Men Fondled

Men Fondled


Men Fondled

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Она сказала мне, что он ласкал эльфов.

You... fondled me while I was asleep?

They touched tongues and fondled each other.

Они касались языками, ласкали друг друга.

Honestly, Eleanor, who fondled you as a child?

Серьезно, Элеанор, кто ласкал тебя в детстве?

He took off her dress, he fondled her vaginally, told her that it was their secret.

Он снял ее платье и ласкал вагинально, сказав, что это их секрет.

If I let you go, you'll just run straight to the police and tell them I kidnapped you and held you hostage and fondled you while you were asleep.

Если я отпущу тебя, ты сразу же побежишь в полицию и расскажешь им, что я похитил тебя и удерживал в заложниках и ласкал тебя, пока ты спал.

A man fondled my behind on a city bus.

А меня мужчина пытался облапать в автобусе.

OREN: You kicked me and fondled me.

Many times I touched its face, kissed its eyes, fondled its hair.

Много раз я прикасался к лицу, целовал его глаза, поглаживал волосы.

Обласканный вдоволь, даже с избытком.

They weren't fondled , they were forced to fight.

С ними не сюсюкались , они были вынуждены бороться.

That fence was not climbed, just... ambitiously fondled .

Я не залез на забор, просто... погладил от радости.

You're the guy who just broke into my house and fondled me.

Вы тот, кто ворвался в мой дом и всего меня облапал .

Maybe you should have fondled peg-leg Pete.

тебе стоило приголубить и одноногого Пита?

Did you run out of napkins or were you just fondled by an Oompa Loompa?

У тебя кончились салфетки или тебя приласкал Умпа Лумпа?

Apparently, it means getting fondled by singing mental cases.

Похоже, смысл в том, чтобы тебя гладили психи, распевающие песни.

One of the many cases she heard about was that concerning prisoner S. who, in 1995, was cleaning the back stairs of the compound when officer X. grabbed and fondled her and kissed her.

Один из многочисленных услышанных ею случаев касался заключенной С., которая в 1995 году убирала черную лестницу тюрьмы, когда надзиратель Х. подкрался к ней, схватил ее и стал целовать.

He called it " Fondled in the Forest," but...

Он назвал это - " Нежность в лесу", но... А теперь ещё и сочиняешь.

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Результатов: 21 . Точных совпадений: 21 . Затраченное время: 19 мс
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FONDLING — перевод на русский c примерами предложений
fondled - Перевод на русский - примеры английский | Reverso Context
Urban Dictionary: fondler
Denver TSA Schemed To Fondle Men ’s Genitals - YouTube
FONDLED | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
One who remains without a girlfriend and obtains great joy from feeling the girls of others. This fondling is not limited to only girlfriends, but all females remain potential victims. The touching may include all body parts, ranging from carressing the arm to just whispering in ones ear while holding the neck. It can take on many forms, including the drive-by fondle , fondle-and-run, drunken-fondle, or even the gang-fondle (which is optimal in crowded areas).
The fondler struck at the party and by 11:30 pm had claimed 23 victims.
by Shababwah Smoradee March 21, 2006
Get a fondler mug for your mother-in-law Jovana.
Being mad as fuck about something. Making fun of someone or trying to be annoying .
So what I ate all yo shit Daquan you big mad or lil mad
Get the Big Mad neck gaiter and mug.
Used in regard to camera collectors who do not use, nor know how to use their equiptment .

May be seen with a camera in public, but isn't likely going to ever develop the film. If they do develop the film, they admire on the sharpness and color qualities, and quickly disregard the photographs to continue fondling their camera.

Usually a leicaphile but may also be a contaxian . Canonites and and Nikonites usually fall under the catagory of a wanker.
all he does is stroke over his new leica m7 , i mean, have you actually seen any of his photos? What a fondler.
Get a fondler mug for your barber Helena.

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