Men Making Women Squirt

Men Making Women Squirt


Men Making Women Squirt

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Are you looking to get your partner to enjoy a good orgasm in bed? You may be wondering how to make her ejaculate? There is a lot of confusion surrounding the concept of female ejaculation , also known as squirting. Some people go as far as to equate the term squirt to urinating. It is to help you know everything about squirting and how to make her squirt that we provide you with this self-guide.
Squirting is an act unlike urinating that arises from an involuntary reaction to G-spot stimulation. So, to get a woman to ejaculate successfully, it is essential to rub her G-spot. Squirting also occurs only sometimes due to G-spot orgasm , not all the time.
This activity is similar to urination because it involves the participation of the urethra and the skene’s gland. The fluid contains pee, urea, uric acid, creatinine, and small amounts of prostate-specific antigen.
Sometimes the amount of fluid is so tiny that it becomes almost impossible to differentiate between squirting and the natural arousal seen in a woman. The sensations associated with squirting vary from individual to individual.
Some women experience more intense orgasmic experiences than others. It is, therefore, necessary that you know how to make her ejaculate depending on her needs. Some women also complain about squirting sensations related to G-spot stimulation, such as tingling or an urgent need to urinate.
Squirting happens in a female when prostatic fluid, that is, fluid from the skene’s gland, is ejaculated through the urethra. As for the reasons for squirting in women, researchers still do not fully comprehend what triggers it.
One theory suggests that if you want to understand how to squirt her truly , you will need to understand the factors that enable the development of a woman's body in the womb. It is also a fact that the reproductive anatomy of the male and female are analogous to each other.
For example, the penis head of a man and the clitoris of a woman develop in similar ways. Hence, squirting occurs simply due to the female prostate (skene’s gland) or its analogue for many researchers. It only means that they believe a woman squirts only when stimulation of the female prostate occurs.
A 2013 study found that many women squirt weekly and even daily. This research also found that 29% of women who squirt regularly discovered that their volume of ejaculate measures up to 2 ounces. Therefore, it is important to know how to make her squirt the right way.
Many men in a committed relationship may wonder, how do I make my girlfriend squirt? Well, here is a step-by-step guide for you to make your girl squirt easily:
Ensure that the environment surrounding you and your partner is clean before the squirting begins. It is done by making sure a towel is used so both of you can enjoy the orgasmic moment to the fullest when it arrives.
This way, you can avoid stressing over the possible mess that could happen due to squirting.
Create for your partner an environment that puts her at ease so that she does not feel embarrassed.
Foreplay plays a crucial role in getting your partner to squirt successfully. It is, therefore, essential that you gently caress her breasts, which are sensitive to touch from the top, bottom, and sides. Foreplay involves playing with your partner’s body and touching her softly throughout.
The G-Spot is generally located on the vaginal wall facing the stomach's direction. So, it is critically important that you use two fingers to tap, stroke, and caress it to discover the right area.
For some females, squirting happens when G-Spot swells and oozes with blood. If you notice it in your partner, do not panic, and continue moving your fingers in the vaginal wall.
When you are stimulating the G-Spot, it is essential to let her be free to use techniques that work for her. In other words, ensure that she is under no stress to squirt.
Do you ever wonder whether you can get your partner to squirt while having sex? Here are three positions that will stimulate her G-Spot and clitoris, leading to squirting.
This position provides the perfect angle for reaching the vaginal wall. With this position, it is also essential to hold a vibrator against your partner's clitoris to make squirting a possibility rather than remain a probability.
If you want to know how to make her squirt with a penis, then spooning is a position that you must try. In this move, your penis faces the G-Spot directly while the clitoris remains open for stimulation.
This is the best position for your partner to simultaneously experience G-Spot and clit stimulation. It is a move that will help her keep control and prevent her from thinking too much.
When it comes to providing your partner with an opportunity to enjoy a good orgasm, a question that should pop up in your mind is how to make her squirt? Here are some easy tips to make her squirt:
One of the best tools to use is sex toys to stimulate a great squirt in your partner. There are several vibrators and massagers available in the market that are very effective.
A few good words of encouragement with your partner would go a long way in eliminating any discomfort she may be feeling and putting both of you at ease.
You must take squirting as a bonus and not get disappointed if it does not work out. The key lies in hitting the G-Spot the right way and arousing her sexually.
Overall, if you want to know how to make her squirt, then you need to ensure that your partner’s G-Spot does get stimulated. The more you become aware of how to squirt her, the more effective the whole squirting experience becomes.
Since squirting eventually leads to the release of prostatic fluid through the urethra, it does serve as a suitable lubricant for sexual intercourse.
Squirting is only one technique that you can use to enjoy sex with your partner, and therefore if you have the misfortune of not experiencing it, it is no big deal. There are other ways to enjoy making love to your partner.
However, if you wish to enjoy this experience, learn to locate your partner’s G-spot and give her a good orgasm to enable her to squirt easily.
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If you’d like to give a woman the most intense sexual pleasure possible, then you might want to achieve a squirting orgasm (this is also known as “gushing”).
If so, watch our FREE video which reveals how to make a woman squirt. Click below to see it!
Here are the instructions that you’re going to need to follow if you want to help your woman to ejaculate, or achieve a squirting orgasm
1. Ask her to go to the toilet to empty her bladder.
2. Give her extensive foreplay, and make sure that you are both very turned on.
It’s also necessary to feel intimate, loving and connected with each other.
G spot stimulation, which is what I’m going to call prostatic tissue stimulation, works much better when the woman is feeling an emotional connection to her lover, so that she’s emotionally as well as physically aroused.
Indeed, for some reason, the G spot seems to be the central focus of emotional attachment during intercourse. Stimulating the G spot can produce a whole load of emotional experiences for a woman — and it becomes swollen with fluid much more easily when she’s engaged in sex that has a strongly emotional component.
4. Find her G spot by putting a finger inside her vagina.
You’ll find it with the pad of your fingertip uppermost, about 2 inches inside on the upper surface of the vagina.
When she is aroused, you should be able to feel smooth that swollen area which represents the G spot. If you feel ridges, she’s not aroused enough, and you need to go back to gentle external clitoral stimulation until she is sufficiently aroused.
You might also need to say a few sweet nothings like “I love you” to make sure she’s in the right frame of mind. Having plenty of time and no distractions helps too!
5. Stimulate her G spot with a well lubricated finger — lots of lube is essential.
She may complain that you she wants to urinate when you press on the G spot, but the sensation will pass with continued stimulation. Obviously she’s got an empty bladder, so she’s not likely to need to urinate.
6. Continue to use your fingers or use a smooth toy to stimulate her G spot.
This is about stimulating the G spot until she feels like she’s ready to ejaculate. You can use your penis if you have great staying power, but the problem is that if you hit her G spot in the right place and with the right rhythm, she’s likely to get so aroused so quickly that it makes you come, after which you have very little chance of discovering how to make a woman squirt, i.e., achieving female ejaculation.
And with a finger you’re going to have greater control and you’re going to be able to contain your own excitement.
The sensation a woman may feel that she needs to urinate will pass, and it will be replaced by an intense sensation of excitement. At this point she may be ready to ejaculate, but this is going to require her to keep herself emotionally open and relaxed, and to consciously allow the fluid to flow out of her. If she’s going to reach orgasm, it may help if she pushes downwards and outwards with the pelvic floor muscles.
7. Ensure there is good communication between you and reassure her that whatever happens it is natural and fun.
You may have already noticed when your woman achieves orgasm that she ejaculates a little bit of clear fluid anyway.
Female ejaculation, squirting or gushing is actually the forceful ejection of lots of this fluid from the urethral canal by means of strong muscular contractions, which occur after a longer build-up. This allows more fluid to accumulate.
Some tips for those who want to experience this amazing type of orgasm!
1 Watch the video below about how a woman can ejaculate during orgasm. When an orgasm involves squirting, or female ejaculation, it can be very intense, even mind-blowing. In fact, a woman may experience more pleasure than she thought possible.
And it’s not hard to make a woman squirt.
2 After watching this video, check out the information below!
Because of the Internet, most men have probably heard of female ejaculation, and the possibility of bringing a woman to an intense orgasm with fluid ejaculated from her vagina.
You may even have seen squirting or female ejaculation on video. If not, you can see one at the top of the right hand column of this page.
We call these “squirting orgasms”. The videos show how dramatic they can be. If you want to see how it’s done, there are plenty more videos online which show female ejaculation.
However, what’s probably more interesting if you’re a man trying to experience this with your partner, you need to find a way to do it with your own partner in a way that she’ll enjoy. 
You see, most of the videos on the Internet show women being stimulated extremely hard with a man’s fingers, thrusting in and out of the vagina with a ferocity that few women are likely to find pleasant.
So the question is, is there a way of making it more acceptable for the average woman, so that she can squirt, and that you can both enjoy the experience?
Well, yes there is, and it’s not so difficult to do — but there are some things you have to overcome first.
The first is the woman’s fear that hen she ejaculates or squirts during her orgasm she’s going to urinate.
Understandably. Many women, particularly those who’ve had children, do experience slight leakage of urine when they laugh, lift things, or even when they reach orgasm. This is about the strength of the pelvic floor muscles, and Kegel exercises are the traditional remedy.
Of course, no woman wants to think she may have urinated during orgasm. So the question is whether or not the fluid expelled from her vulva, often quite forcibly, during a squirting orgasm is, or is not, urine.
One way to help her get over this fear is to have her to empty her bladder before sex starts, but also to do a little bit of research on the Internet to demonstrate the nature of this fluid: it’s fluid from the Skene’s glands.
And this has something in common with the male prostate gland. Around the urethra, a woman has a collection of tissue which is directly related to male prostatic tissue. Embryologically, they probably come from the same place in both men and women, but under the influence of the Y chromosome and testosterone in a male embryo, this tissue develops into the prostate gland.
In women it becomes tissue in women referred to variously as the female prostate, the G spot, Skene’s glands, or the paraurethral glands.
It doesn’t make any difference what you call this tissue; its function is to produce fluid which in a man would make up the volume of semen.
In the woman this has no purpose (a bit like male nipples), but even so the fluid builds up during sexual excitement in the area known as the G spot, and can be expelled when the woman reaches orgasm if she is uninhibited about the possibility of making a wet patch (sometimes a very big wet patch), and the very intimate nature of sharing this act with her partner.
Therefore, you have to talk to her about all of this before you even try to make her squirt, otherwise it isn’t going to work.
Having said all of that, the other important factor to take into account is that some women simply don’t seem to be able to enjoy female ejaculation. If so, it may help to watch a video on the subject of women ejaculating or squirting.
If she wants to do this, check out the gushing, squirting and ejaculating women who recorded themselves on video for Deborah Sundahl .
Helping your woman to understand the process by watching a female ejaculation video together can be very helpful. And the Jason Julius video advertised in the left-hand column of this page can certainly be a talking point for the two of you.
Find out how you can make a woman come every time you make love or have sex. It’s easy, quick and simple!
The secrets of the female orgasm are waiting to be discovered. And when you know them, you can bring her to a screaming orgasm whenever you and she want. Click below to find out how.




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A step-by-step guide on how to squirt
Paisley Gilmour
Sex & Relationships Editor
Paisley is sex & relationships editor at Cosmopolitan UK, and covers everything from sex toys, how to masturbate and sex positions, to all things LGBTQ.

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"If sex isn't messy, you're not doing it right."
Squirting is just incredibly cool, there's no two ways about it. There's long been a debate about whether it actually can happen (it can, duh) and whether the liquid that's expelled is pee (it's not, duh again).
Some women and people with vaginas who squirt during sex might feel embarrassed about it, but they shouldn't because it's totally normal . So here's 8 guys to explain why it majorly turns them on when women squirt. PS. Don't see that as pressure to get squirting - not every body is capable so don't stress.
1. "I love it! My GF squirts almost every time she cums and she says it gives her a much more intense orgasm. It is also very satisfying for me to be able to please her like that and I enjoy the feeling of it when she squirts on my while she is riding me. I have never understood why this bothers some men." [via]
2. "Super fucking hot. It irritates me to hear about guys who think it's gross. Why not just go ahead and close your eyes, wrap yourself up in a dry, sterilised bubble, and stick your dick into a self-cleaning fleshlight? If sex isn't messy, you're not doing it right ." [via]
3. "Happened to me ONCE. I never liked it in pornos but sweet fucking christ almighty, when a chick actually comes on you it is the biggest turn on ." [via]
4. "[It's] super hot. It just confirms that you got her off, and the ones I have made squirt always convulse lots during the act which is also a turn on ." [via]
5. "Yeaaa, when eating a girl out and working the G-spot with the fingers and the clit with the tongue, and then feeling her vagina clamp down on your fingers and all of a sudden a rush of liquid spews out from around your fingers and the girl proceeds to scream/squeeze your head with her thighs/and then start yelling, 'fuck me'... yeah that shit is awesome ." [via]
6. "Happened to the girl I was with fairly often. She referred to it as the 'incident' and she was kinda embarrassed about it, but I just thought it was hot !" [via]
7. "My girlfriend and I hadn't been able to do anything more than a few quick kisses for about three weeks. This Sunday we finally got the chance to be alone, and it was amazing. We did it for two hours. We tried a lot of new things and did our first real dirty talk. It turned us both on tremendously. She ended up squirting for the first time while I was going down on her . It was incredibly hot." [via]
8. "I was dating a girl about eight months ago. Relationship was kind of new, a
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