Meme Marketing for your Small Business

Meme Marketing for your Small Business

When creating memes, be sure to use a relevant and funny image or video, and make sure the text is easy to read. Memes can be shared on social media and through email marketing campaigns. Be sure to use relevant, trending memes to ensure that your content is seen by as many people as possible. Meme marketing is a marketing strategy wherein memes to attract online audiences are the primary key.

She is keen on helping online business owners in the promotion of their products. Of course, this goes for any ad campaign, but if you’re going to use memes, take the steps to make extra sure it won’t offend anybody. What’s harmless to one customer or demographic may have an entirely different effect on another. There’s meme marketing no way to predict what will become memeable, but certain campaigns strike a chord. When a commercial is well-crafted, with good jokes and memorable characters, the internet is more likely to pay attention. “Young people can tell when old people try to emulate their culture and it never works well,” says @mitsos_memes.

With this in mind, you want to make sure you’re doing it right. The great thing about it is that it ages pretty well, unlike most memes which have a short shelf life. It’s a trend that brands can take part in to share their origin story. What was once considered a trend reserved for Millennials and Gen Z has now evolved into an effective way for brands to engage with their audience. Yes, it is legal to post memes as they are protected under copyright law.

Who doesn’t want to be entertained and have a good laugh once in a while? With a lot of negativity posted on social media today, a little meme posting for your brand balances out your consumer’s newsfeed. Your brand will appear warm and approachable to your audience. Meme comes from the Greek word, “mimema” which means “imitated” and to put it in context, a meme is produced through the imitation of the lives of your target market. Most images capture the essence of a person’s emotion and everyday expression.

Elon Musk has mastered building social currency and has been a huge advocate for the project. Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency meme token, currently sits at the #10 overall market cap at $29 billion as of September 22nd, 2021. If you’re not familiar with Wall Street Bets , it is a cult-like Reddit group focused on group trade calls in the cryptocurrency and stock markets. The brand has been under pressure to boost stuttering football sales in Western Europe amid pressure from Nike, which continues to make inroads into the region. Leverage one of the largest B2B networks to market your solutions and services.

Users might not even mind if now and then a meme is related to a service or product. You can follow a 75/25 rule, where 75% of memes can be general and 25% related to your service/product. Memes can emerge from just about any image, no matter how old or high-quality it is. If one social media user creates something funny from it, it has the potential to spread and be used worldwide.

It might feel kind of weird to think about it this way, but retro memes are a thing. Nyan cat, Rickrolls, Kanye interrupting and “One does not simply…” are all memes that are long past their peaks. Memes in design can be a total win if you’re playing with 2000s-inspired retro design. And there’s a huge backlog of old memes to choose from. Use memes to communicate important info about your brand, like this meme compares Denny’s Tumblr literacy with Ihop’s. Sometimes, a fun meme is just what an otherwise dry internal email needs.

All of this is done to make a brand less robotic and somewhat human. Prior to you spend a dime on marketing, find out your target market first. If you understand your item, you can determine your market yourself. Meme marketing has the power to elevate your brand to new heights, and won’t cost you a dime. All you need is creativity and to follow a few simple guidelines.

Memes are incredibly popular with a younger audience, who will likely know the original meme and its variations. Brands speaking to a young audience can use memes almost like an inside joke, knowing that their audience will get it. With Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, etc. so many social media to choosing from, how do you know which platform works best for your brand? The Living Potion marketed her brand with a creatively twisted meme. Netflix markets her brand with memes from a screenshot of his Bridgerton. Remember to keep your memes simple, creative , and above all else, tasteful.

All of that visibility has the potential to turn almost anything into a massive hit. With the cutthroat world of box office profits today, sometimes the best way to advertise a film is to make fun of it. For instance, would you prefer a hilarious meme about Starbucks coffee or read a big blog about how they make coffee?

Will you consider using memes in your marketing stratergy? Keep it short and sweet and Use easy-to-read, large text. You can always get creative with your image sources— You could also strike meme gold with the right pic from a free image source. Remember, posting content about subjects related to your brand often generates the most engagement. Or you can share directly on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter from Picmaker.

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