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USA: As nature lovers and an adventurous gay couple ourselves, it was our quest for this USA trip to seek and experience Portland’s most beautiful natural highlights – and to share them with you.
USA: Eco-friendliness, microbreweries, and cafés? Located on the Columbia and Willamette Rivers in the shadow of snow-capped Mount Hood, we didn’t have to leave the city to experience the nature of the Pacific Northwest region.
AMSTERDAM: First we won the Lonely Planet Best in Travel LGBTIQ+ Storyteller Award. Then we wrote our first book, “Couple of Men – A Male Couple Travels the World.” And now we’re going to be on German TV, in a twelve-minute insider episode about our favorite city, Amsterdam.
GERMANY: The first LGBTQ+ Travel Book Couple of Men – Ein Männerpaar reist um die Welt, giving insights into our lives as gay men, as a couple, and queer LGBTQ+ communities
USA: From Beacon to the Heart of Dutchess County, NY: Gay Poughkeepsie Travel Journal about our second stop in the Hudson River Valley.
USA: New York doesn’t end with New York City’s borders. We traveled north to the heart of New York State, the Mid-Hudson Valley region, to Dutchess County.
A German-Dutch gay couple, happily living the adventurous life together, eager to explore the world around us, from our favorite neighborhood restaurant to adventurous hiking trails into the mountains and exciting city trips around the globe.
We are Karl and Daan from the Gay Couple Travel Blog Couple of Men, and we’d like to inspire you to explore the world open-minded, respectful, and with a happy heart.
USA: Our road trip around California, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada. Gran Canyon, Zion National Park, Yosemite, San Francisco and LA – join us on our trip to the land of opportunity.
PERU: For us, our Peru adventure meant learning more about the history of this South American country, which goes back much further than ‘just’ to the glorious Incas.
SOUTHERN AFRICA: Our journey through rural inhabited Savannah regions, windy dunes and protected National Parks turned out to be one of our biggest gay travel adventures ever.
Happy Pride! With this international greeting, lesbians, gays, intersexual, transsexual and queer people, as well as their friends and allies, are marching side by side demonstrating various LGBTQ+ Pride parades for equality, acceptance, and equal love. But what does PRIDE for the LGBTQ+ community actually mean and stand for? Why are we using the abbreviation LGBTQ+? And why is a Coming Out for queer people so important and really still necessary? We are giving answers to these and additional questions on our Gay Couple Travel Blog Couple of Men.
ORLANDO: We stayed at the LGBTQ+ friendly Review Hard Rock Hotel at Universal Orlando, Florida, a premier resort hotel to Universal Studios Florida™, located close to the Universal CityWalk Orlando.
MUNICH: The 4-star hotel was our accommodation for the 4-days trip to Munich this summer with enough space to play games, to dance to DJ sets, and to work in an LGBTQ+ welcoming environment.
FINLAND: Before we start with our review of the gay-friendly Klaus K Hotel in Helsinki, we want to warn you, it is going to be a very sexy gay-friendly hotel article.
NEW YORK: We must admit that New York his has been on our gay travel to-do list for a long time following in the footsteps of LGBTQ+ activists around the city of New York.
USA: The Yosemite National Park in California was one of our top highlights we planned for our four weeks road trip around the South West of the United States of America.
JAPAN: One of our highlights and on top of our bucket list for our Japan Travels was without any doubt our two-nights stay at a Buddhist monastery in the mountains of Mount Koya in the South of Osaka.
By sharing their stories, we get to understand the daily lives of couples that are running a business together, that are activists for freedom and equality together, that are facing everyday problems together or that simply are what they actually are, two people in love. This is why we use Queer Couple Stories on our Gay Couple Travel Blog Couple of Men to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ couples and their situations with the goal to change the perception and acceptance in our society. We want them to be seen – by sharing their stories.
WORLDWIDE: Need inspiration on where to travel next? Or you’re not sure which places are suitable for travelers from the LGBTQ+ community? LGBTQ+ travel books help lesbian, gay, trans, and queer travelers find inspiration and direction for planning their gaycation.
WORLDWIDE: Our selection of the 12 best international LGBTQ+ books in English with lesbian, gay, transgender and queer community topics worldwide.
AMSTERDAM: In 2022, the LGBTQ+ film festival Roze Filmdagen will be full of colorful movies, docus and short films. We selected the best 10 queer movies for you!
AMSTERDAM: For the 25th edition of the queer film festival Roze Filmdagen, we teamed up with festival director Werner Borkes to choose our best gay movies of 2022.
AMSTERDAM: The 25th edition of the queer film festival, movies, docus and short films about queer culture will be shown either at Ketelhuis or streamable at home.
AMSTERDAM: “If I were a woman, I’d be a showstopper” – Sarah’s interview with Dutch Drag Queen from Amsterdam Lady Galore about her book ‘Glitter maatk alles beter – Glitter makes everything better’
MOLDOVA: How safe and enjoyable is the life of the LGBTQ+ community in the Eastern European country? Sarah attended an online event organized to answer these questions…
UKRAINE: Sarah learned about the situation of the LGBTQ+ community in the Eastern European country at an online event organized specifically for activists and journalists.
LAOS: The Democratic People’s Republic of Laos also called Laos for short, has the reputation of being one of the most tolerant communist countries for the LGBTQ+ community.
CAMBODIA: Additionally to the two genders, male and female, Cambodia’s national language Khmer also knows the third gender kteuy, describing a person who has the physical characteristics of one gender but the behavior of the other.
VIETNAM: Homosexuality was still described as a social evil by a national television broadcaster in 2002, comparable to prostitution and illegal gambling. Over the past years, the situation for the LGBT community in Vietnam has improved.
MYANMAR: …or Burma, still one of the most conservative countries in Southeast Asia, is also the country where life is anything but easy for LGBTQ+ people
All content (written, photos, and videos) on this site is the copyrighted property of the writers, photographers, and Couple of Men. Written permission must be obtained before republishing, reprinting, or using any content in online or print media. Using Couple of Men content without permission and/or payment is theft and punishable by law.
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As quite possibly comics' greatest soap opera, the X-Men have paired off and hooked up in plenty of different combos over the decades.
The X-Men fight to protect a world that hates and fears them -- and if they just so happen to fall in love along the way, that's even better. The soap opera angle of the X-Men has been present from the very beginning of the franchise over 50 years ago, when Jean Grey first caught the attention of her male classmates, and it's only gotten stronger as more and more mutants hooked up and/or fell in love in-between (or even during) missions to save Earth.
"X-Men" has always been a character-driven franchise, and therefore fans have always been just as invested in the heroes' love lives as anything else. With Valentine's Day right around the corner, we present a list of the 15 greatest X-Men couples of all time.
A relatively deep cut as far as X-couples go, Sam Guthrie and Tabitha Smith started out an odd couple and evolved into something deeper. The take-no-crap Boom Boom first kissed the shy farmboy Cannonball while the two were imprisoned together during one of the New Mutants' final missions together. Despite their clashing personalities, the two kept finding themselves drawn to each other. By the time the New Mutants changed over to X-Force, the two had become the team's power couple.
They grew together, with Cannonball becoming more assertive and Boom Boom becoming more open to having a real relationship. She met Sam's parents and they confronted Sam's sudden immortality by maturely talking about their feelings. Their relationship didn't last, however, as Cannonball's transfer to the X-Men put a strain on their relationship. The two called it quits after they grew distant from each other -- and after Boom Boom hooked up with Cannonball's best friend Sunspot.
Wolverine and Jean Grey are quite possibly the greatest almost-but-not-quite couple in X-Men history. These two have had a number of near misses and close encounters since Wolverine joined the X-Men back in 1975. He made his attraction to her clear from the get-go, and Jean Grey -- perpetually romantically tied to Cyclops -- made it clear that she wasn't not interested. The two have even kissed on a few occasions, usually the result of an extreme circumstance (coming back from the dead, being imprisoned together, trying to shock each other, etc.). The two even had a romantic ending, as it was Wolverine that was by Jean's side when she died back in 2004.
Then there's the alternate reality where they were together: the Age of Apocalypse. That Jean Grey gave in to her wild side long ago and, having not hooked up with Cyclops, had no qualms about giving into her attraction to Logan. The 1995 "Weapon X" limited series is a good look at these two as a couple.
Like Mulder and Scully, sometimes you find love with the person you've been platonic partners with for years. That was the case with Wolverine and Storm, who turned their decades of fighting side-by-side into something much, much more, during Wolverine's tenure as headmaster of the Jean Grey School. The relationship also started after Storm's long break from the team, a break that saw Storm's marriage to the Black Panther totally dissolve. After all that heartache, Ororo and Logan found a fresh start together.
In true X-Men fashion, this seemingly perfect pairing wasn't meant to have a happy ending. In actual fact, it was well on its way to becoming the most stable one either had ever experienced until the impossible happened to Wolverine: he died. Storm has spent the time since his death holding the X-Men together and quietly grieving over Logan -- a process that's complicated by the fact that she's on a team with his elderly alternate reality counterpart.
An X-Man's social circle is limited to the people that they're on a superhero team with. That's what led to Colossus and Domino -- an odd pairing considering they originally come from disparate parts of the X-universe -- hooking up. The two worked together on one of Cable's more recent X-Force units and they decided to blow off the stress of fighting in a counter-terrorism team led by a drill sergeant with precognitive powers by hopping into bed together.
Her compulsive attitude seemed to counteract his more subdued nature, and the two actually persevered as a couple for a while. As with many X-romances, though, their time together on X-Force came to an end and different teams came calling for both of them. Colossus is currently in "Extraordinary X-Men" and Domino's over in "Deadpool and the Mercs for Money." But like other X-Couples, they're together in an alternate reality (the one depicted in the "Secret Wars" "Inferno" series).
While Wolverine may have been a more stable relationship for Storm, she spent way more time with the X-Man/mutant inventor Forge. These two had a whirlwind romance right after Storm lost her mutant powers, but that whirlwind was halted once Storm realized Forge built the device that nullified her abilities. The two reconciled a while later, after they were stranded alone together for a year in a parallel reality by one of Forge's mystical enemies. There, Forge crafted a device that gave Storm back her powers.
Their years of off-and-on relationships came to a screeching halt after Forge's horribly executed marriage proposal. He asked her to marry him, then assumed she was going to say no -- and then chewed her out, leaving her a crying mess. Many, many years have passed since then and these two have finally reconciled . They're definitely not lovers, but at least they're friends again.
After initially battling with the great protector of Britain, Meggan quickly came to fight alongside Brian Braddock. Originally furry with pointed ears, Meggan's metamorphic and empathic abilities slowly changed her look over time as she grew more enamored with Captain Britain. These two would eventually join up with a trio of X-Men expats -- Nightcrawler, Shadowcat and Rachel "Phoenix" Summers -- to form Excalibur.
This quintet put a few unique stressors on Brian and Meggan's already lopsided relationship. First, serving with the team brought out Brian's boastful and careless side, causing him to reevaluate how he acts. Second, Meggan and Nightcrawler developed a mutual, yet unrealized crush on each other. Still, Brian and Meggan pulled through as a couple, even as one or the other of them were lost in various dimensions or time-streams. The two were married in the final issue of "Excalibur" and are still together today, as they run the Braddock Academy for superheroes in training.
In some ways, Psylocke and Archangel don't make sense as a couple. After all, she's a ninja that prefers to slink around in the shadows and he's a high-flying hero with a heavenly visage. The two really bonded, however, because their lives with the X-Men did a number on each of them. Warren Worthington's wings and mind were warped by Apocalypse's technology, and Betsy Braddock had her entire body switched out with a Japanese assassin. These two underwent two of the most drastic makeovers in X-Men history, and they suddenly gravitated towards each other in the mid '90s.
They also bonded over their shared socialite history and quickly became the most glamorous X-couple ever, as they attended fancy parties together. They even retired from the X-Men together for a bit, but their ritzy lifestyle wasn't meant to last. Apocalypse's machinations eventually turned Archangel evil, causing Psylocke to fight against him in a battle that left his mind and soul completely rebooted.
These two blond bombshells were a part of the ragtag group of X-Men that stood against the Adversary in Dallas, Texas -- a mission that many onlookers perceived to be the X-Men's last. Thought dead, the X-Men actually reemerged in Australia, where they hid out and chose to strike their enemies under the anonymity of death. During this time, Longshot -- a good-natured rebel from the entertainment-obsessed Mojoworld -- and Dazzler -- an ex-disco queen with a stubborn streak -- got together.
While these two might seem to be the most carefree of all the X-couples, their relationship quickly took a turn towards the intense. After their time with the X-Men, the two returned to Mojoworld to lead a rebellion against Mojo. The two even had a child (Shatterstar) during this time off-panel, although their memory of having him was erased by the adult Shatterstar, who then dropped himself hundreds of years into the future.
There probably isn't another X-couple that more desperately wanted to get away from superheroing than Havok and Polaris. These two first met back in the '60s at the tail-end of the initial Silver Age "X-Men" run, and have been romantically involved for almost all of the time since then. Their entire storyline from the '60s to the '90s involves them retiring to live happily ever
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