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Crossdressing in My Girlfriend's/Wife's Clothes

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The most wonderful man in the world works at this company, and they're lending me out to him for two days as a temporary secretary. Can you tell how happy I am? He's such a sweet, caring, sensitive man. I can wear a dress like this around him and feel completely safe. I know that he'll pay me a compliment that will make me feel beautiful, feminine, and all warm inside, not like those other men who make me feel like a piece of meat. It's not true that we women don't want compliments. We want the right compliments.
Yesterday he caught me standing there like a fool with my skirt caught in the door, chewing out a bunch of men who wouldn't help me. This is my chance to show him another side of me. And a lot more of me.
Can you tell that I can't take my eyes off him as I write? The only trouble is, tomorrow I won't get to take much dictation, so I won't get to see him much. But tomorrow I'll be reaching into my closet for another sexy, short dress. And maybe I can go into his office for lunch. And maybe he'll take the hint that there's nothing I want more in life than for him to put his arms around me and kiss me.
One thing's for sure. The cute little dress I'm wearing won't get caught in any doorways.
Oh, it happened again. I have just about had it with this dress. Vintage means old, you know. I thought it was repaired for good. I was at a party, and the men were saying nice things about my beautiful long legs and my black high heel shoes, and suddenly my dress split right open on me. Again. At least I was standing up this time. Oh well, nothing to do but smile like it's all a joke, hold my skirt together so it's stretched tight across my butt, and back out of the room. Some of the men laughed at me. Yeah, wiseguy, I hope you have a wardrobe malfunction yourself, and real soon.
I know a lot of you love this beautiful Asian dress with the pink and gold flower print, but this is the last time I'm wearing it, so help me.
A Duchess needs her new working wardrobe for the winter season! Now that autumn is truly with us, I am very busy with my charity, which helps young men in my local community rise to their full potential. This is the first outfit in my new Winter Working Wardrobe Contest, and I will be wearing it for a mentoring session today with my young mentees. Enjoy!
Lady Rebecca Georgina Arabella Lyndon
Well, I will describe my outfit for you. I found this great dress online and had to get it. I tend to dress on the conservative side, but I knew that for this event, alot of the girls would be wearing something short and flashy. To say that I felt self conscious and vulnerable wearing such a short dress is an understatement!
I have also been taking suggestions from some online admirers (you know who you are), that I should wear higher heels. So, I went to 4 inches for the first time. And it wasn't that painful or difficult to walk in them.
Of course, no outfit is complete without jewellery, makeup and pantyhose. I wore false eyelashes for the first time in many years and poked my eye out in the process. Not for kids, honey!
It felt great not to have to wear a suit like these men! But, they looked great in them! Some boys look better in suits, and others look better in dresses. ;)
Despite living as a man I have a desire to dress up and appear as a woman. I won’t deny I have some angst about this. I fear being discovered as a cross-dresser and I worry my actions are offensive to women. I admire women, and I truly adore them. I’m sure many people would see my actions of attempting to emulate women as a weird thing for a man today. Well, part of me is definitely transsexual. Since childhood part of me has felt more girl than boy. I never acted on this feeling though in terms of pursuing a physical gender change transition through surgery and hormones. I felt girlie but I also liked being a boy. I was attracted to feminine clothing and had strong desires to look female as a teenager. I was envious of girls when I realised I had no breasts developing, facial hair started growing and my body began to get hairy. For awhile in my early teens I was distraught.
I had seen female impersonators, as opposed to drag queens, on television and in magazines. This was the early 1970s when female impersonation was an art form in the world of entertainment. I confess I was in awe of these men that could transform themselves into ultra feminine women. I was more intrigued by the fact that people enjoyed their performances. I knew if I had been caught dressed up as a girl in make-up, dress and heels my own reception would have been the opposite. Violence from other boys was a very likely outcome back then.
I became a part-time secret girl in my teens. I was fortunate that physically I wasn’t very masculine and I was quite small in height, I was thrilled about this as a boy! I tried to keep myself physically in favour of being feminine but trying not to make it too obvious.
I was feeling confusion, as sometimes I found I was quite happy being a boy. I found I liked the notion I could on occasion become a girl. I was also confused by the feelings of knowing I loved to be female yet as a male I was excited by the idea of the dressing up as a girl and the whole illusion of it all. I was in a way, a female impersonator and loved it! Of course I had no theatrical performance element, I was just a teenager who loved pretending to be a girl. I had further confusion because I found girls attractive but had no attraction towards men. I used to wonder why I was dressing up as a girl and question my sexuality. No matter how often I mulled it over I just did not find men attractive. The paradox was, when I dressed as a girl I used to have a desire to appear alongside a man as his female companion. That used to freak me out in my mid teens! I now think it is down to my vanity wondering if I could be a convincing female alongside a male. I had the fantasy of that scenario but I only wanted it for appearances not for any intimacy. Knowing what men are like, I avoided ever fulfilling this fantasy as I feared a violent outcome when I was exposed as being a boy not a girl.
I had a major purge at the age of twenty four and grew a beard and avoided any cross-dressing for nearly eighteen years. It was a struggle, I admit it. My desire to dress and look female never left me. By my early forties, I just knew I had to begin cross-dressing again. It was a painful period for my wife and family as up until that point they had no idea I wanted to become a woman every now and again. I think they feared I may transition and live full time. To be honest, I had settled into my male life, despite my desires to dress as a woman, and liked how my male life had panned out. I have no desire to lose that now. I just felt I needed the occasional opportunity to unlock myself fully and free up my female self.
I still rarely cross-dress as I have no wish for my female self to impact on the family. I always wait for an opportunity when I’m alone and have no chance of being disturbed. These opportunities rarely present themselves so over the last twenty years since I restarted my cross-dressing I typically only find one or two opportunities a year. Some years I have no opportunities at all and have to wait for over two years at times. Currently, I last cross-dressed in March 2020, literally days before the Pandemic and lockdown restrictions arrived. I do hope to be able to cross-dress once more in the summer of 2023. I’m not seeing any opportunity presenting itself before then. I may get lucky but I doubt it.
Part of the issue comes from when I do cross-dress I only ever wish to do it fully. By that I mean, I can’t just enjoy putting on a dress or a bit of make-up. My need requires me to physically change a few things. I only ever want a hair free body when I cross-dress and I only ever want shaped more feminine styled eyebrows. I like to feel I am feminine not male. Having shaved legs, chest, arms and…other areas…is essential for the emotional fulfilment I enjoy from presenting myself as a woman. I really want to become as feminine as I can achieve.
I will freely admit I enjoy the process of transforming from male to female. Shaving off my body hair and reshaping my eyebrows is a physical commitment to my female self which is always an exciting and daring thing to commit to. I entitled the picture accompanying this narrative, which is actually a still frame from one of my videos, ‘Putting it all together’. I gave it that title as that’s how I think of my transformation into my female alter-ego.
It is a process, it all starts with the physical body preparation I mentioned then moves onto other physical aspects. Do try to keep my figure more feminine by keeping my weight down. This helps me feel more girlie when I wear female underwear and clothes. The shaved legs, chest and arms are essential for me, I cannot cross-dress without doing that. I want smooth hairless legs and arms and chest area when I wear skirts and dresses and high heels. Tucking my genitals is also essential. I find quite significant psychological shift occurs when I do this. It may seem strange to say it, but despite being a man I love it when I’m ticked and the male ‘bit’s are gone. It feels so good!
I always love putting on my make-up, I love to wear make-up and truly adore it. Having had a super close facial shave I get a wee thrill the moment I start to apply my foundation make-up. By the time I’ve finished I am thrilled to be wearing foundation, blusher, eye-liner, mascara and lipstick. I feel a lot closer to my female self by this point. Doing my wig is also an amazing moment, I suddenly feel the woman has arrived. By this point I’m usually wearing my knickers and bra with my silicone breast forms fitted. I usually put on tights (pantyhose) at this point and I enjoy the tactile sensation of them on smooth shaved legs.
Next step is to put on a dress, I love dresses and really feel good wearing them. I find spending time in a dress doe alter my mannerisms and posture, I do prefer them to my male clothing. My finally part is stepping into my high heels…heaven! I just love wearing them. To finally be smooth all over, have shaped eyebrows and be in dress, heels, make-up and a wig is just so intoxicating. I am often heady with the pure elation of the moment.
Knowing I can feel feminine for the next few hours is just an incredible feeling. I love cross-dressing! No
The other day, my sister and brother in law got into a bit of a tiff over The old Playboy Clubs with my brother inlaw waxing poetic over The Golden Days of Playboy and the Key Clubs (even though he never set foot in one) and my sister( ahh.. dear old sis..I wonder if she ever suspected why she always seemed to lose her pantyhose and panties in the laundry).. going on about the objectification of women..sexism and male privilege...
Back and forth they went until Sis blurted out... "Why don't you men try walking around in fishnets, high heels and a tight body suit wearing bunny ears?"
"Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well.” —Vivienne Westwood
I'm sure Ms. Westwood was not thinking of a man wearing women's wear when she made this comment, but it still applies as far as I'm concerned.
For me (and others I suspect), crossdressing is an evolving thing. In the beginning; that is, when I was 12 or so until the age of about 37, I dressed in a messy way. It reflected an unsophisticated sense of fashion and style and satisfied a fetish. Sometimes, a t-shirt became a skirt. At other times, I only had access to a pair of pantyhose. I had no wig. In some ways, I consider this a vulgar form of crossdressing, hidden, not terribly satisfying, and fraught with feelings of shame. This, I guess, was my Discovery Period.
Then in 2006, I started to get my act together. I wanted to dress to pass myself off as a woman in public. Of course, venturing into public was a non-trivial affair, but when that time came I realized I had much to learn. I know I am not a woman, nor do I want to be, so pretending to look like a woman is only part of the equation. I will never think like a woman (whatever that means), understand what it means to be a woman, or even sound like a woman. For many years, this bothered me because I wanted to "pass as a woman." In addition, as I found like-minded friends online, the shame dissolved into competitive pride. This was my Amateur Period.
Then, perhaps about 5 years ago, I came upon a revelation. I clearly want to dress as a woman and do it well, but now I am not deluding myself that I will pass as a woman when in public. Perhaps in my photos I can capture this illusion, but when interacting with people in the real world, I abandon any notion of convincing people I am a woman. After all, I am not a woman and I don't want to be. Therefore, I adopted a new attitude: I want to pass with dignity. This applies whether I am wearing men's or women's clothing and in any venue, of course, but especially when dressed as a woman. I do not want to disrespect women or otherwise be a caricature of a woman. I want to feel stylish and chic and sometimes playful and contrarian. But always with dignity and respect. The competitive and prideful nature has given way, at least for the most part, to confidence and satisfaction. This is my Renaissance Period.
What comes next? Will I continue to crossdress until the age of 105? My god, how will that look? I don't know. But I do like the idea of dressing as an elegant woman-of-a-certain-age, one who feels confident, defiant, wise, and dismissive of the small matters. One who appreciates the joy in having tea with friends, taking a walk through a museum, or just sitting properly in a chair while watching the world go by. As Coco Chanel once said: "You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life."
Many thanks to Cristy Garcia for taking this photo of me. She has the eye.
I was involved in yet another radio debate the other day with that self-appointed guardian of our public morals, Lord Trembath – leader of the so-called Moral Renaissance Movement. Part of our discussion went like this:
Lady Rebecca, do you not feel that – as a married women – you have a duty to preserve the purity of marriage as an institution?
Of who’s purity do we speak? As I have pointed out to you before, Lord Trembath, in patriarchal societies women are mere objects to be used by men for sexual gratification and reproduction. We are treated as servants - and where is the purity in that?
But do you not feel any responsibility - as an aristocrat and a Duchess - to act for the greater public good? You are the leading member of a movement which embraces and encourages vice of all kinds!
Let’s face it, Lord Trembath – we are both economic parasites!! Our wealth and privilege derive from the exploitation of others. The difference between us is that my eyes are open, and my actions are intended to bring about a world not of equality – which I believe is impossible – but the complete domination of males by the Superior Sex: Women. Only through the establishment of Female Supremacy will the world achieve lasting happiness and stability… Then, let purity reign!
…and so on and on for a good half hour. You can hear the whole thing on I-Player or somewhere like that, should you wish to. BTW, the outfit I am wearing in the picture is what I wore for the recording session, so I wouldn’t look like too much of a tart! A pity it was only radio… !!!
Love and Kisses to All My Friends and Fans!
Lady Rebecca Georgina Arabella Lyndon
#9: As of 6/12/22, of my 3100+ pics, this is listed as #9 in most # of views.
#23: As of 9/18/21, of my 3000+ pics, this is listed as #23 in most # of faves.
#131: As of 8/6/21, under Flickr's popularity rankings of my 2900+ pics, this is listed as #131 in "interestingness."
#264: As of 8/6/21, of my 2900+ pics, this is listed as #264 in most # of comments.
As described further in my September 22, 2020 Update on my flickr profile page, I have launched another retrospective series, this one featuring my earliest CD pics dating from 1989-2003. There are various reasons described there for rolling out this series, and know that this is not just a re-posting of old pics. This is a new more-authentic look at some classic pics of mine.
This pic is from September 2002. I took several days off from work to have a "CD stay-cation" and spend 6 days getting made up and be out en femme in public.
On this Day #2, I got a makeover at a home beauty salon in San Jose, while wearing the french-tip acrylic long nails I had put on the day before at a local nail salon. I remember another woman coming into the home salon as I was nearly done and she was really struck by how completely feminine and beautiful I looked. She noticed my bare arms here, which I had shaved for this week, and complimented me on how they appeared rather thin and femme, especially compared with other men/CDs she had seen dressed up. I recall feeling very flattered and happy with her compliments, as this was *exactly* the impression I was hoping to give to people that I would come across while en femme. (After all, I'd worked very hard to avoid any arm-muscle activity, shave my thin arms & hands, wear oversized bracelets, and get those long nails put on -- all to have these arms look sufficiently womanly.)
The outfit here is a navy blue zip-front & slit-front mini-dress with a belted waist, found as a "steal" at a Ross Dress for Less in LA. It was my favorite dress at the time, and reminded me a little bit of a stewardess outfit. To complement this sexy minidress, I sported a pair of navy blue high-heel pumps, along with navy blue ultra-sheer pantyhose.
I think this day involved a really great, complete makeover, and I felt again like a beautiful young woman. It was maybe even my best makeover to that point. What would you think if you saw me?
Some recent excerpts from my work diary…
Tuesday – cocktails and dinner at the Savoy with Lord Quelch. Then back to his suite at the RAC club for a foursome with Lord Quelch himself, Lord Runnymede, and the Duke of Midlothian. I took a pre-breakfast nude swim in their wonderful indoor pool. I had great fun parading around completely starkers, in front of all those ogling men - knowing that there wasn’t a chance in hell that I would be arrested for indecent exposure!!
Thursday – a fun evening at The Salon. We were so hyped up after satisfying horny clients all day that Lady Maria Drinkwater and I went for a race around Mayfair at 3.00 am, in our matching red E Types. We were stopped (eventually!!) by the cops for doing 140 mph down Park Lane, two abreast. We quickly let the arresting officers see that neither of us were wearing panties under our slutty, slit-skirted bodycon dresses, and matters were soon sorted out - without any need for further legal action…
Friday – it’s Lady Lavinia Baverstock’s last night at The Salon, and we plan to celebrate it with a truly outrageous and envelope-pushing orgy, involving all of our resident girls and maybe 30 or more clients! Lady Lavinia and
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