Memphis Tn Backpage Com

Memphis Tn Backpage Com


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Итоги конкурса 25 ноября.
Йоу банда! Подводка итогов за 2020 год. Огромное спасибо творческим ребятам из Одессы МИР всем местным, ЛУГАНСКА, ХАРЬКОВА, России, Германии, Америки, Канады и т.д
Очень много материала, дропнул самое основное!
Желаю Вам всем верить в себя и делать поистине что Вам нравится! Готовим бомбу 2021 возьмём быка за рога епты!

Все кто нашел себя в видео, уважение!
Поддержим лайфстаил и всех с Наступающим Новым годом BIYAAATCHHH!!
Ali Boom (Alvertis London) начал свою карьеру исполнителя в далёком 1987-м в городе Мемфис, следовательно это ещё одна легенда Мемфиса. Ему было 20 лет на момент записи Volume III - это один из самых мощных гангстерских релизов с Мемфиса. Теперь он семьянин и владелец нескольких риелторских компаний.
Автор, ты зачем дядю Валеру прилепил? Он не бэндит, а слесарь. Читает не рэп, а книги.
Так много крутых исполнителей с Мемфиса умирают рано. Если шаришь по Мемфису на 5+, сначала послушай треки, напиши в коментах откуда этот продакшен, потом продолжай читать. Будет видно сколько таких в наших рядах.

D-Pimpin состоял в группе Southern Society, свой соло тейп выпустил в 1996 году, записыв трэки в 1995 году. По неофициальным данным продюсерами были Chaz и G-Loc, на фитах много малоизвестных исполнителей. На одних уровнях музыка в Мемфисе после Mystic Stylez была громкой, словно кранк, на других андерграунд продолжал уходить в подземелье глубже и глубже. Кассеты, записанные на ARP Records как раз определяли продолжение андерграунда в Мемфисе. С каждым днём находится информация о тех или иных крутых релизах, записанных на ARP Records. Вот о чём многие крутые мемфисоведы не могли подумать, так это малоизвестная студия ARP, которая оказалась одной из самых передовых в городе на тот отрезок времени. Там же записывались люди с Миссисипи и Миссури. Успевайте встречать своих кумиров сейчас, если есть возможность. Потом будет поздно. R.I.P. Darrel "D-Pimpin" Cartel
Vyacheslav, No Mac DLE didn’t produce any of this.
Был замечен подозрительный пекарь в пятерочке
Те времена, когда в Мемфисе только зарождался реп. MC Mack со своим двоюродным братом Lil Corb толкали рифмы на сцене. Было это в далёком 1991 году. Они не пошли работать на FedEX. Их ждала другая жизнь. Будучи амбициозными исполнителями, два брата нашли себя в стиле девил щит. Впитывая всю озлобленность холодных улиц, они основали собственный лейбл Devil Shit Productions. Они шли в ногу с Triple Six Mafia и Gimisum Family, поэтому им предстояло сформироваться в свою группу Kami Kaze Inc., захватив на борт ещё одну легенду Мемфиса Scan Man. Но Корбину не суждено было завершить вторую часть своей классики Killaz From The Northside после перевыпуска на дисках в 2002 году. Он скончался во сне у себя дома 01.04.2014 от приступа сердца. R.I.P. Corb Rome
Представитель Вашингтона округ Колумбия.
Мой фаворит, маэстро. Мы делаем лютый компилейшен от худмафии, Я все таки до стучусь до него с приглашением. Наш подписчик BUCKET MANE
бродяги подкиньте еще песен его,никак не могу найти
Шатаут худмафия, наш худи в мемфисе!
Подкаст TheIconAcamedy ищите в ютубе!
Мир всем местным
"Наше поколение слушало музыку наркодилеров. Ваше поколение слушает музыку наркоманов".

История вклада Теннесси в американскую музыку - это, по сути, история трех городов: Нэшвилла , Мемфиса и Бристоля . В то время как Нэшвилл наиболее известен своим статусом давней столицы музыки кантри , Бристоль признан «родиной музыки кантри». Мемфисские музыканты оказали огромное влияние на блюз , ранний рок-н-ролл , R&B и соул , а также на растущее присутствие рэпа.

Доминирование хип-хоп сцен Нью-Йорка и Лос-Анджелеса заставило южных артистов сформировать андерграундный стиль и звук, чтобы конкурировать с другими регионами. Так же считаю что не достаток финансовых вливаний и породило антураж Memphis rap.
Легендарный DJ Spanish Fly — ветеран и пионер, известный на весь Мемфис как основатель андеграундного рэп/хип-хоп движения в своем регионе. Его работы 1987-1990 годов оказали огромное влияние на многих людей по всему миру. Он в игре уже 30 лет... И всё ещё на плаву.

DJ Spanish Fly начинал как диджей и фристайлер на своём районе в Южном Мемфисе, Клементина с группой THE TRUE BLUE CRU и чикагским рэпером MIGHTY RAPPIN FISHBONE об их особом стремлении в дни зарождения рэпа и хип-хопа может сказать тот факт, что они сдавали кровь в мемфискую больницу, чтоб купить еду и воду для фанатов, что посещали их концерты. Меж бесплатными концертами, группа также участвовала в важных соревнованиях по рэпу/диджеингу в первоклассных мемфиских клубах "CLUB NO NAME"

Летом 1985 Fly выиграл рэп-соревнование и соревнование по диджеингу. В ту ночь он завоевал своим талантом сердца толпы и пары местных промоутеров и диджеев. Хозяева CLUB NO NAME” в ту ночь тоже были впечатлены и наняли Fly диджеем. Именно после этого о нём начали говорить повсюду.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From top to bottom and left to right: Downtown Memphis skyline, Beale Street, Graceland, Memphis Pyramid, Beale Street Landing, and the Hernando de Soto Bridge
Location of Memphis in Shelby County, Tennessee
Memphis is a city along the Mississippi River in southwestern Shelby County, Tennessee, United States. Its 2019 estimated population was 651,073,[3] making it Tennessee's second-most populous city behind Nashville, the nation's 28th-largest, and the largest city situated along the Mississippi River. Greater Memphis is the 42nd-largest metropolitan area in the United States, with a population of 1,348,260 in 2017.[6] The city is the anchor of West Tennessee and the greater Mid-South region, which includes portions of neighboring Arkansas, Mississippi, and the Missouri Bootheel. Memphis is the seat of Shelby County, Tennessee's most populous county. One of the more historic and culturally significant cities of the southern United States, Memphis has a wide variety of landscapes and distinct neighborhoods.
The first European explorer to visit the area of present-day Memphis was Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto in 1541 with his expedition into the New World. The high Chickasaw Bluffs protecting the location from the waters of the Mississippi was then contested by the Spanish, French, and the English as Memphis took shape. Modern Memphis was founded in 1819 by three prominent Americans: John Overton, James Winchester, and future president Andrew Jackson.[7]
Memphis grew into one of the largest cities of the Antebellum South as a market for agricultural goods, natural resources like lumber, and the American slave trade. After the American Civil War and the end of slavery, the city experienced even faster growth into the 20th century as it became among the largest world markets for cotton[8] and lumber.
Home to Tennessee's largest African-American population, Memphis played a prominent role in the American civil rights movement and was the site of Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1968 assassination. The city now hosts the National Civil Rights Museum—a Smithsonian affiliate institution. Since the civil rights era, Memphis has become one of the nation's leading commercial centers in transportation and logistics.[9] Its largest employer is the multinational courier corporation FedEx, which maintains its global air hub at Memphis International Airport, making it the second-busiest cargo airport in the world. In addition to being a global air cargo leader, the International Port of Memphis also hosts the fifth-busiest inland water port in the U.S., with access to the Mississippi River[10] allowing shipments to arrive from around the world for conversion to train and trucking transport throughout the United States, making Memphis a multi-modal hub for trading goods for imports and exports despite its inland location.
Memphis is a regional center for commerce, education, media, art, and entertainment. It has long had a prominent music scene,[11] with historic blues clubs on Beale Street originating the unique Memphis blues sound in the early 20th century. The city's music has continued to be shaped by a multicultural mix of influences: the blues, country, rock and roll, soul, and hip-hop. Memphis-style barbecue has achieved international prominence, and the city hosts the World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest, which attracts over 100,000 visitors to the city annually.
Occupying a substantial bluff rising from the Mississippi River, the site of Memphis has been a natural location for human settlement by varying cultures over thousands of years.[12] The area was settled in the first millennium A.D. by people of the Mississippian Culture, who had a network of communities throughout the Mississippi River Valley and its tributaries. They built complexes with large earthwork ceremonial and burial mounds as expressions of their sophisticated culture.[13] The historic Chickasaw Indian tribe, believed to be their descendants, later inhabited the site.[14]
French explorers led by René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle[15] and Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto[16][17] encountered the Chickasaw in that area in the 16th century.
J. D. L. Holmes, writing in Hudson's Four Centuries of Southern Indians (2007), notes that this site was a third strategic point in the late 18th century through which European powers could control United States encroachment and their interference with Indian matters—after Fort Nogales (present-day Vicksburg) and Fort Confederación (present day Epes, Alabama): "Chickasaw Bluffs, located on the Mississippi River at the present-day location of Memphis. Spain and the United States vied for control of this site, which was a favorite of the Chickasaws."[18]:71
In 1795 the Spanish Governor-General of Louisiana, Francisco Luis Héctor de Carondelet, sent his lieutenant governor, Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, to negotiate and secure consent from the local Chickasaw so that a Spanish fort could be erected on the bluff; Fort San Fernando De Las Barrancas was the result.[18]:71[19] Holmes notes that consent was reached despite opposition from "disappointed Americans and a pro-American faction of the Chickasaws" when the "pro-Spanish faction signed the Chickasaw Bluffs Cession and Spain provided the Chickasaws with a trading post".[18]:71
Fort San Fernando de las Barrancas remained a focal point of Spanish activity until, as Holmes summarizes:
[T]he Treaty of San Lorenzo or Pinckney's Treaty of 1795 [implemented in March 1797], [had as its result that] all of the careful, diplomatic work by Spanish officials in Louisiana and West Florida, which has succeeded for a decade in controlling the Indians [e.g., the Choctaws], was undone. The United States gained the right to navigate the Mississippi River and won control over the Yazoo Strip north of the thirty-first parallel.[18]:75,71
The Spanish dismantled the fort, shipping its lumber and iron to their locations in Arkansas.[20]
In 1796, the site became the westernmost point of the newly admitted state of Tennessee, in what was then called the Southwest United States. The area was still largely occupied and controlled by the Chickasaw nation. Captain Isaac Guion led an American force down the Ohio River to claim the land, arriving on July 20, 1797. By this time, the Spanish had departed.[21] The fort's ruins went unnoticed 20 years later when Memphis was laid out as a city, after the United States government paid the Chickasaw for land.[22]
The city of Memphis was founded on May 22, 1819 (incorporated December 19, 1826), by John Overton, James Winchester and Andrew Jackson.[23][24] They named it after the ancient capital of Egypt on the Nile River.[25] Memphis developed as a trade and transportation center in the 19th century because of its flood-free location high above the Mississippi River. Located in the low-lying delta region along the river, its outlying areas were developed as cotton plantations, and the city became a major cotton market and brokerage center.
The cotton economy of the antebellum South depended on the forced labor of large numbers of African-American slaves, and Memphis also developed as a major slave market for the domestic slave trade. Through the early 19th century, one million slaves were transported from the Upper South, in a huge forced migration to newly developed plantation areas in the Deep South. Many were transported by steamboats along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. In 1857, the Memphis and Charleston Railroad was completed, connecting Memphis to the Atlantic coast of South Carolina; it was the only east–west railroad constructed across the southern states before the Civil War. This gave planters and cotton brokers access to the coast for shipping cotton to England, a major market.
The city's demographics changed dramatically in the 1850s and 1860s under waves of immigration and domestic migration. Due to increased immigration since the 1840s and the Great Famine, ethnic Irish made up 9.9% of the population in 1850, but 23.2% in 1860, when the total population was 22,623.[26][27][28] They encountered considerable discrimination in the city but by 1860, the Irish constituted most of the police force. They also gained many elected and patronage positions in the Democratic Party city government, and an Irishman was elected mayor before the Civil War. At that time, representatives were elected to the city council from 30 wards. The elite were worried about corruption in this system and that so many saloonkeepers were active in the wards. German immigrants also made this city a destination after the 1848 revolutions; both the Irish and German immigrants were mostly Catholic, adding another element to demographic change in this formerly Protestant city.
Tennessee seceded from the Union in June 1861, and Memphis briefly became a Confederate stronghold. Union ironclad gunboats captured it in the naval Battle of Memphis on June 6, 1862, and the city and state were occupied by the Union Army for the duration of the war. Union Army commanders allowed the city to maintain its civil government during most of this period but excluded Confederate veterans from office, which shifted political dynamics in the city as the war went on.[29] As Memphis was used as a Union supply base, associated with nearby Fort Pickering, it continued to prosper economically throughout the war. Meanwhile, Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest harassed Union forces in the area.
The war years contributed to additional dramatic changes in city population. The Union Army's presence attracted many fugitive slaves who had escaped from surrounding rural plantations. So many sought protection behind Union lines that the Army set up contraband camps to accommodate them. Memphis's black population increased from 3,000 in 1860, when the total population was 22,623, to nearly 20,000 in 1865, with most settling south of the city limits.[30] The white population was also increasing, but not to the same degree. After race riots against the blacks in 1866, thousands left the city. The total population in 1870 was 40,220; the number of blacks declined to 15,000 that year, 37.4% of the total.
The rapid demographic changes added to the stress of war and occupation and uncertainty about who was in charge, increasing tensions between the Irish policemen and black Union soldiers after the war.[29] In three days of rioting in early May 1866, the Memphis Riots erupted, in which white mobs made up of policemen, firemen, and other mostly ethnic Irish Americans attacked and killed 46 blacks, wounding 75 and injuring 100; raped several women; and destroyed nearly 100 houses while severely damaging churches and schools in South Memphis. Much of the black settlement was left in ruins. Two whites were killed in the riot.[30] Many blacks permanently fled Memphis afterward, especially as the Freedmen's Bureau continued to have difficulty in protecting them. Their population fell to about 15,000 by 1870,[29] 37.4% of the total population of 40,226.
Historian Barrington Walker suggests that the Irish rioted against blacks because of their relatively recent arrival as immigrants and the uncertain nature of their own claim to "whiteness"; they were trying to separate themselves from blacks in the underclass. The main fighting participants were ethnic Irish, decommissioned black Union soldiers, and newly emancipated African American freedmen. Walker suggests that most of the mob were not in direct economic conflict with the blacks, as by then the Irish had attained better jobs, but were establishing dominance over the freedmen.[28]
In Memphis, unlike disturbances in some other cities, ex-Confederate veterans were generally not part of the attacks against blacks. The outrages of the riots in Memphis and a similar one in New Orleans in September (the latter did include Confederate veterans) resulted in Congress's passing the Reconstruction Act and the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.[30]
In the 1870s, a series of yellow fever epidemics devastated Memphis, with the disease carried by river passengers along the waterways. During the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878, more than 5,000 people were listed in the official register of deaths between July 26 and November 27. The vast majority died of yellow fever, making the epidemic in the city of 40,000 one of the most traumatic and severe in urban U.S. history. Within four days of the Memphis Board of Health's declaration of a yellow fever outbreak, 20,000 residents fled the city. The ensuing panic left the poverty-stricken, the working classes, and the African-American community at most risk from the epidemic. Those who remained relied on volunteers from religious and physician organizations to tend to the sick. By the end of the year, more than 5,000 were confirmed dead in Memphis. The New Orleans health board listed "not less than 4,600" dead. The Mississippi Valley recorded 120,000 cases of yellow fever, with 20,000 deaths. The $15 million in losses caused by the epidemic bankrupted Memphis, and as a result its charter was revoked by the state legislature.
By 1870, Memphis's population of 40,000 was almost double that of Nashville and Atlanta, and it was the second-largest city in the South after New Orleans.[31] Its population continued to grow after 1870, even when the Panic of 1873 hit the US hard, particularly in the South. The Panic of 1873 resulted in expanding Memphis's underclasses amid the poverty and hardship it wrought, giving further credence to Memphis as a rough, shiftless city. Leading up to the outbreak in 1878, it had suffered two yellow fever epidemics, cholera, and malaria, giving it a reputation as sickly and filthy. It was unheard of for a city with a population as large as Memphis's not to have any waterworks; the city still relied for supplies entirely on collecting water
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