Men Erogenous Zones

Men Erogenous Zones


Men Erogenous Zones
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Casey Gueren and Aryelle Siclait

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Aryelle Siclait
Aryelle Siclait is the editor at Women's Health where she writes and edits articles about relationships, sexual health, pop culture, and fashion for verticals across and the print magazine.

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Just, uh, make sure they're not ticklish.
Yeah, sex is fun and all, but have you ever run your fingernails along someone’s scalp and watched their eyes roll back?
If you want it to, sex can involve so much more than just genitals. By interacting with other pleasure centers on the body, you can excite your partner before and while you’re doing the deed, to make their orgasms more powerful, says certified sex coach Gigi Engle .
These sensitive areas, called erogenous zones, can generate sexual responses that are similar to or just as satisfying as playing with your partner’s private bits, thanks to the release of the same feel-good chemicals that are activated in the brain during sex itself. By just giving a little TLC to these special spots, you can show you partner how into their entire body you are—making them feel way sexier and motivating them to give you their all.
If all that hasn’t got you convinced, a study even backed this up, pinpointing the 10 best male hot spots. While the penis came out on top (no shocker there), there are plenty of other sensitive parts he wants you to include in the action.
I even reached out to a few sexperts to add more must-hit buttons—here are the 16 erogenous zones for men—plus a few pointers about how to stimulate each one to keep the pleasuring coming and coming and coming…
Foot fetishes aside, because feet are sensitive, they can be very erotic, says Engle. Being that you're on your feet all day practically guarantees that they'll ache from time to time, so what better than a message for your partner after a long day, before getting frisky?
If you get really good at giving foot rubs, you might hit on one of the numerous pressure points that Engle says are "directly linked to the genitals." (They're different for everyone...sorry.) Top all that tootsie action off with a little toe-sucking for good measure.
This is one area of the body that rarely gets enough attention (especially on men), says Engle. But once you've cleaned out the lint, you'll realize that this spot lends itself to sensual touch. Of course, the area won't be a turn-on for everyone, but you can quickly figure out it if it is for your partner by gently making circles inside his navel with your finger.
Didn't work? No worries. Belly buttons are great for food play, too, says Engle. Bring a drizzle of chocolate sauce into the bedroom ( or bathroom) and lick it out of your partner's belly button to tease the area just above the genitals.
Since you do so much with your hands during sex, it's easy to think of them as sensual parts of the body. But what you might not have considered is, because you use them for practically everything—sex-related or otherwise—they're packed with nerve-endings and hold a ton of tension that you can relieve for your partner with a hand massage, says Engle.
Once things really start heating up, focus on your partner's fingers by stroking them with your own or sucking on them with your mouth.
The feeling of fingernails gently running across the scalp is a simple move, but it's enough to send shivers through the body, Engle promises. It's an instant relaxer that warms the body up for the intensified intimacy that's coming next.
After asking your partner if he's ticklish, kiss or run a few gentle fingers over this unexpected erogenous zone. The skin there is super-sensitive, says Engle, so interacting with it will excite his nerves, thus exciting your partner.
This might be far from the main attraction, but it can still be a v sensual spot. “Neck stimulation sends signals to your circulatory system, increasing blood flow,” says sex therapist Gloria Brame, PhD, author of Sex for Grown-Ups: A Sex Primer for the 21st Century . Try gently stroking or kissing this area during foreplay and during sex.
Most men are just as amped about kissing as you are. “The lips are just one of those very sensitive membranes of the body,” says Brame. Try biting your partner's lips, stroking them with your tongue, and gently rubbing them with your fingers.
This soft, sensitive tissue surrounding his testicles is packed with nerve endings. “Holding, cupping, and very gently rubbing or massaging them is all very sensual for men,” says Brame. Be sure to ask him how much pressure he prefers—like with salt, it's always better to start with a little, then add more as desired.
This thick-skinned, muscular area can handle a little more pressure than others, so Brame suggests caressing, massaging, or lightly tracing your nails along his inner thighs.
Ob-viiiiii. Instead of honing in just on the tip of the penis, though, focus on the entire shaft, says Brame. “Make a circle around the base of his penis with your hand and squeeze gently while pleasuring him,” says Brame. This will boost blood flow and sensitivity.
Want to take it up a notch? Go for a slow blow —he'll go wild.
Speaking of penises...ever wonder how often the average person has sex? Here's your answer:
While some men have ultra-sensitive nipples, others aren’t too fond of stimulation there, so Brame suggests going slow. If he’s into it, you can try gently tracing the area with your finger or kissing them soflty. To up the ante, says Engle, gently squeeze his nipples just as he orgasms to make his climax more powerful.
The nerve endings in this area actually span all the way from his pubic bone to his anus and into his thighs. One über-sensitive spot is right beneath the scrotum—try pressing very gently here or lightly flicking your tongue on this spot, says Brame. Then there's the anus itself, which houses the prostate (a.k.a. the P-spot, or "male G-spot").
You might know the area around your pubic bone is a huge erogenous zone, but it actually is for men, too. “When he’s lying down, start right under his belly button and trace circles around the area,” says Brame. This spot—right where his belt would be—is often overlooked.
Sex can be a great stress reliever , so it's shouldn't be too surprising that massaging the lower back—a spot that endures a ton of strain (and holds a lot of tension) throughout the day can also help set the mood at night.
While you're kneading the muscles of his lower back, take the opportunity to tease your partner's butt cheeks and perineum. He'll welcome the surprise.
Similar to the nape of the neck, this area is packed with nerve endings that send erotic signals to his brain. Give it some love by kissing it, massaging it, or breathing hot air down the back of his neck, says Brame. Some guys might even like a little scratching...especially if they have longer hair.
Aside from whispering about what you want to do to him later (which you absolutely should do, you sex goddess), you can also caress or lightly nibble on his earlobes for an added arousal boost, says Brame.
Oh, and don't forget the patch of skin right behind his ears—kiss it slowly, just like you secretly (or not so secretly) want from him.













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13 erogenous zones in men to experiment with for better sex


November 23, 2019 14:16:39 IST

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We already know that sexual activity is beneficial for health - and reaching arousal is an important part of initiating sexual activity.

Some parts of our body are more sensitive than others, we all know that. There is a reason we feel ticklish around our ribs, use the back of our hand to check someone’s temperature, feel like we’re in heaven when someone massages our head or feet and hell when we bump a knee or elbow. That’s because of the nerve endings present in these areas.
Nerve endings carry information about any external stimulus to our brain. The intensity of pain and pleasure increases with the number of nerve endings present. And so the parts of the body that can hurt the most can also make us feel immense pleasure.
Representational image. Image source: Getty Images.
Different types of touch can be used and experimented with for each of these parts. For example, while a pinch might feel great on the nipples, it probably won’t invoke the same feeling on the wrists. 
Similarly, not all of these erogenous zones might work like hot spots for every single man - people are unique and can have different quirks. We already know that sexual activity is beneficial for health - and reaching arousal is an important part of initiating sexual activity. The only way to know for sure what works for you or your partner is to try it - with full disclosure, of course. 
1. Scalp:  Just like every other body part on this list, the scalp is full of nerve endings. From head massages to hair tugging, there are plenty of ways to use this to your advantage. If he’s a bit sensitive about his hair, try a gentle caress behind his ear or the back of his neck.
2. Inner thigh:  When it comes to men, the penis usually steals the show. But many areas in that general region can also cause arousal. This can be really helpful if you’re trying to delay orgasm. Instead of focusing on the penis, divert your attention to his inner thigh. This will keep him feeling turned on but not enough to reach orgasm. 
3. Back of the knees:  The back of the knees just happens to be a very sensitive and nerve-rich area and can be used to increase arousal in many simple ways. A massage is a great idea if you’re feeling hesitant about approaching your partner and just asking them about their pleasure points directly. Just notice the tells and reactions as you move up the legs. This area can also be ticklish, though, so don’t be feather-soft with your touch either. 
4. The midline of the chest to the rib area:  It’s ticklish but it can also be a turn-on. You can use your nails to slightly scrape along the rib. Again, you can probably reduce your partner to giggles if it’s too light a touch - but hey, laughter is good for health too and it helps reduce the awkwardness that sometimes finds its way into the bedroom. Sex doesn’t always have to be steamy and serious like in the movies - it can just be two people touching, giggling and exploring what their bodies can do. 
5. Center of the palms, back of the hands:  Arousal doesn’t even always have to lead to sex. There are many baby steps involved before that stage and it’s absolutely okay to take your time. But you also don’t have to abstain from all sorts of excitement - for example, even the way you hold your partner’s hand can lead to arousal. We use our hands for so many activities, it shouldn’t be a surprise that they’re full of nerve endings. So whether it’s an “accidental” brush of the hands or a much more deliberate stroke of the palm, it can have the desired effect. Especially if you accompany it with some eye contact.
6. Dorsum of the wrist:  The reason we mention your wrist separately is that it’s where you check for a pulse - feeling someone’s heartbeat can also be an intimate experience. If that’s not enough, then yes, it does have a lot of nerve endings. Take your time and don’t rush this - this touch can even be used at the peak of sexual activity to make the orgasm stronger.
7. Scrotum:  “A kick in the balls” is supposedly the worst pain any man can experience. But that just goes to show that the balls can be a pleasure centre, too. Start slow, gauge how you or your partner feel about it and then try a firmer touch. Don’t ever try to shift them too much, though, you can cause a lot of damage. 
8. Buttocks:  It’s another area full of nerve
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