Men Cumming On Women's Faces

Men Cumming On Women's Faces


Men Cumming On Women's Faces
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W hy do guys like to cum on womens faces? and should I let my BF?

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by jollyholly 3 hours ago



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Everyone has their own opinion. Be respectful even if you disagree.
s eeing a woman covered in his seed can be the greatest thing ever. as for your second question its up to you, sorry i can't be more help on that one
i t's not going to kill you, (although it'll sting like hell if you get it in your eye) and you most certainly don't have to do anything you don't want to do. remember this though, if you won't do it, some other chick will. i've tried lots of new, exciting and sometimes baffling things for my man. some of which i ended up liking in the end (no pun intended) and some which will never happen again.
I don't really know. It sounds like a male territorial power trip to me.
i think it's hot going any and everywhere....if you feel comfortable with it then give it a try but close your eyes or it kinda stings and will make them really red...hahaha
- guys like to cum on girls' faces (and the rest of their bodies) because women are beautiful and sexy, so women's faces make guys cum.
You should do what you feel confortable with.
I really like it when my bf cums on my breasts and the rest of my body, (face not so much, it's just annoying when it gets into your ear, and hell if it gets in your hair) but otherwise the cum is good moisturizer.
I don't like to cum on a woman's face for several reasons: 1. Why on earth would you want her to stop sucking at the most pleasurable time. The feeling of her swallowing as I cum is so intense.
2. It doesn't look good on her. I can't believe anyone thinks it is sexy.
3. It reminds me of the one of the things I hate in porn. Watching a guy jack off onto a woman's face. Now if the woman does the jacking and directs the cum, then that is sexy.
4. It is kind of a domination thing and I like the sexual play to be more equal.
I am a little unsure why it is so pleasurable. Faces are definitely beautiful and there is something about a woman asking you to cum on her face. Perhaps it is a dominance thing I don't know. I agree with linabina that trying things or fantasies your partner wants is generally part of a healthy relationship (as long as it is reciprocal). So I say try it a few times and if you hate it tell him no more. Just remember that you may love things he dislikes.
i have read the ansers hear and i have mixed feelings first i would ask why does he wish to do this to u it dosent add to the plesure it onley ads to the plesure of the mail ego .second i wonder does he wish to degrade u does he feel mor man when he makes u look like a whore os he saying take this bitch in his mind in his mind is he thinking bad thouts about u does he think that u need to be cum on cause u are slut i can see cuming on the brest and rubing it in or smearing it on her tummie when u pull out but the face has a deaper iner meaning and i can truthfully say good or bad try it and liik on the mirrow how u feel maybe it makes u feel like a slut and thats NOT BAD THING that pleasure u u dont need to explan it or justifie it if u like it do ot if u dont dont do it u dont know till u try it
Y ou don't need to do anything that you don't wish to. But if you want to make your man happy then do it. Boys like it because it is a naughty thing aswell as hav ing a sense of strength (manlyness). It's not the be all and end all, there are plenty of other naughty things to do....
I think it is about dominance and it is a thing that has been seen over and over in porno movies. As far as your second question goes, if it is something that you think he will enjoy and it doesn't bother you go ahead and try, though I have met only one woman who was into things like that, and she was into anything but farm animals (at least I don't think she was into farm animals).
G uys like it for two reasons; 1) Because it is like a porno and they feel naughty and dirty, and 2) Because each facial is unique due to the nature of the act and therefore a new fresh experience.

If you are happy with cum on your face then do it. It really is that simple. The key here is to make sure the guy respects you (e.g. dont shoot cum into your eyes), and doesnt treat you like dirt. If your relationship with him is good, this should not be a problem.

Personally, I love doing it --- but I always treat my lady with the highest respect along the way.
I don't like cum on women's faces. Looks cheap and tawdry. In her mouth, yes. On her breasts, yes. In and on her pussy, yes.
D o you never have the urge to spread your juice over his face??!! You should let your boyfriend and then sit on his face and return the favour!
t hats discusting.i will never do this with my gf.blow-job yuk.
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