Men In Stockings And Heels

Men In Stockings And Heels


Men In Stockings And Heels
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There is
something very incredibly sexy about men wearing high heels. They radiate a beautiful
mix of confidence and femininity that I can’t quite pin down. Perhaps it’s the
fact that they dare to do something forbidden or perhaps it’s how they look a
little vulnerable as they struggle to keep their balance. Or maybe it’s the
feminine aura that gets me going. Probably all of those things but any one of
them alone would be more than enough reason to love them. Seeing men wear high
heels is fun, exciting and very attractive and I wish more men would dare to
try going out in them because, believe it or not, some of us love high heels on
men and they most definitely catch my eyes.
In fact, every man should
get himself a pair of high heels for some special occasion or just for fun.
Now take a
look at the photo on the right. The one standing in the middle with those gorgeous
legs is a man and the two standing on either side of him are women! He is the
beautiful one, the eye-catcher and I’m not surprised they’re standing around
him. Anyone’s eyes would just have to wander up and down those perfectly shaped
legs and the shoes are the perfect finishing touch. The high heels make his
legs look longer, make him stand taller and absolutely condemn him to looking
feminine. Yes, I know, the fishnet tights are also feminine but without the
heels, he would still look masculine because of his muscular legs. That would
make him look like a dancer and they often wear tights. No, it’s definitely the high heels
that really make him feminine.
It has a
whole load of effects on the man wearing high heels. They force him to carry himself
in a more feminine way (this part I love). He has to walk more cautiously and
self consciously. Men wearing high heels even sound like a woman. Try walking
in high heels across a wooden floor in a large hall without getting noticed by
everyone and making loads of heads turn - mine in particular.
high heels also makes you taller and that again makes you more noticed. You
literally stand out more in heels. Once you’ve learned to walk in them, you
will look very elegant and emit an almost noble kind of confidence.
I love
shopping for shoes and so will you once you discover the world of women’s
shoes. Men’s shoes are practical and functional, but women’s shoes have all the
elegance and variety that makes shoe shopping fun. I’m sure men would develop
the same shoe obsession if they had as much choice.
fortunately, now days there are plenty of shoe shops where you can buy high
heels for men . I’m looking forward to seeing more men wearing high heels in the
future. Many more I hope.
Hi loved your post i thought I was the only man with the conference to wear high heels and i always wear heels out in public. I have 7 pair of heels sometimes I wear them with jeans, leggings or pantyhose i total love the way they feel and look also love all the compliments I get.
Yes more men should wear heels or at least try.
I've been wearing heels for 5 years and never saw another man in heels maybe they don't have the nerve but I've been told hundreds of times how great i look in heels especially when i pair them with suntan pantyhose or black leggings and all my heels are 4 inch and up.
Hopefully more men will do this! If you would like some pictures feel free to ask.
Hi , i love to wear high heels.i would love to wear them in front of my fiance but dont know how she would react.when she leaves for work and i know she gone .i grab a pair out of my secret hiding place and strut around the house all day wearing them.i love the way they feel when im walking nice and sutall.i go check our mail once in a while just to get a little courage to walk outside is intense.i wear 4 to 5 inch stiletto heel do i tell my Fiance that i would love to wear heels in front of her with her not freaking out.she's never seen my fetish for heels.
im a man who loves to walk around in public wearing 5 or 6 inch high heels and do
Ive been wearing highheels for some time now and ilove the feeling I get so much that I had to know how it felt to wear other womens clothes so I also started wearing dresses and skirts and tights I feel so sexy wearing these items but I just cant get up the courage to wear heels in public much less dresses and skirts and tights but im slowly working on it. As far as size for highheels ive found that one size up from mens sizes works for me but that may not work for all men. I think its awsome that there are so many men out there that have the courage to wear heels in public , its truly inspireing I say keep it up guys one of these days maybe it will be accepted , I for one hope it is, peace and love to all of you includeing all of you women who are accepting of and turned on by such sexy behavior , I hope to find such a women someday, so have fun out there guys and stay high on heels.
Great little article,and yes I want and need to go out in public in my heels and jeans.I do already,some things like fuel my car up.Go to the ready teller.When fueling go inside to get something.Would love to meet other people with the same interests.Im not sure but is there a way to contact people on this site.Say with the same interests,and maybe you live close to this person.Also can you say where you are city and state...
Finally a site that doesn't condemn men for wanting to wear more feminine attire. Everywhere I look, all I see is negative comments from most likely kids who don't bother reading others input and would rather belittle, degrade, and resort to name calling, because some guys--including myself--have the desire to want to wear high heels and other feminine clothing. Let's not forget that it is all because of MEN, women wear what they have on today.
I agree that most women probably look a bit more attractive in heels and other feminine clothing than men. However, coming from a straight male, my attraction for wanting to wear high spiked heels, as well as skin tight shiny spandex leggings, does NOT define my sexuality. Many would say its 'strange', or 'odd', or whatever. The simple fact is this: High heels are very attractive and pretty to look at. So is tight shiny spandex, to me at least. On male or female, it doesn't matter.
High Heels were designed for one purpose in mind, to be worn by people with FEET. Just like leggings, tights, and spandex were designed to be worn by people with LEGS. I personally find it even more strange that in a world where 'EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL', and same sex marriages have become the 'NORM', however it appears to be a criminal act when a man wants to wear ANYTHING feminine. I've been wearing spandex, leggings, and the recent Disco Pants for years, since I was a child. Although I never venture into public in fear of ridicule with my heels and leggings on. And I truly envy all the lovely ladies I see moving about in the city wearing what ever they want.
What's even more hilarious, is the fact that just about everyone seems to think if you're a man, and you are going to wear spandex, or what ever you desire in public, that you need a 'reason' i.e. SPORTS, MOVIES, BALLET, ETC. So its okay if you're Superman, or a football player, or cyclist. But heaven forbid a man simply wants to wear high heels and leggings, just to feel and look sexy.
I've been a man for 38 years, and not ONCE have I ever put on anything that was specifically designed for men that felt even remotely sexy as high heels, spandex leggings, tights, etc. All of male attire is the same, and kinda boring in my opinion. Unfortunately I have to hide in my house behind closed doors just to enjoy the feeling and look high heels and spandex give me. Meanwhile every time you see or hear the news, it's always something truly terrible happening, like Boston, or New Town, that people have practically become used to such violence and terrorism.
Our society really has its priorities backwards. Things that make us happy--are bad or strange and frowned upon. But things that literally take peoples lives, day in and day out, are normal? I hope I live long enough to REALLY see EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL, male or female, to wear what ever they choose. Without judgement. Rant over.
I love high heel shoes.I have a pair on now,they are called "Wedges".
I have others as well.They make you walk a little different but i like that.
And yes,im a straight guy with kids,home,good job and so that any of that matters.
Hi Lucy83, Men wearing high heels has been happening for centuries, but due to the social attitude and the fact some men were marked and executed for their status of being part of the social elite by their high heels, it has been kept from social familiarity. Mean while, the look of heels became more associated with femininity in society, especially when the slenderness of the spike and/or stiletto became prominent features.
There has been an undertow of thought to keep men and women thinking they are totally different and can't have the same desires, such as wanting to wear heels or other adapted attire that has been put into the "only for feminine use" category. History bears out that men use to be able to choose more flowery and frilly styles of apparel for social activities, but the social phobia of men and women being seen with the similarity of mind seemed to override what people actually felt. So, males became stereotyped with snails, pails and puppy dog tails (the responsibility of commanding and providing support) and females were associated with sugar, spice and everything nice (the nurturing and dealing with the exciteful beauties of life), as far as their personal appearances were concerned.
The business world of today has proved this senario of stereotyping incorrect, for many women are taking active roles in the business world and some men have become more engaged in the nurturing roles of the family. I'm not saying that males have to be seen in the women's roles or females in men's to become similar for they already have the same potential traits. Each individual has their own desires, thoughts, and talents. Since men and women have shown they can function in the other's stereotype, the obvious conclusion would be they have the possibility to desire the same things. The attire that women have to select from includes menswear, so they don't have to worry about the stigma of appearing like men for they have already eliminated that socially defined stereotyping. Society has limited men's choices of apparel to a couple of looks, which has resulted in the loss of the freedom they use to apply in choosing how they would dress according to the look they desired.
Men are desiring to wear high heels again. The fact that other people aren't familiar with seeing men in heels is irrelevant. Society wasn't use to seeing women with tattooes either, but lately many women have gotten them. The fact is there is more than enough evidence that men are choosing to wear heels. As to how fast this desire becomes main streamed depends on the men who have the desire to wear heels are willing to be seen in support for this stereotypical change, just like women have to support the movement to be acknowledged for their equality in society. What would say more to equality as men wear heels openly with women?
Hi Lucy! I loved your post and fully agree that once men start wearing heels they too will get the 'shoe obsession' My mother-in-law introduced me to heels and trained me extensively in how to walk in them. I am now very confident in my ability to walk in heels of any height. I have a rather nice shoe wardrobe of over 30 pairs (and growing!). My heel wearing used to only be at home but I've recently started going out to visit friends and relatives in them. A few months back my mother-in-law told me to put on a pair of heels and i soon found myself walking through the mall in them. I got some dirty looks but also a lot of positive comments from women. When asked by an admiring woman why I wore heels I asked her, "why should women have all the fun?" She agreed and I told her that I felt heels were the ultimate luxury and wearing them was sexy and inspired confidence. One might think that wearing heels takes away from a man's sexuality - not according to some women who said it too a man who was very secure in his sexuality to wear heels. A few added that their macho husbands didn't have the guts to wear heels
I am a female and my bf loves to wear womens high heels, the higher the better and hes really into a brand called pleasers. I find him totally hot in his high heels and cant wait to see him in them. So for any man out there wear your heels with pride, men in heels are totally sexy.
Hi, I love the post. I have always been interested in heels. I do not wear them but wish I could. Seems I have a lot of feminine qualities, and the older I get, the more they wish to expressed. 47 now, married with 2 kids. As much as I wish to go down this road, I cannot. Ah well.
I am a man who likes to wear feminine high heels with my favorite men's suits out in public as often as I can. I have been wearing pumps with 5" stiletto high heels in public with my favorite coordinated men's suits for several years now. I enjoy the looks, comments, and feedback I get from both men and especially women who are curious and interested in as to why I wear high heels in public. I think the more men are seen in public wearing high heels, possibly the more common-place it will become and might start a trend.
Hello I have always been fascinated with high heels and lingerie. I meet a very understanding woman and I told her my fetish bout high heels and she was confused at first and the more we talked bout it she loves the idea. I bought a pair of 6inch strappy sandals and bought her a pair of 4.5 inch strappy sandals to she loved the pics I sent her and can't wait for us to wear them together. I think heels are sexy and these are not to bad
Paul Duane from Salt Lake City, Utah on April 22, 2012:
Love the article, could'nt agree more. There is something empowering that happens when you step into a great pair of heels. Every time I walk into a club showing a lot of leg and wearing heels, I know that the night is mine. I've got a few photos of how I do it here:
Very nice site... thank you for sharing...
i've always wanted to be locked in high heels or just wear them everywhere i love high heels !
i'm a boy and has always wanted a friend (girl) that would understand, teach me to walk i heels and help me buy and choose which ones :-)
lightinventor from Chicago, il on February 04, 2012:
I am wearing boots with a 8cm high heel under a jeans with nylons in public and body. Super feeling when shopping or walking. It is my wife without behaviour. Men must know how this experiment and feels fantastic. But try.
Lucy83 (author) on February 04, 2012:
couldn't understand any of what you wrote :(
Haalo lucy. Ik draag laarzen met een 8cm hoge hak onder een jeans in publiek met nylons en body. Super gevoel bij winkelen of wandelen. Mijn vrouw gaat mee zonder reaktie. Mannen moeten experimenteren en weten hoe dit voelt Fantastisch. Proberen maar.
since last time i wrote iv woren my high heels out in public they had a 7 inch heel
I love to wear high heel shoes or boots. My size is either 13-14 depending on shoes but love to wear womens boots and very high heel shoes. I have several pairs of high heels but my favorite is my high heel boots. Would have no problem wearing them if or when I get banged by another male. Hope to hear from him soon.
Thank you for the help getting better in walking in heels started with a much smaller heel found that works better and work my way up to a larger heels not sure how long to stay in the small heel.
lightinventor from Chicago, il on January 03, 2012:
I wear a 7 to 7 1/2 women's and found that wedge platform boots fit the best at 7 1/2 but the stilletos are platform too which makes a difference, I find platforms work the best for for me My actual size is just above a 7 so i do a 7 1/2 fits best. as for as your size of 8 wide might consider 8 1/2 , but also look to see if your feet are the same. I found my right is closer to a 7 1/2 and my left is closer to a 7.
How long did it take you to get used to wearing High heels and how is the best way to do that? I am also having a hard time finding a shoe that will fit me. I wear a size 8 wide where would you start looking for that size?Hope you can help this is all new to me but i have allways love the thought of wearing high heels and just thought it is time to go for it and wear what i wont to.
lightinventor from Chicago, il on December 28, 2011:
looks good desmond , you walk very natural , and very nice lags and shape.
I just got denim pencil skirt and 5 inch platforms and went to the city for a stroll still getting used to the stillettos may wear my wedges next time there still getting used to new height.
Lucy83 (author) on December 28, 2011:
That's my fault. I'm behind in moderating the comments. Sry about that. Eventually I read all the comments.
Nice legs! You need to get better posture and learn to walk to make the best of your figure.
Forgot to share the link, here you go...
Hey Lucy, I'm a man who loves wearing feminine stuff. I just recently indulged in my own pair of stiletto heels just to get a sense of how it feels for a woman to walk in these shoes..! In the video you can see me (30-year-old man) in pantyhose, skirted leotard and black patent high heels that lock around the ankles! I simply adore the fact that I can't take off my sexy heels without the keys! Please leave feedback and.. great article!
Heels 6 in from Upland Ca. on December 25, 2011:
I dont see my post did I do something wrong and you did not post it here...connie
lightinventor from Chicago, il on December 24, 2011:
Shawneejones i went out night in the city my wedge boots and a above the knee blue denim skirt and did some shoe shopping and a starbucks and a little strolling around i found no one even batted an eye. it was a nice evening, living in the suburbs there they are a little more conservative. i enjoyed the walk and enjoyed the freedom.
Heels 6 in from Upland Ca. on December 24, 2011:
Hello high heel lovers.I just joined.I have been wearing heels since I was nine or ten years old.Its been 30 years or so and still wearing them.A 100 + pairs later..I only wear 5 or 6 in heels ,mostly 6 in and without a platform.Receintly I just bought several pairs from Germany made in Italy.They are awesome the feel of them when you put your foot in them,and I always wear stockings.They are the best fitting shoe I have ever worn.I love going out in the evenings wearing them.And I am also a CD which enables me to go out wearing heels and usually a very short skirt,about as short as hot pants.I have great legs and ass.My ankles are so small that handcuffs slip right on.And by the way I live in Upland Ca.Well that's a little about me.And that's all for now....
lightinventor from Chicago, il on December 22, 2011:
it s not difficult but would recommend starting lower to get used to it, but also the heel and general fit makes a difference. a spike is the hardest to walk in and the chunkier the heel the easier it is.
how do you learn to walk in high heels.
biggest deal is finding a pair of heels that will fit if you wear size 11 (male) and do not want the stripper type
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