Men Are Assholes

Men Are Assholes


Men Are Assholes
2 Types Of A**h*les That Aren't Worth Even A SECOND Of Your Time
By Rachel Russo — Written on Oct 16, 2015
Today's single young woman is faced with a myriad of options for her love life.
Whether she lives in a big city or a rural area, she can use the Internet to find countless men who are looking for everything from casual dating to long term relationships and marriage. She can go to singles events, attend events that aren't marketed as singles events but are really singles events, and even guarantee that she meets a set number of men at, say, a speed dating event.
Sometimes in the dating world, there is a paradox of choice. Too many options can lead women to believe the grass is always greener, that they'd be settling, or that they don't have to make much effort because there will always be a dream man waiting in the wings.
Despite all of these so-called options, there are plenty of single women that can't even find someone to go out on a third date with — let alone someone to put a ring on it.
Although I know that many young twenty-something women believe they have plenty of time to find their hubby, they are making dumb choices that rob them of their prime marriage-hunting and baby-making prime! Let's face it, men like to marry young women, and if a woman wants to marry well, she is most "marketable" before the age of 35 when her clock is not past ticking.
The best advice I can offer any young woman who'd like to marry a fabulous man that will treat her well is to stop wasting your youth on assholes!
Ladies, take an honest assessment: Do you know an asshole when you meet him?
I've known a secret that was recently revealed in Amber Madison's new book, Are All Guys Assholes ? , for some time. Namely, there are two types of assholes:
These are truly good men who grew up with or acquired the belief that showing their feelings and being too affectionate and open with women is emasculating and a turn-off.
A lot of times, they've been burned and decided they need to be more in control of their emotions and could do so by putting up a tough-guy exterior. Often, their fathers are assholes.
They will not lead you on if they know you are looking for a serious relationship, but they will do things that make you question just how into you they are. They think women actually like men who act like jerks, and that nice guys finish last.
As Madison writes: "A real asshole is a guy who doesn't want to do anything with you that doesn't take place in his bed or in his couch, even though you want something more. He's the guy you're really into, have been seeing for months, but won't let the relationship progress or fully commit."
Unlike the pretend-asshole who may wait a few days to call so not to appear overeager, this true breed of asshole won't even call you. Unless he wants something. Or is drunk. And most frequently, when he is drunk and wants something.
True assholes will lie to you, manipulate you, make you think they love you just to get sex . Naturally, their fathers are also assholes.
Of course, knowing about these two types of men is not enough.
If you want to be on the track to marriage, you must be a smart woman who knows how to distinguish between the two. Once you identify a true asshole, you must stop letting him into your heart and your bed.
This gets tricky — but there are always signs. Look for the red flags, listen to your gut, and when in doubt, run him by me!!
If you want to attract real love, be sure to check out my complimentary report: 7 Steps To Create An Image To Attract The Love Of Your Life when you sign up for my free Labels & Love Newsletter. 
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This article was originally published at Status Makeover . Reprinted with permission from the author.
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Again, from what I see on this site daily, it seems to prove my point.
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Because nice guys get trampled on. I'm sorry to tell you that most guys will get crushed in this world by trying to be nice to everyone. As far as dating goes it is literally suicide for a guy to try and be nice. It's a guys best interest to be aggressive and take what he wants.. in his best interest to show little to no emotion. If he is looking for a serious relationship or wife then sure.. but I wouldn't understand why I guy would be doing that at a younger age. Also you should probabaly stop acting so bitter and stereotyping every guy to be an insensitive asshole. You had one experience.. that doesn't make us all terrible.
I said a lot of, not most of... but I can tell that you are one of them by that answer.
You have no idea who I am at all lol. Further proves how bitter you are.
Unfortunately they don't have enough experience or haven't learned that being an, "alpha male" (being a man whore wo gets laid everyday) never pays off. Same for the, "nice guy" who has to learn to focus inside and learn who he is and why girls don't necessarily like him. (I was that nice guy) but tjis summer I've learned a lot about relationships from male and female perspectives so I feel good regardless of being teased about being single and a virgin
A very insightful opinion. Guys like you give me hope for the future of man kind
Pray for me girls my age think I'm weak because I'm smart and skinny and wear glasses yet I have the most common sense out of the majority of my peers. Pray that I find some kind of girlfriend before highschool ends I'm gonna be a junior this year
Let me tell you thIs. I never had a boyfriend in high school. I was smart and focused on my academics. I felt like there was something wrong with me because I didn't have a boyfriend. I actually didn't end up dating and losing my virginity until I was 24 in University. It's just the way things happened. I actually met someone who appreciated me for me. So, don't give up hope. It may not happen when you want it to, but it will eventually you will find a girl who likes you for you and is not concerned about some silly immature norm. Best of luck
Thank you so true I won't I'm already working on me
Most of my experiences with the opposite sex were negative until I started college about 4 years ago. I've met a lot of nice guys there, so I know they're not all the same. But I just think it's funny how many guys act do act like assholes, but then if another guy turned around and acted that way towards their daughter, sister, or someone they love, they wouldn't think it's so funny then -_- Then again, it is assholes we're speaking of. They still probably wouldn't care
I don't know, girl. I'm trying to figure out the same thing. You have to know that not ALL guys are ass-wholes, though. There are some great guys out there. I've met like... Two of them in my lifetime.
Oh not again! Can we just accept the fact that there is good and bad in both genders. And if someone is an insensitive asshole, it has nothing to do with gender but it's rather an individual thing
I sure hope so because there are A LOT of them on this site
but if you was a guy you would be asking why are girls such insensitive bitches... oh no wait a minute. some of us dont feel the need to think in such general terms. we are all different and whilst you may have bad experiences, if you start man hating then you won't see the ones that do care
I know. I try not to generalize, but the way some men are in the real world and the way a lot of guys act on here makes it hard to believe.
but if you go down this path dont you see that you will just become a lonely manhater. there is a term for it but i can't think of it right now but basically you are sabotaging your own chance of happiness
I understand. It's just disheartening the amount of guys on here that bash women constantly. I don't go out of my way to bash men, I really don't. I just feel like the hate on here is disproportionately skewed towards women for no valid reason.
most of them aren't 'men' there are lots of boys on here
If we always pandered to everyone's sensibilities we wouldn't be able to make decisions in the face of criticism and lead other men to accomplish things. The reality is that most people don't give a fuck about your feelings, they tend to care about the people close to them like their family and close friends... So until you become someone important to them, they probably don't give a fuck about you...
I see. Even to the nice girls that did nothing to them? welp there's karma.
@RBD12 Just because someone doesn't coddle you, that doesn't mean they did you wrong. The world is a rough place so sometimes a little bit of grit helps to prepare you for the rest of your life. You have to learn to deal with people, and people are not always going to be nice to you.
The same reason why (a lot of) girls are shallow gold-diggers. It works both ways, you see.
@Nomad69 Thanks mate! And see, already two downvotes from butthurt females!
That's probably what the gold diggers say we are asses
@Nomad69 Strange, isn't it? The upvotes from men and the downvotes from women, both keep increasing!
@unpleasentruth Thanks for the acknowledgement!
LOL even one female agreed. its just a sad fact that women are often shallower than men.
@unpleasentruth I know, right? Women can be as shallow, if not more than men. But unlike men, women usually don't admit that they are shallow!
@HyperNova hit the nail on the head, men are more honest.
Why are ( a lot of ) girls are sluts? Not a ( lot of ) darling because I am pretty sure you never dated more than a 100 guy in this world and if you dated all the guys in the world then it's your problem to assume that ( a lot of ) guys are insensitive assholes
I'm mostly basing my opinion of men on this site. I hope it is not a reflection on men in general.
Ahh on this site , well it's the Web what do you expect , any coward can write anything behind the screen
They don't think they are because if you don't put up boundaries they will keep crossing them. If you do say something and he continues it then loose him because apparently he is one & doesn't care. Trust me if you were a girl of his dreams he wouldn't dream of being a jerk.
Why are (a lot of) girls such insensitive assholes? :v Wait... we're playing the generalisation game? I thought we were? :v #GeneralisationsEverywhere
Beacuse the nice genuine guys get trampeled all over. Even the ones who show geniune interest by flirting etc. beacuse until girls hit thier mid twenties they are kind of 'rebelling' in the sense of they will date someone who they know thier parents won't approve of ergo they date, emtionally distant arseholes who only care about themselves But also people seem to have this notion that nice guys are boring both in life and in the bedroom. I know that's false
It's what women are attracted to. Obviously no girl ever admits it, but it's true. Being an insensitive asshole, or at least having some of the traits, will give you more success in the dating world Just is what it is
Success in sleeping with more women perhaps, but not relationships.
Most girls are stupid. They want rich insensitive assholes... yet they cry about it later. WTF?
@unpleasentruth immature girls but not women. I am an independent and financially sound woman on my own, I have no interest in dating men with money. I just feel men in general are insensitive when it comes to relationships.
Not sure how to answer this... Its not just guys, realize that.
Thank you so much for saying "a lot of" and not "all". We the select few appreciate it. I have no answer though, some guys are just selfish pricks.
True people will be assholes you just have to deal with it. Karma will catch up.
It gets them laid cos females go for it whilst their good friends (who are still physically attractive) who treat them nice, only see their innocent side.
Dude I heard this question 1 million times... LITERALLY... At this point I'm gonna say since girls are still asking... Because you're choosing the wrong kind of dudes LMAO
But most of the guys on here are insensitive pricks. It really reflects poorly on men in general.
Well... Thought shit... Men don't care about their self image, hell you girls care for us more than we do ourselves... Doesn't mean that all are like this solely on the basis of your bad experience love.
To counter a women's emotions. The Ying and the yang. You may expect me to realize that you are upset and cancel plans to hold you because your 2nd cousins dog died. My natural reaction to that would be. Jesus Christ, here we go again.
When someone do something it is because it has worked for them in previous experience, no matter the gender
I don't know but I'm a sensitive asshole what does that make me?
Because the women who date them allow them to be that way
Not speaking of myself ))). The reson is; reflection
i think its their only way to know how not to be a doormat.
Because you only like and hang out with those guys?
I love it when someone kicks the wasp's nest like this xD

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Last updated on June 10, 2022 by Sonya Schwartz . 
A hopeless romantic that struggled for many years to find her Mr "Right" and made all the mistakes you could think of while dating. Known for always choosing the wrong guys or messing up relationships, Sonya was finally able to change her approach and mindset when it came to dating which helped her eventually find the man of her dreams and become happily married. You can read more about me here ...
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Are you wondering whether your husband is an asshole?
Perhaps you suspect that he’s nice to you, but naturally an asshole to everyone else?
And maybe you’re worried about what this means for the future of your relationship? 
If so, you’re in the right place. This guide will reveal the 7 telltale signs that your husband is a complete asshole. 
However, before these signs are revealed, I want to share some news about an incredible online tool I discovered. 
This discreet online background checker tool is able to produce a detailed file of a person’s recent communications. 
It only requires a few of their personal details in order to do this, and it can be a godsend for women who are worried about the behaviour of their partners. 
You’ll discover who he’s been frequently contacting, what smartphone apps he’s downloaded, what contact details he’s registered...and a lot more. 
Put simply, if he’s been cheating on you or engaging in any other asshole behaviour, this tool is likely to reveal it instantly.
The guide below will reveal if you have a legitimate reason to fear that your husband is an asshole.  
If you want to double-check your husband’s asshole nature then read on and check out the following 7 signs:
Does your significant other come home from work and grab a beer from the fridge then collapse onto the couch and start playing video games? Meanwhile, you’ve had the kids all day, you’re calming down two squabbling children, making tea for everyone, doing the lunchboxes for school tomorrow and generally doing everything where the kids are concerned?
When you glare at him or snap, he responds that he’s ‘ been working all day and this is his downtime ’.
Where’s your downtime? And hang on a minute, they’re his kids too. So why are you responsible for all the childcare? It’s that same old chestnut, the man goes out to work and the woman takes care of the children.
But the problems start when men don’t help with the childcare in the home. After all, childcare is a 24/7 job. Going out to work is usually 8 hours a day. So just how much ‘ downtime ’ does this guy need?
The next time he moans about needing his space or wanting to relax, just leave the kids with him and go out for a few hours. Remind him they are his children and he doesn’t get to switch off the moment he walks in the door.
Oh, and if he says he’ll ‘ babysit ’ the kids as a favour, tell him there’s no such thing as babysitting your own children. If he argues he's being an asshole.
So, picture something like this; here’s the scenario, you walk in the house, you immediately see coats and shoes left on the floor so you put them away. You move into the living room and there are cups and plates from last night on the coffee table. You take them into the kitchen where you also clear away the breakfast bowls.
You walk up the stairs, taking the pile of ironing with you and putting it away. You straighten duvets and put dirty clothes in laundry baskets before heading back downstairs where you start to prepare the kid’s tea. Sound familiar? You do everything right?
Now, let’s say you are the husband. How do you think that same scenario would pan out? Similar? Or vastly different? Would he go around the house and pick everything up? Or would he expect someone else to clear the way?
Of course, it’s different. Men are not proactive when it comes to household chores. A man can walk through a house and not see anything that needs to be doing. He can walk past a full bin that needs emptying, clothes on the floor, washing up in the sink and not realise that he could do all these things .
On the other hand, woman have been picking up after men and kids for decades.
So here’s a tip for all those women who are fed up with their lazy asshole husbands who seem to wear blinkers when it comes to housework. You have to treat them like children or dogs. You have to tell them what to do and praise them when they do it.
I know, it’s pathetic, we don’t get or need praise but this is just how it is in a relationship. And some people never learn so you have to keep going over things.
I remember living with a boyfriend who never cleaned the house while we were together. I got so frustrated with doing everything that in the end, I asked him why he never did any housework. His answer? He assumed it was always clean. He honestly didn’t realise that someone was doing it!
He did after our little chat, believe me.
In my life, I had one relationship where my boyfriend kept badgering me to tell him how many men I’d slept with before him. He w
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