Mela Murder Nude

Mela Murder Nude


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I recently announced on my story that I will now be charging $100 per hour for 1 on 1 zoom sessions to talk with me. One girl wrote me expressing how offended she was by the price and me trying to play “therapist” but I made it clear in my story that being anyone’s therapist was not my intention at all. I am not qualified to diagnose or prescribe anyone anything and again that is NOT my intention. I will talk to you there how I talk to you here from my heart and my own experi…ence and hopefully it’ll help you. Ive paid for sessions with a life coach and offered money to sobriety mentors because I understand that time is money especially when it comes to people who have kids to provide for. Not everyone will understand that but it’s those people who usually feel entitled to full access of you at any time of any day. Boundaries.. I hope my community doesn’t think I’m switching up for making the decision to charge for my time. I have given back to my community, created spaces, connected bridges, raised money, given money to help people in need and especially raise awareness on mental illness all while experiencing my own challenges. I speak to a lot of people on a daily basis I try my best to motivate and uplift those of you who reach out to me as best as I can and I will continue to do so I wont turn my back on those of you in need of support because you can’t afford $100 sessions. Im very grateful to the those of you who genuinely wholeheartedly support me. This is a decision I know I deserve and a price I feel my time is worth. Im offering discount sessions to single parents only. If you would like to schedule a session with me send an email to.
This might trigger some people who aren’t at the point in their healing to hear some real shit but seriously some of you need to really understand that the choices you make create your reality , some of you only choose to focus on the negative , some of you allow yourself to be consumed by it, you make that choice every single day to stay in that low vibration. you choose to hold on to things people habits and patterns that you’ve completely outgrown.. consistently try to res…urrect things that are and have been dead and gone .. that choice shapes your reality.. the more you allow yourself to stay in the energy of complacency or even a victimizing head space you’ll keep going through the same heart ache until you realize the lesson.. the lesson is usually just to let go and choose YOU .. choose the high road.. choose health.. choose to detach from the draining connections that you are keeping in your own frequency.. choose to cut your own shit.. sometimes we have to take a step back and realize we have consciously chosen to keep ourselves down and out, sad, heart broken, addicted, unhealthy, toxic.. some people will point fingers so fast at others and blame someone else for the fucked up things that happen before ever considering maybe you yourself are the reason why the same shit keeps happening .. Why is it so hard for some of you to keep your word when it comes to your own boundaries ? You don’t trust or believe in yourself but want others to trust and believe in you? That’s not how it works.. Why lie to you? If your word isn’t solid for yourself what makes you think your words let alone love will be suffice for others ? Yet some of you are so desperate to be chosen and loved and saved and fixed by others. That’s selfish and draining.. it’s a take and take situation , it’s a “pour into my cup” energy without any intention to reciprocate. Keep a promise to yourself and take small steps to make sure you never break that promise , when you can trust yourself you create space to trust and be trusted by others.
Happy Friday. Let this pure moment of Amethyst dancing under the sun to whatever song that’s in her head fill you with joy like it did for me. This free spirit energy is everything honestly it’s what we all should be tapping into. Breathe and let go and dance like no one is watching , to your favorite music or no music at all. Cause why not ?!

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