chan drama, and I'm getting out ahead of any risks of being called out for something I am not doing.
No one's putting a gun to your head and forcing you to like anyone. You're free to like or dislike people, just stop being annoying about it.
Bro you are persistent, but i think that u forget something important : boundaries . i think maybe just maybe sending it directly to the person would be more appropriate because people are gonna want to " fuck your ass up " if i may say so. I personnaly do not care, u do you my guy i'm just thinking. It's a nice message overall but still putting it out there to the public eye while it's a matter that should only conscern your personnal view of someone that isnt really aware of your existence can still be viewed as, idk how to put it ( language barrier so i'm sorry ) " attention seeking ". A dm would be enough, sincerely a friend that hope u dont get hated on for your views :).
Also little side note, this would not help the two fan base view each other in a good light. Lemme explain, this dislike has been happening for a while, I understand it, but the 2 being friend means that their fanbase are bound to meet each other but it would be best for it to be a merging more than a collide. I've been lurking, people don't talk nicely of the cult like type of behaviour of some of us ( i will say us because i'm in here too ). Some are too much so it would be nice that people just don't fight among themselves and bring people down in order to bring their favorite streamer up cuz i aint a psychic but i can definitely tell that i aint what either of them wishes.
I didn't feel a DM would have been appropriate, since most of the people in this forum have seen my vocalization of my viewpoints of Meowriza. That's why I aired my side publicly to own up to my stance, good or bad. If Meowriza wishes to acknowledge or disregard my post, she is also right to do so. If members of this community wish to call me out on my past or future viewpoints, they are rightful to do so.
She seems cool, i dont get why some people dislike her so vehemently.
If you don't see it, that's fine. This is a preventative measure for others to understand that even though I may voice a negative opinion about something in relations to Meowriza, it establishes that it is not done with a Trans-phobic mindset.
"Boohoo, I'm kind of jealous of you, you remind me that my dangerously obsessive relationship with f1nn is purely parasocial and there are people actually close to him, could you please stop doing that? Also you are not as attractive as him, stop obscuring the view. Oh wow you actually happened to be busy doing other stuff for a while, I see that as a success. I am also writing long paragraphs containing as little information as possible and bloat them with a failed attempt at business-ish sounding english to disguise the fact that none of my criticism is constructive and I think you should just stop existing"
Here's some actual criticism: Meowriza should look into getting mic compression. She has pipes and raising her voice makes my headphones burst into flames. This is an example of a fixable issue that benefits from being voiced as opposed to your bullshit. Stop trying to make f1nn feel bad for interacting with who he fucking wants to.
<< Stop trying to make f1nn feel bad for interacting with who he fucking wants to.>>
Was not my intent at all, but thank you for your opinion.
You need to stop man. F1NN can have whatever friendships he wants, and your constant bordeine harassment of Meowriza shows you don't understand that. It's one thing to not find her funny or enjoy her content, but you literally have directly addressed f1nn telling him that you essentially disprove of his friendship.
When I say this, I mean it genuinely, learn your boundaries. F1NN is not your friend, he's not a sibling you're concerned about, he's simply an entertainer that you enjoy, and you're crossing the line.
Before you wonder why am I being so harsh, it's because you're not, clearly, going to learn from ultra polite responses. You need to get it in your head that you crossed the line.
Cool reply. This was from 2 months ago. Other people had stated similar opinions in a different thread Way to dredge up old shit, man.
I have never been shy about declaring my dislike of you, Meowriza, in relations to F1nn's presence in our viewing lives. There are things about you I dislike, hate, or that just merely annoy me. THAT ALL ASIDE... Meowriza, I still support you in the transitions and phases of your life you are going through. I will raise my voice to your side, should your cause or lifestyle be challenged. Also, I acknowledge the fact that after the simp5ters had expressed a concern, you listened and were less present when we view F1nn. Even if this was intentional or not, it was noticed. To that end, I want to say I understand you, too, are trying to help and support F1nn's streaming career.
I hope this helps you understand my side a little more, since I recently self-understood that all I had been doing towards you in the past was negative and almost attacking. I acknowledge my stance, and will continue to try and be more aware of it, so I am not providing a focus of negativity towards you in the future.
❀️ yeah I wouldn't have the courage to post something like this

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