Mektoub My Love Intermezzo Sex

Mektoub My Love Intermezzo Sex


Mektoub My Love Intermezzo Sex
A French paper raises ethical questions about how director Abdellatif Kechiche filmed his critical bomb.

Joe Kaboompak

September 8, 2020 11:30 am

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The initial outcry about Abdellatif Kechiche ’s film “Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo” had mainly addressed its artistic merits (or lack thereof) for including a nearly 15-minute scene of unsimulated oral sex and and a seemingly never-ending parade of butts. But a report from a French paper is alleging that Kechiche had to employ unorthodox methods to convince his unwilling actors to perform the oral sex scene.
“Intermezzo” is the sequel to “Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno,” which premiered at Venice back in 2017. Both films, based on François Bégaudeau’s novel “La Blessure, la vraie,” feature Ophélie (Ophélie Bau) and Amin (Shaïn Boumédine) at the center of a complicated web of attraction and affairs.
In the scene in question, a man performs consensual oral sex on the character Ophélie. The Midi Libre posted an account Saturday morning from a person close to production who says that Kechiche had to push his actors to create that scene. A tweet translating part of the publication reads: ”Kechiche absolutely wanted a non-simulated sex scene, something the actors didn’t want to do. But by the way of insistence, and over time and with alcohol being regularly consumed, he managed to get what he wanted.”
"Kechiche absolutely wanted a non-simulated sex scene, something the actors didn't want to do. But by the way of insistence, and over time and with alcohol being regularly consumed, he managed to get what he wanted."
— C.J. Prince (@cj_prin) May 25, 2019
Le Figaro also delved deeper into the Midi Libre report. According to the longer account, “The director had the scenes of the disco replay for hours and hours, exhausting all the actors and the filming was prolonged very late at night, begins the informant of the local newspaper. He absolutely wanted to get to have a sex scene not simulated, which the actors were not willing. But as he insisted over the hours and while alcohol was regularly consumed on the spot, he managed to get what he wanted. “
It’s a disturbing report on many levels that would call into question the ethics of how the scene was shot and whether or not the actors were in any condition to consent to what was being asked. Furthermore, anyone on set could be seen as complicit if the account is true.
In a review by IndieWire’s David Ehrlich , he notes, “[Ophélie] has roughly 389 alcoholic drinks over the course of the night that follows, and every one of them makes it feel as though she’s trying to force her own hand.” Although this exaggerated observation is a commentary on a perceived storytelling choice, it may actually reflect the conditions under which Bau had to be coerced into shooting the scene.
Already there’s speculation that shady treatment may have alienated the film’s actors. Bau was conspicuously absent from Cannes on Friday for a press conference and photo call for the film.
This would not be the first time that Kechiche’s treatment of actors have been called into question. Actresses Lea Seydoux and Adèle Exarchopoulos later detailed inhospitable filming conditions on the “Blue Is the Warmest Colour” set, decrying Kechiche’s behavior in overseeing a number of their scenes together. Last fall, Kechiche was accused of sexual assault, charges which his lawyers said the director “categorically denies.”
I really don’t know what the big deal is?? Why ‘ethics’ is discussed like its a bible or a sacrilege… it just blew my mind… sigh people nowadays….
Abdel is a pushy guy…he wants to get his shots
at any price. I’ve seen directors like that before…
Sometimes the results justify it, but it’s always
not a nice thing to do, because it has more to
do with the abuse of power and manipulation,
than with real acting.
A director should be transparent about what
he wants to do in a film, BEFORE actors agree
to be part of it, otherwise it’s a bait-and-switch
situation….that’s what con men do, not artists.
What a weirdo, it is not even that serious to have unsimulated sex anything. I hope the folks involved were screened for STD’s. Lol, nasty for no reason.
It is unethical behavior and consent can be taken away contract or no contract!
Contract or no contract consent can be taken away! This is disturbing and someone should be held accountable. Especially if alcohol was involved to lower their guard regardless if the actors willingly consumed it. It’s unethical! This wouldn’t be allowed in any other work enviorment for a reason.
if it wasnt agreed beforehand, this is fckd up. I mean why not do it like gaspar noe did with Love, just make it clear what it is gonna be required of them.
@Joey she was at the premiere but left during the screening, and didn’t show up for the press conference and the photocall in the following day. Rumours say she was unhappy with stuff Kechiche put in the film without her consent.
Fake news…Bau was at the premiere which can be confirmed on YouTube. And trying to use what happens in the movie to her character as somehow evidence of what happened on the set is a mighty leap and reckless journalism.
I call BS. It was right in their contracts they’d have unsimulated sex onscreen, they agreed before they signed up. This is just fake controversy to give this dud of a film some attention.
@Pat-Agreed. The fact he made them do it w/o their consent is disgusting and should be illegal.
Disgusting. If he wants porn, then film porn and hire adult porn actors who know what they are being hired for… this sounds more than unethical, it sounds illegal.
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The 27-year-old actress returned to the screening of the sulphurous film by Abdellatif Kechiche at the last Cannes Festival. She explains the reason for her flight during the screening on the Croisette.
It was the controversy at the end of the Festival in Cannes last year. The sulphurous Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo , had rocked the Croisette. "What have we done to deserve such a punishment?" Wondered our colleagues in front of this suffocating film object. In question, a non-simulated oral sex scene between Ophélie Bau and Roméo de Lacour.
Read also: Mektoub, My Love - Intermezzo: games, Sète and machos
The 27-year-old actress returned to the controversy of Abdellatif Kechiche's latest film on the Clique set , the Mouloud Achour show, broadcast on February 7. In particular, his choice to slip away from the Lumière amphitheater during the projection. "It was a story of a breach of contract ," said the actress, who had so far remained silent. I did not want to attend the screening because I did not agree with what was going to be shown. Not in full. "
Words that nuance those made by the director last summer. Following the incident, Kechiche denounced a "puppet plot" fomented by agents of the French union aimed at damaging his reputation. "Ophélie Baufle (her real name, Editor's note) has, in all conscience, fully accepted her role in my films, and has never, at any time, shown the slightest embarrassment or nudity, which she has publicly and repeatedly defended and approved, or as to the erotic dimension of certain sequences, he explained. If Ophélie had expressed the slightest embarrassment and that she no longer wanted to participate in it, she had plenty of time to think about it and tell me. ” Obviously, she had not given, to use the title of a book who is making a little noise these days, his consent.
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From "Love" to "The Brown Bunny" and Abdellatif Kechiche's controversy-marred "Mektoub," Cannes has been riled up by many an unsimulated sex scene.
Photo : Strand Releasing/Courtesy Everett Collection
Photo : Courtesy Everett Collection
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“The Brown Bunny,” “Stranger by the Lake,” “Love,” “Antichrist”
Editor’s Note: This story was originally published in May 2019 and has been updated accordingly.
Cannes has a history of premiering sexually explicit films throughout its history — and with all manner of unsimulated acts — to both shocks and shrugs on the Croisette.
An avant-garde film like Yugoslavian director Dušan Makavejev’s brilliantly sex-crazed bonanza “Sweet Movie” likely didn’t swallow well with American audiences treated to its insanities, from coprophilia to vomit play, but it’s gone on to attract a cult following.
Most recently, “Blue Is the Warmest Colour” director Abdellatif Kechiche effectively made himself persona non grata among U.S. distributors when, in 2019, he released his nearly four-hour-long sequel “Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo,” a graphic and some felt blatantly misogynist epic of young people having all the sex in the world. The film has never been seen stateside and remains the subject of ongoing legal entanglements due to Kechiche’s treatment of lead actress Ophélie Bau, who claimed he denied her permission to see the film’s most graphic scene prior to the premiere. Kechiche had a slightly warmer reception in 2013, when the simulated but realistic acts in “Blue” helped power it, and leads Adèle Exarchopoulos and Léa Seydoux, all the way to the Palme.
This year’s festival was heavier on horrors of the body (“Crimes of the Future,” “De Humani Corporis Fabrica’) than its pleasures (though Claire Denis’ “Stars at Noon” brought some steam to the Croisette). But Cannes most years, as you’ll see below, has at least a few sex scandals of its own. Below, we look back at the history of unsimulated sex scenes at Cannes — from the arcane to the more arthouse-accessible like Gaspar Noé and Lars von Trier and, of course, Vincent Gallo’s infamous “Brown Bunny” oral sex scene.
Tambay Obenson contributed to this story.
While often credited as premiering in Cannes, this Swedish thriller — also known as “They Call Her One Eye” and “Hooker’s Revenge” — was a exploitation film that debuted in the Cannes Market. It only achieved a level of auteur bona fides when the schlockmeisters at American International Pictures released a dubbed
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