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phil flash

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Noted... that's a bit closer to me than most but not sure how I'll be fixed - so much going on!
Let you know closer to date.

It's an Evora, which at launch had an integral rear wing that cleaned up the air off the rear without much drag, this was at the same race meeting in June 2009.

Yup.. on original photos looks like seatbelt webbing going across the roof lights and through the window with gaffa tape holding it in place and the comm's aerial is stuck on with gaffa tape.

Snetterton June 2009 - it's a good marketing ploy, particularly when the Safety Car was quicker than some of the race cars..

It's the date of registration, not manufacture. Most delay to September to get the later Registration Age Identifier 59, rather than 09.

UN Security Council, has 5 permanent members (China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States) and 10 other member countries who have a 2 year term but only 5 change each year. The 5 permanent members have the power of veto on any proposals, so a bit of a bugger that Russia can block any proposed UN action.

Insurance stuff -
When I bought my Evora LE in 2018 I was recommended Esure by somebody who already had one. Last December it auto-renewed at Β£238.76, Β£18 less than the previous year. That's for 6,000 miles per year, including Business Use. (The year to March 2020 I'd done 5,860 miles). Cover for France is extra but as I haven't been for 2 years because of Covid Restrictions that's not been necessary.
When my Home Insurance needed renewing I checked Esure and they were best price .. but a few weeks later they sent me a cheque for Β£41.52 because I hadn't ticked the box to link it to the Evora Policy for the 'multiple policy discount'. Seem to be one of the few companies not trying to rip people off ... how they deal with claims, I'm pleased to say I do not know.

No sympathy from me. Yet again proof that being able to buy a high performance car does not mean competence to drive one. The location on Google Maps can be seen to be a 40mph speed limit so it's a good job he found out early and didn't involve anybody else in his accident.
It's idiots like that who make insurance of high performance cars expensive for all of us, when it should be cheaper. A car that can overtake quicker, brake quicker and swerve to avoid accidents without loss of control SHOULD be less likely to be involved in an accident so premiums should be less.

"being non-Nato at the time" .. I presume that means you. Can't be the French because they were founding members in 1949 and no founding members have ever left. France is a nuclear power, same as USA and UK, and have developed their own devices and maintains it's sea and air delivery systems independently of others so that may be why there was no interaction. Other Nato countries of Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Turkey also have nuclear delivery systems but weapons are provided by USA and maintained by USAF personnel under a 'sharing agreement' and USA has to supply the codes to activate them... so effectively control their use.

No photoshopping, just Lotus, camera, pretty babe, location found on Google Maps and a bit of sunshine was a bonus..

I bought mine BECAUSE it had Oyster and Aquamarine.. just thought it looked 'class', not 'flash'. Wasn't really looking for yet another Lotus but I got the "I really like that" urge. Seen photos of an Aquamarine that was "black packed", including roof, I think it was in Australia, and to me it looked like when a beautiful woman gets a tattoo - right across her face! His car, his choice but certainly not mine.

I quoted the other guy's order number but I'm a few years after him so might be easier for them to find mine... BUT .. hopefully the East Anglian meets will start again soon - I can bring my 250ml bottle and let you have a squirt on a bit of sponge. I did the whole bolster panel and it hardly used any.
I was a long legged beanpole that had to run around in the shower to get wet but I've got a lot wider since I stopped playing football but continued the same beer consumption. My normal seat position was fairly well back so it didn't occur to me.

That's because I'm in Suffolk, near Ipswich - home of the tractor boys. These farmers never clean their tractor tyres before coming out of the fields so the roads are always muddy. Clean it, drive 5 miles and it's mucky again. I just blast it with a Karcher pressure washer to 'add lightness'. Life it too short for spit & polish when I could be driving.

Yeah .. go on then, put me down. Not sure I'll be leaving before 7:30 a.m. as Google maps tells me I need to for 08:30 .. it's only 46 miles. How do you reset it for 'Lotus speed'?

When I bought it the driver's outside bolster was looking a bit worn because there's a tendency to rub against it going in and out. I did find a TLF thread about a big refurb project that put me onto Gliptone Scuffmaster. He sent a small sample of Oyster leather and their match is so good it's nearly impossible to see where you've used it or haven't. Got mine back to looking like new again.
In August 2019 I bust my left ankle playing competitive football, repaired with a titanium plate & screws that are never coming out, and initially I couldn't flex it to operate the clutch and had to slide the seat forward to use my heel with bending at the knee. That forward seat position made getting in and out really awkward so I slid the seat right back to get out. Got in, slide it forward. Ankle is fine but I'm still sliding the seat as it's so much easier to get in and out AND no rubbing of the seat bolster.
For the benefit of others in the 'Oyster Club' .. photos of the magic potion are attached. Quote my order number and you'll get the same mix.

Perhaps 4 should be 'OO07ALN/SN59FYK/E9ORA' to complete the history.

Thanks, you've made my day. Even if they started at 901, mine probably isn't the 13th made then. I'll have to see what Andy Graham's view on it is...

Hi Allan, don't know what plate it left Hethel on, if any, but Murray M.C. put OO07ALN on Page 3 of the Maintenance Record booklet along with date of PDI as 23/9/09, Purchase as 25/9/2009, so it was being referred to as OO07ALN before it went on the road with you.
I went to a charity car show at Ket' Hall in it in April 2019 where I was chatting to Mike Kimberley, who I know from various pub meets, when he was 'nosing around' it. Mike told me the VIN ending 0914 signified it was in the '09 production of LE's and 14 was the sequential number BUT Chapman was superstitious and Lotus never had a Type 13 or put 13 on any serial number, and Mike continued the tradition. From that I concluded mine was the 13th made and told him that cheered me up a lot .. thanks Mike! ha ha ..
From that post I quoted earlier, it had a couple of '08 cars, 68 & 69, that I hoped meant it wasn't the 13th down the line but you are confirming what Mike told me .. damn it! Think I may have to treat myself to an Andy Graham Certificate as a birthday present and take the opportunity to ask some questions. (I have the last M100E SE to leave Hethel - supplied to Elf Oil Co on 17/12/93 and initially registered as L1 ELF, which they retained. Andy was very helpful with extra detail on that when providing the earlier basic Cert of Provenance.)
I'm more than happy with the long ratio box as I use it as a Grand Tourer to get to the south of France. Set Cruise Control for 2300rpm (135 kph) and 650 miles is done in 8 1/2 hours. With the short ratio box, where 6th is lower than Long Box 5th, it would be doing 3,000 rpm for 135 kph. In my view unnecessarily busy and thirstier too. Wasn't able to get down there during Covid restrictions but looking forward to another trip soon.
Around the B and C roads of Suffolk I seem to use 3rd most of the time. Original clutch has done 52k miles so I like to give it a quiet life whenever possible..

Thanks for info.
"25/09/2009 OO07ALN VIN ***0914) delivered to customer by Murrays." was owned by Allan Matheson, hence the OO07ALN reg plate put on it from new, and was the first owned Evora featured on Page 1 of the Evora Picture and Video thread immediately after the Bib's post of the Motorshow launch. It's Aquamarine with silver cast wheels, Oyster interior, sports exhaust.
When Allan sold it I guess he retained the plate because it was prepared for sale by Leodis Court Lotus dealer as SN59FYK on 16/11/2011.
A subsequent owner changed it from SN59FYK to E9ORA and DVLA reissued the existing MOT Certificate as E9ORA with a date of 17/01/2014.
I bought E9ORA in November 2018. It has been taxed and in use continuously since then.

Somebody had better tell Bibs that his definitive document is wrong.. I was quoting from that.
It may have been the intention of Lotus that never came to fruition .. not unusual.

Quite a few to go then ... "The Evora Launch Edition made up the first 450 (200 destined for the UK) production Evora's."

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What's the caliper doing at that angle ? πŸ€”

Ah, so that's why Endeavour Lotus has opened in Colchester...πŸ˜„. Mine is 12 miles from Gt Horkesley.

MOT expired 20/12/18 and with only a few days to go is unlikely to be there.

Sun? Who needs sun? Nikon Speedlights into a home-made softbox and a bit of Photoshop...

I will be at Wicked Lady.. is a table booked?

5 speed box then. 4 speed were Ford 2000E Bullet gearboxes, cast iron case and no Lotus insignia. Lotus 5 speed were alloy castings with Lotus on the lid and Austin Maxi gear clusters.

My Elite + Eclat Workshop Manual identifies prefix I (India) as "Federal with A/C" (Page 1 of Technical Data).
As Andy says .. Elite was introduced in '74, Eclat in '75, Esprit in '76. The Elite with A/C was called a 502.
Be aware that the 907 engine was supplied to Jensen for the Jensen Healey from 1972 to 1976 but did have "Jensen Healey" cast on the cam covers but would be dead easy to swap them for later 'Lotus' ones.
I have no idea how they identified engines supplied to Jensen. The gearbox on it may be a good clue..

Amazing coincidence ... BBC Countryfile was at Redbournbury Watermill this evening and I thought of 'The Prae' as we used to call it ...
I plan to be there if I haven't gone to the south of France ... which is all a bit uncertain with this Brexit mess..

Thanks for organising. Quite a good start for the summer meets.

When I go to the supermarket I park far away in the empty ranks so I can open the door wide without a problem but when I came out the shop there are always people nearby wanting to talk about the Evora - I'm now used to that, but I was really surprised when a guy in a Shell garage closed the Pay Kiosk so he could come and have a close look and talk about it while I filled up. He left people standing in the shop waiting to pay while I finished filling... and then I paid using an app on my phone and drove off.. 🀣

Another old and new theme... thatched cottage is a few hundred years old but only when looking at the photo did I notice the similarity between the curves of the thatch and the line of the Evora.
Perhaps I'll have to reshoot that one and line them up... (Next shot will have silver summer wheels & tyres.)

I like the contrast between old and new.. but the difference between the first Elite and the Evora isn't that great and that is 62 years old. Hats off to ACBC for the advances in car design he made.

2nd Thursday has always been the usual night for Herts / Essex /Cambs Group, in summer anyway. Herts / Essex / Cambs Meet
Seems a bit strange to compete with the neighbours.

Bought a set of winter tyres on rims for a bargain price but the NSR has not been talking to the TPMS so I've ordered a new Valve/Transmitter & seal (A121G6000F & ..~~ 01F) for about Β£75 from Endeavour Lotus near Colchester.
They are new Lotus Dealers and said they have been supplied with a TPMS calibration kit but have yet to use it. My part should be in on Friday so we will have a play together...
I'll try to find out what the bandwidth is and post on here. I'm thinking there is probably a way to set the calibration so the TPMS works for the pressure the tyres need, even if the numbers on the display are not actually what the pressure is.

Great .. the day after my birthday too. I declined a further contract extension in Slough so am back home in Suffolk .. 13 months of 'The Road to Hell' was enough and Charlie Whiting was a 'wake up call'..
I now consider myself 'officially retired' - well, from paid work anyway. Lots of Lotus projects will keep me busy... and a Subaru engine to finish ...
See you there ...

Here is mine.. I'd just call it 'pissed' 😁

It seems to have the wrong badge on the bonnet...πŸ€”

Thanks for the prompt Spud but I will not be at this because
(a) I will be on the 07:15 flight from Stansted to Chambery because "J'aime faire du ski" ...
(b) I do not eat Sunday breakfast and a drive early Sunday does not appeal. (Early Monday to Slough doesn't either but money makes me do it ... your honour..)
Slough contract got extended to end of March so I will be returning from Slough every Thursday evening so the sooner the evening pub meets start again the happier I will be..
Meanwhile .. Happy New Year to everybody ... and get well soon Wimp ... er ... Wayne..πŸ˜„

Now I am really p'd off... Googled the left latch part number and found the shipping manifest for 3 Sept 2016 where 100 left latches arrived at Felixstowe with a value of $2961.9 ! So that's under $30 per latch ! How much are we being asked to pay???

Passenger Dave. ( left door for friends across the pond)
It's a 2009 .

Difficult part seems to be getting the latch ! Technical Service Bulletin 2011/26 provided a kit to replace launch edition latches with a later variant and all the bits are available except the bloody latch ... grrrr. Hethel still has no idea when they may supply some. Have attached the TSB related fitting kit instructions as it has some useful info if your microswitch is just playing up. Mine has completely fallen apart and is beyond repair..
58664_1808_LSL594_Evora_door_latch_fitment_guide (2).pdf

Still working in Slough so could not join the visit but great photos John. Was the little white kiddie car No 49 Clive's ?

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