Mental Bondage Bdsm

Mental Bondage Bdsm


Mental Bondage Bdsm

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Mental bondage is a BDSM term that means the restriction of movement without using physical means.

Mental bondage works by obedience alone. The bottom is commanded, either verbally, via body language, or implicitly (they know what is expected of them instinctively or because they've been instructed on earlier occasions before), to assume a certain body position, posture, or stance, and to remain still in this pose until they are permitted to leave it.

Mental bondage can be especially useful for some forms of play that require access to surface area as it allows restriction of the bottom (pending self discipline of the bottom ) but without having outside tools and elements covering their various parts that would otherwise hold them in place.

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Mental bondage is a BDSM term that means the restriction of movement without using physical means. It is not a type of bondage , because bondage is understood to mean the use of physical restraints.

Mental bondage works by obedience alone. The bottom is commanded, either verbally, via body language , or implicitly (they know what is expected of them instinctively or because they've been instructed on earlier occasions before), to assume a certain body position, posture, or stance, and to remain still in this pose until they are given permission to leave it.

Mental bondage works on the principle that the subject knows they will will face worse punishment should they fail to get into the prescribed position, or should they move or leave it without permission.

The Gorean slave positions are examples of this, but basically every time-out such as corner time could be considered a form of mental bondage. Even confinement to a room or house without physically locking the person up, such as in grounding , could be seen as a form of mental bondage.

An example of mental bondage in a mainstream film is in the movie Secretary , where Edward tests Lee by commanding her to sit in his chair without moving her hands or feet until he returns.

A way of combining mental bondage and spanking is by putting the spankee in the desired spanking position and telling him or her not to move out of this position. This means, for example in the OTK position :

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One study revealed that over three-quarters of female BDSM practitioners were "subs."
In the same study, both doms and subs (but not switches) scored higher than controls on the Big Five personality trait of conscientiousness.
The study also showed that amongst BDSM practitioners, subs were more extraverted than the control group.

Source: Lorelei7/English language Wikipedia

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There are many temptations to organize our life around the experience of earlier trauma. But that may short-change the future—which starts by our envisioning something better.

Posted July 25, 2013


Reviewed by Abigail Fagan

A recent study on the psychological profile of BDSM ( bondage -discipline, dominance-submission, sadism-masochism) practitioners has attracted a great deal of media attention , with headlines proclaiming that “S&M practitioners are healthier and less neurotic than those with a tamer sex life.” Although BDSM has often in the past been thought to be associated with psychopathology, the authors of the study argued that practitioners are generally psychologically healthy, if not more so in some respects, compared to the general population. However, it should be noted that most of the apparent psychological benefits of being a practitioner applied to those in the dominant rather than the submissive role. Additionally, the study findings need to be treated with some caution because it is not clear that the comparison group is a good representation of the general population.
BDSM involves a diverse range of practices usually involving role-playing games in which one person assumes a dominant role and another person assumes a submissive role. These activities often involve physical restraint, power plays, humiliation, and sometimes but not always, pain. The person playing the dominant role (or ‘dom’) controls the action, while the person in the submissive role (or ‘sub’) gives up control. Many people have a preferred role they play most of the time, although some people enjoy switching between roles (‘switches’).
The practice of BDSM carries with it a certain amount of social stigma (Bezreh, Weinberg, & Edgar, 2012), although the recent popularity of Fifty Shades of Grey 1 might be a sign of increased mainstream acceptance. Health professions have long had a tendency to view the practice as pathological and even perverted. Common assumptions about people who participate in BDSM are that they are psychologically anxious and maladjusted; that they are acting out a past history of sexual abuse ; and that they are attempting to compensate for sexual difficulties. However, the small amount of research evidence available suggests that these assumptions are probably not true. For example, a telephone survey conducted in Australia found that people who had participated in BDSM in the previous year were not more distressed than others; were not more likely than others to have ever been sexually coerced; and did not report more sexual difficulties (Richters, De Visser, Rissel, Grulich, & Smith, 2008). However, BDSM practiced between consenting persons who are happy with what they are doing is not officially considered pathological.
There has not been a great deal of research examining the psychological characteristics of BDSM practitioners, so the aim of a recent study (Wismeijer & van Assen, 2013) was to compare BDSM practitioners with people from the “normal” population on a range of personality traits. A good description and critique of the study can be found here . BDSM practitioners were recruited from a Dutch BDSM web forum. Comparison participants were recruited through notices concerning “online secrecy research.” These were obtained through a variety of sources including a popular Dutch women’s magazine and a website that allows visitors to post their secrets. I have some concerns about whether the comparison group is a good representation of the general population, which I will return to in due course.
The study compared the BDSM practitioners and the control group on the Big Five personality traits – neuroticism , extraversion , openness to experience , conscientiousness , and agreeableness – as well as rejection sensitivity , relationship attachment styles, and subjective well-being ( happiness ) in the past two weeks. People in the BDSM group were also broken down into ‘doms’, ‘subs’, and ‘switches’, based on their respective preferences, to allow further comparisons. There were noticeable gender differences in how people assorted into these roles, which are illustrated in the pie charts below. Among females, over three-quarters were subs, switches were a distant second in popularity, while doms were very much in the minority. Roles were a little more evenly spread among the males, although doms were most popular (who made up nearly half), followed by subs (just over a third) and then switches. This suggests that female BDSM practitioners are more likely than males to prefer gender-typical roles.
Comparing the BDSM group as a whole with the controls gives a rather favorable impression of practitioners. The BDSM group as a whole were on average more extraverted, open to experience and conscientious, and less neurotic, as well as less sensitive to rejection, more securely attached, and higher in subjective well-being than the comparison group. On the less favorable side though, the BDSM group was less agreeable. High extraversion and low neuroticism tend to be associated with greater overall happiness, so it is not surprising that people with these traits appear psychologically secure and to have high subjective well-being. However, an overall comparison between practitioners and non-practitioners is actually misleading to some extent because when doms, subs, and switches were compared to the control group, and with each other, the results were more uneven. A more detailed examination of these differences shows some interesting patterns.
Each of the three BDSM groups scored higher than the controls on openness to experience , so it is fair to say that practitioners generally tend to be more open-minded. This is not surprising, as openness to experience is associated with a willingness to experiment with unusual and unconventional behaviors. Openness to experience is also associated with a trait called sexual sensation-seeking which relates to a desire to be sexually uninhibited and to explore novel sexual experiences (Gaither & Sellbom, 2003). I find it interesting in this regard, that the Australian survey mentioned earlier found that people who participated in BDSM had experienced a wider range of sexual practices, and had a greater number of lifetime sexual partners compared to non-participants. In fact, BDSM participants were significantly more likely to claim to have had 50 or more sex partners in their lives and to have participated in group sex. This would indicate that people into BDSM tend to be very open to sexual experimentation generally (or perhaps that they are prone to wild exaggeration!).
Both doms and subs, but not switches for some reason, scored higher than controls on conscientiousness . Conscientiousness is a broad trait related to self-discipline and has two major aspects related to orderliness and achievement striving respectively. The study did not examine whether either of these aspects was more prominent in BDSM practitioners. However, I would suspect that people who are attracted to BDSM probably have a high need for orderliness, and have a fond appreciation of rules and boundaries. Whether they have a high need for achievement or not remains to be seen. Going further, perhaps subs are the sort of people who prefer to have discipline and order provided for them, while doms are the sort who like imposing rules and structure on others. This difference in preference for controlling or being controlled may well relate to differences in agreeableness between these two groups.
Agreeableness is related to overall pleasantness and consideration for the comfort of other people. Subs and switches actually did not differ from the control group in agreeableness. However, doms were lower than both the controls and the subs in agreeableness. People who are low in agreeableness tend to be tough rather than tender-minded, are willing to make hard decisions, and tend to be bossy and demanding in the way they relate to others. Thus it would seem that people who are into BDSM generally prefer the role that fits their own level of agreeableness. Tough, domineering people would seem to prefer the dominant role, while those who are more tender and willing to please naturally fit into the submissive role. I found this particularly interesting because it suggests that doms have found a way to express their disagreeableness in a way that is actually welcomed and appreciated by their submissive partners. This is in contrast to more ordinary disagreeableness in everyday life which is usually seen as annoying and rude.
I have elsewhere come across the idea that people into BDSM like to explore roles that are the opposite of their day-to-day roles, e.g. those who are accustomed to ordering people around are attracted to the submissive role (see here for example). The thinking behind this is that such people like to have a way of compensating for the pressure of command and experiencing a sense of relief from the burden of being responsible for others. However, the findings in this study would seem to suggest that the majority of practitioners are drawn to roles that reflect rather than compensate for their normal personalities. Perhaps, there is a minority subgroup of people who go against this trend, but more detailed studies would be needed to test if this is true.
Regarding extraversion, the only significant difference was that subs were more extraverted than the control group. Extraversion is related to both sociability and assertiveness . I, therefore, found it surprising that the doms were not higher on extraversion (due to the assertiveness component) than other groups. Why subs were higher on extraversion is not totally clear. Perhaps they have a particularly friendly outgoing nature. Extraversion is also related to excitement seeking , so perhaps subs find the attention they receive and the unpredictability of participating in role-playing satisfies this need for excitement. More detailed surveys would make this clearer.
The Big Five personality trait that has been most strongly linked to mental health versus pathology is neuroticism (Malouff, Thorsteinsson, & Schutte, 2005). As an illustration, in the BDSM study, neuroticism had large positive correlations with anxious attachment, need for approval, and sensitivity to rejection, and a large negative correlation with subjective well-being. Perhaps the most striking finding of this study is that the doms were significantly lower in neuroticism than all the other groups, and this was the statistically largest difference between groups. Doms also scored lower in rejection sensitivity and need for approval compared to subs and the control group, while the latter two groups did not differ from each other in either of these measures. Furthermore, the doms scored higher in subjective well-being than all the other groups as well. Subs and switches did not differ from the control group in neuroticism or subjective well-being. Rejection sensitivity and need for approval, like neuroticism, are negatively correlated with subjective well-being, so the fact that doms scored low on these measures may well account for their high levels of subjective well-being.
High neuroticism is associated with self-conscious emotions, such as guilt , shame, and emb
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