Men Using Sex Dolls

Men Using Sex Dolls


Men Using Sex Dolls

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Key points

Sex doll ownership is an increasingly discussed social issue.
A new study compared doll owners to a sample of non-owners in relation to personality types, attachment styles, and offending risk.
Few differences emerged, calling into question social beliefs about the nature and effects of sex doll ownership.

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We all harbor secrets. Some are big and bad; some are small and trivial. Researchers have parsed which truths to tell and which not to.

Posted April 11, 2022


Reviewed by Devon Frye

The ownership of hyper-realistic sex dolls has become an increasingly controversial social issue over the last five to ten years. Many in society feel a sense of revulsion towards these dolls, which, in the main, resemble overtly sexualized versions of the female form. Legislators have called for the banning of some types of dolls (such as those resembling children), while others in academia equate sex with a doll to the sexual assault of living women.
At the root of these calls is the implicit (and often explicit) assumption that sex doll ownership contributes to increases in negative social attitudes towards women, and sexual offense risk among doll owners. However, there are yet to be any empirical examinations of these claims. That is, until now.
According to new research published in The Journal of Sex Research , of which I was a co-author, you might be surprised by how ordinary men who own sex dolls actually are. Our research team spent months surveying 158 men who own sex dolls and compared them to 135 men who did not. The groups were compared on a range of measures, including personality traits, emotional functioning, attachment styles, and tendencies for sexual aggression . Our aim was to conduct a direct examination of the accuracy of social beliefs and perceptions about sex doll ownership.
The results were interesting. Overall, there were very few differences between doll owners and those who did not own a doll. In contrast to societal stereotypes and beliefs about doll ownership, those who owned a doll scored lower than controls in relation to sexual aggression proclivity. This means that, on average, they were less likely to express sexual arousal or anticipated enjoyment when reading hypothetical sexual crime scenarios.
Doll owners were, however, more likely to see women as unknowable, the world as dangerous, and have lower sexual self-esteem . They also had more obsessive and emotionally stable personality styles. It may be that these trait clusters interact in some functional way, with obsessively controlling one’s environment helping to maintain a sense of emotional stability .
A similar interacting relationship might be at play in relation to beliefs that women are unknowable and that the world is dangerous, particularly in the context of both histories of poor-quality relationships. That is, it is plausible that a history of relationship breakdowns leads doll owners to have a lack of understanding of female psychology, leading to the belief that women are fundamentally unknowable and possibly threatening.
In one passage of our discussion, my co-authors and I wrote:
In general, our data are suggestive of the fact that men who own sex dolls are not notably different to non-owner comparators in many important ways. Although we set out to specifically provide preliminary data about personality profiles and risk, is it interesting to note this lack of differences, particularly when we might expect some of these variables to vary between the groups. For example, some theorists have posited that issues with attachment style might lead some men to withdraw from dating real women and instead focus on obtaining sexual and relational pleasure from dolls (Ciambrone et al., 2017). We found no effect of attachment, calling this conclusion into question.
Nonetheless, research of this kind calls into question societal wisdom about atypical sexual practices and the effects of articles such as sex dolls on owners’ attitudes and behaviors. It remains possible that dolls might play an important role in mental health and sexual dysfunction treatment contexts, as well as in work designed to prevent sexual abuse from taking place. This is an exciting research area that is sure to develop further over the coming months and years.
Facebook image: Fossiant/Shutterstock
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., & Wanless, K. (2022). Exploring the psychological characteristics and risk-related cognitions of individuals who own sex dolls. The Journal of Sex Research .
Craig Harper, Ph.D. , is an academic and psychological scientist. His research interests lie in the psychological processes that underpin decision-making in relation to controversial social and political topics.

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We all harbor secrets. Some are big and bad; some are small and trivial. Researchers have parsed which truths to tell and which not to.

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With recent advances in technology, there has been a revolutionary discovery and creation – realistic sex dolls. Yes, these are dolls but are made with silicone that mimics real skin. The dolls are quite lifelike and the physique is of an actual woman. There are breasts, a derriere and of course the sex organs. One can find such dolls online or in a special shop. These dolls can be customised and you get them in multiple options. You can ask for fat dolls , busty dolls, brunette, blondes, anything you prefer. These dolls have certain benefits for men and they are as follows:
I. Sometimes men can have a longing for companionship and because of some reason haven’t been able to find a woman. May be because they aren’t able to make conversation or the relationships don’t last long. It isn’t just sexual satisfaction that fuels a man to buy a sex doll. It is companionship with a lifelike doll. If you have seen the movie “She”, you may understand how it is to some extent.
II. In most cases, men look for sexual satisfaction through these dolls. The ones from certain outlets like sodolls shop are quite real in terms of their sex organs. There will be a vagina which is just like a woman’s. There are the ridges and the skin texture around it is also almost real like. Men can use it when they want to find release but don’t want to use their hands. Now with the pandemic in place, it is even more difficult to find a partner. A sex doll can fulfil certain physical requirements for a man.
III. Sexual release is underrated in many parts of the world. But if people manage to find it, then a lot of stress is reduced from their mind and body. A sex doll can definitely help in sexual release and you get all the benefits of getting some. Sexual release is one of the best ways to relax and forget about the whole day that didn’t go too well. The feel good hormones from an orgasm are worth getting a sex doll for. These hormones can also relieve pain and enable better sleep.
IV. You can use a sex doll to explore more of your sexuality . Your partner may not be open certain things or you may want to try something new and adventurous. It could be something unconventional and that which your partner may not comfortable with. So, try it with a sex doll and see how you like it.
V. They can be used to gain an insight into real-life intimacy . A man may not have had a good sexual encounter with a woman, so in order to get used to it and learn some tricks, he can practise on a sex doll. There is a lot of information on it online, but most of it is theory. You may need to practice it a little to become an expert and please a woman.
There are certain scenarios too in which a sex doll can be of use. If you are a man in a long-distance relationship, you could try a sex doll. Because let’s face it, there will be urges and you need to satisfy them. This option is a good way to feel good. There are still studies being carried out to understand if there are more benefits to using a sex doll. As the invention is relatively new, it will take some time for all results to be observed, gathered and then published with a conclusion.
I enjoy writing on various niches like romance, dating and issues related to women.
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15 Reasons Men Prefer Silicone Dolls Over Real Women

Humphrey Bwayo
Aug 03, 2017

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You have probably heard about silicone dolls before, if you haven’t heard of them, then don’t worry, it’s not the sort of thing that people would be comfortable enough talking about if they had them. Well, like most people, you probably think that silicone dolls are owned by creepy old perverts who hide them under their beds and pull them out when they are ready for a good time. Well, that’s what Matt Krivicke thought 5 years ago before he quit his job to start making these adult dolls.
The silicone doll industry is currently a multi-billion-industry company, with one doll selling close to $25,000 in LA. If you thought only the crazies were into spending quality time with a lifeless life sized human looking doll, then you are wrong. These dolls have gotten so popular that a 45-year-old physiotherapist shares his bed under the same roof as his wife and daughter in Tokyo. This man has grown so fond of his doll Mayu that he takes it for dates and dresses her in expensive clothes and jewelry.
So, why would men prefer a silicone doll to a real life woman? Well, if you are itching to know why men can’t get enough of these new age husband stealers, here’s 15 Reasons Men Prefer Silicone Dolls Over Real Women.
While it’s granted that silicone dolls are not as warm as an ordinary woman, but according to men who love these lifeless toys, they aren’t nearly as cold either. According to a book by Dr. Marguard Smith: “ women are cruel, superficial, venal, and break the hearts of men, and that on the contrary, dolls are reliable, compliant and loving.” Therefore, in case you just got off an abusive relationship and would want to try something less warm and nagging, you better check out one of these dolls (if that’s your kind of thing). Just don’t get upset when she doesn’t get a joke you say or completely forgets to get the groceries you asked her to get when you left the house in the morning.

If you are man and have been in a relationship before with a real life woman then you know things can get hot so fast, and that it wouldn’t take much effort to get your girlfriend in a grumbling mood. Well, sometimes you just want to get off work, have your beer, eat some dinner without having to listen to some whining. While the non-responsive relationship you get out of a silicone doll isn’t enough to make a long-lasting companionship, men would rather have that, than a whining nagging girlfriend, just be ready to do all the house chores alone while she stares into the air.

Women often feel that jealousy is a sign of care or love. That’s why they will get so emotional and think it’s cute when you get jealous over her. When a woman gets jealous over something you did, it’s not the same old ‘cute’ affair, things will normally get dramatic very fast just because your female colleague sent a good night text. When it comes to a emotional, silicone doll, they really don’t care where you have been or who you were with. Instead, they will be seated where you left them, waiting for the next time you want to spend some quality time with them. No questions asked!

All guys understand that the only time things can get interesting in the bedroom with a woman is when you have been a good boy. And things can also get pretty nasty when the Ol’ Aunt Period comes visiting each month at a specific time. So what makes the silicone doll such a convenient option during these times? Well, for starters sex dolls don’t have monthly periods, meaning they will never have mood swings or act up during that time of the month. But what makes them the perfect option is that there’s never going to be an excuse when it’s time to get dirty. Doing the nasty will always be an option!

It’s hard to find a woman who is attracted to broke guys. This is not a quality women love in their men. In fact, if you want to keep a woman long enough to have grandchildren and still be together, you need to have your life in check. Silicone dolls, on the contrary, don’t care how much money you have in the bank, what car you drive or even if all your credit cards are maxed out. They don’t care that you did not get them anything for their birthday (if they have one) or for your anniversary. With a silicone doll, you won’t have to spend any money on jewelry or clothing unless of course, you are trying to spice things up in the bedroom.

The average adult doll only gets a few minutes of attention in a day, and most of the time, it could go completely forgotten for months, especially when the family is visiting. Women, on the other hand, need a lot of attention. If you do not surprise her with a bouquet of roses at work, then it’s the little emails, texts or notes that will get her spirits up. Unlike women, men aren’t wired to be overly emotional, and it wouldn’t be hard for a man to forget to send the daily “I love you text.” Silicone dolls don’t need any attention; you just need to store them in a secure place to avoid wear and tear, and embarrassment.

Let’s face it, you can never really compare what you get from a woman with a silicone doll, same as women can never really get to the same intimate level they would experience with a man using an adult toy. A
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