Megga Glannz

Megga Glannz


Megga Glannz

The Definitive BE Story Archive
The Overflowing Bra

This is my first story in many years.
Overall= 2, BE= 2, Characters= 4, Technical= 5
Good character depth, but not really smut unless you count everyone having arbitrarily huge but otherwise nondescript tits.
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Your work is astonishingly good. Thank you so much for sharing it with the world.
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Hot Damn, Welcome Back! Great to see the legend has returned!
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
fantastic. I hope that you will write more again. i would have liked to read more of janet and scarlett, but maybe more of them in the next story.
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
The man, the myth, the legend... Steve Palmer has returned, and better than ever! I'm happy beyond words to see your return, and with this fantastic tale, you've outdone yourself again.

Can't wait to see what you bring to the table next time!
Overall= 4, BE= 3, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
One of the giants of the field returns! And nice whateverhappenedto Janet. Thank you, boss! Breast description could use more detail, but a nice story and a fun read. I would LOVE to see a story doing justice to the mammoth Scarlett. And the variety of support devices she and her 250pound mammaries require. Helpful hint Albinos can't have blue eyes. An albino's eyes are always pink. The condition unfortunately comes with a lot of health problems, in particular some pretty severe vision issues.
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Hi Steve, I have been a huge fan of Megga Glannz ever since the first comics came out in the late 90s. We actually exchanged a couple of emails in the early 2000s when I inquired about the lost adventures, which you then rereleased. I'm responsible for the new series of comics about her on DeviantArt, though to be honest with you, I don't think I ever managed to capture the spirit of the original. I am now toying with the idea of commissioning some new cartoons about her, probably just singleimage ones rather than strips. I would love to run my thoughts by you, and I'm curious whether you can remember any storylines you had planned to do but didn't have a chance to before Paul Forrest's passing. Would be great to hear from you. My email is, or you can message me at MeggaGlannzComics on DeviantArt.
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Welcome back. Quality taletelling at its best.
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
As others have said it's always nice to see experienced authors return. Stories like yours have been the bases and inspiration for many future writers over the years. Much appreciation my friend.
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
The return of a legend! Thank you for posting yet another great story!
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
I love enourmous breast I wouldnt mind working with you to make a story I'm on deviantart JoannesMassiveBosom
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
You are a legend bro. I never expected to be given the pleasure of reading one of your stories again.
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Great to know you still write!!! Loved it!!
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tina Small back up biography Previous Next Back
Tina Small Who is Tina Small? Tina Small was a phenomenon,who changed the world,into the one we know of today,despite what the idiots on Wikipedia would want you to think. They can put biographies of money strippers like Chelsea Charms or Beshine,who just hyped ,overrated imatations of Tina Small,but the woman that inspired them can't be done.So much for quality and exceptional excellence by the boys and girls at Wikipedia.Try a Wiki instead.There is more going on there,than a brain dead morons would want to think.Wikipedia is for lazy,Google it I feel lucky ass clowns to look up this things,with not much in-depth reporting.Wiki pages give more subject s,than a general run up.Wikipedia is like PBS and NPR-popus,ignorant blow hards,with a high opinion of themselves and then start begging for money to keep such excellence up and running.What a big joke. Tina should be better not thought of as more a walking pair of big tits,especially those megga boobed women,who know better (Chelsea Charms/Beshine) and respect her honored place in the world. The incomparable Tina Small began life on September 10th,1959,in a little village in Somerset.Later indentified in the pages of Every Inch a Lady as the village of Iping.The self same one,where the H.G.Wells story the Invisible Man took place.Some would wonder,what the legendary H.G.would say this phenomenon existing in that same place,as his creation. Just imagine,The invisible Man Harley Griffin meets the Extraordinary Woman Tina Small.This is an encounter you will not be seen in the League of Extraordinary Men comic or movie. Christina Jane Small was the twin sister to Deborah Louise.One wonders if the Small Twins had lived on,would both sisters also measure 84-22-35.One woman with those measurements is extraordinary and two would be unbeatable.Unfortunately,her sister Deborah Louise Small died about age 4,leaving Christina Jane Small as an only child. Tina 's father Sebastian Small was Belgium and mother British.Her father ruined himself with drinking and gambling on horse racing.He lost control of his car and crashed.Coming home drunk and head bandaged,Sebastian Small took out his anger on Tina Small s prized grey rocking horse,she called Derick.The next he left home and was never seen again in Iping.(What an asshole,in my opinion.) At age 10,Tina Small first menstruation -a she starting to become a woman and what a beautiful woman,she became.By age 11,her breast suddenly began to swell as many young teenagers,but in Tina Smalls case much more radidly.By age 12,Tina Small had a D cup bra ,with a 44 inch but more rapidly in her case.Some thought,she was pregnant at very young and thought of her as dirty whore.And that from the idiots,who gave us the likes of Brexit.
A truely beautiful woman the incomparible Tina Small was and hopely still is-discovered on a British Rail,in either the mid or late 1970's,she sent to model throught the 1980's,under the guidence of photographer John Xavier.Though one wonder,by some less busty pictures,some photos were taken as had only a 44 or 48 inch bust.Tina were a blond wig and looks less sure herself.Some have idiotically concluded there is three Tinas,a thought created by John Fox,the man gave us the likes of plastic big boobs Zena Folsom.Also known in some magazine pages Zena Fulson or Zena Folsome.Yes,pornographic mag editors can't get stuff correctly from one place to another,but that is pornographic print magazine publishing is nearly dead and mostly today online.The big,grand experts of porno mags,killed themselves with such infantile rubbish like Zena Fulsome.John Fox,wherever you are,hope your dead drunk and bleeding through your asshole,spreading shit face rumors back in the 1980s because you little short dick were so jealous of Tina Small and could not get her,you created the big boob Frankenstein version of Tina,you called idiotically Zena Folsom.Yes,what an asshole of a name,only porno people could come up with and like most,a biography that reads one hand fisted fan fiction.Smooth move,brain small dick boys.Real professional. Anyone with half a brain can see there is young post nose job 16 year old Tina Small,older 19 year old Tina Small,23 year old Tina Small and post nose job/tit fixed-not reduction 25 year old Tina Small.Tina breast grew from 44 inches at age 13 to 84 inches by age 19-that's about 40 inches in a few teenage years back in the 1970s.44 by age 12 .49 inches by 13.54 inches by age 15.59 inches by 16.64 by 17.69 by age 18.74 by 19.79 inches by 20.84 inches by age 21. Tina got a job in a stable,training horses.She nicknamed one white Arabian Stallion derick,although his real name was Al Sabbath.The stable was owned by an Arabian millionaire,who take back to Middle East.This was actually ,an excuse to turn into the White Slavery Market.Also about this time,Tina Small befriended another named Rowena -an artist,who worked also in the stables.And she met a blind sculpture named Larry,who began seeing and became his model for bust her head.She thought,the blindness,would see as a person and not just a great pair of big breast. Things ended tragically.A woman,working for the Arabian millionaire,turned out to be a lesbian and tried to seduce her.Also about blind Larry rejected Tina for what was a pregnant belly and big breast.In opinion,three more assholes,Tina encountered about the same time. Tina Small returned home and got an office job,which she was good at,but too turned out bad,as boss,tried to do a Harvey Weinstein and seduce her.Another assholethem and a pervert.World seems full of them,as this stupid,fat fuck rates a goddess like Tina Small. She had model good looks and body many strippers and adult film stars wish they had.Which may clue you in to why some them felt she was just too good to be true.Tina Small was not only very beautiful and boxum,but she had a brain in her head.Her words and thoughts,in her autobiography showed a woman of true intelligence,deep feeling,a very odd sense of humor and a sense of her world around her.Some ,not many think her book is a work of fact,but fiction,but to it read like a diary of a remarkable,young woman,shy,intelligent,caring,sensitive,who just also happen to possess long Rupunzell like hair and an amazing 84 inch big bust-the biggest around despite what the Guiness Book of World Records wants to think.A comic Babs was based on her self,which Tina Small approved of.It ran for time,in various publications,under it's own name The Adventures of Babs,as busty get shanghighed from place to another.Kiddnapped by evil agents,who mistakenly confuse with Agent 84,who sports a bust just as big as Babs.Agent 84,simply wanted Babs herself and play with titties as big her own from behind.In the end,Babs turns about too quickly and knocks out Agent 84,with own massively huge juggs.Then Babs is transported on a tractor beams,massively boobs thrust upward naked and aboard a star ship,who Queen sports massively huge tits,are ten times bigger than hers.A servant girl,spends much the panels,trying to empty one amazingly huge Volkeswagon sized jug.The queen mistakenly believes Babs,in the leader of earth,only because,she has the world's biggest Tits.I guess rulers,are not picked for anything,but having tits bigger than everyone else.Babs escapes by way of a star trek transport machine. Later on the Adventures of Babs,continues atleast the United States as The Adventures of Dolly DeeCups. As Dolly Dee Cups,hadly a correct description for a woman,carrying MM or NN cups,like Tina Small.Babs /Dolly finds herself involved with an evil bitch,who steals her body,by switching minds.Delilah hates those freakishly huge,that in scene massively burst their way out her tightly fitting shirt.An assistant,who love Delilah,in her new body,wants only play her massive juggs in forrest,knock s out,by flexing two massively huge juggs upward screaming "I don't want this stupid body." (Speak for yourself asshole.The rest of us,would do anything to twenty minutes with body like that.).Babs as Delilah and Delilah as Babs,meet soon afterwards in a raining forrest and both get zapped by a massive lightning bolt,switching bodies back again. The comic continues,yet again in the pages of Juggs magazine,as the Adventures of Bella.(Come assholes,make your mind.)Babs/Bella,hopsack pants water logged,but amply still an amr set of watermelon sized tits,finds her way to an old Universal style castle. Babs meets Dracula and a stupid crook,who steals body,having huge,lovely tits,we all like.The comic continued as Bella,as meets a crazy woman,who iron big juggs,only have her tits way bigger than Bella. The problem with The Adventures of Babs/Dolly/Bella is need to focuss of this Tina Small like cartoon character as a woman,who did Hulk style wondering.And needed a man,equile Tina Small,one a freakishly huge 20 plus penis. The Adventures of Babs/Dolly /Bella continued as was two other comic by others- one ok by big boob fans and the other stupid by an artist in some big boob porn magazine.Shows that the likes of Marvel and DC Comics,are not only ones publishing stupid shit.
Megga Glance is an internet comic strip by Steve Palmer and Mike Forest,based on an ultra boxum version of Tina Small,sporting an even bigger than 84 around an amazing 171 bust.later comics claims Megga Glannz claims to sport an 184 and an 194 inch bust in the revival comics.Originally intended for magazine publication,it found its way on the odd choice of web site Diana the Valkyrie -a weirdo site to shocase muscle women and some presened big women.Later,three more Megga Glannz comics were added.The adventurers of Megga Glannz is parardy of the worlds Mega for huge and glans for well tits. Megga Glannz basically goes storylines her massive tits get in the way of getting work.Megga Glannz surprises a kid delivering pizza,while wearing a Jobba the Hutt t shirt.The kid gets a good look at her massive under side of her juggs.Megga Glannz unfortunately drinks her friends bust enlarging tea unknowingly and grows bigger,explaining her she went from 171 inches to 184 inches in later storylines.Imaging that happening to the legendary Tina Small in real life.Zippers would be exploding everywhere and cum would fly all over the place as she tries to walk down a common street.Later in the comic,Megga Glannz has a dream her breast grows massively huge,on the Howard Stern Show ripping out her favorite red dress and stretching towards the floor. Later outside,Megga is scene walking down the streets of Big Tittie City,with boobs as big blimps.How she walks and possibly pushes those freakishly huge breast in front herself is unknown.It take two massively huge wheel carts and a team of men,pulling them slave up across the street.Later the panels present Megga Glannzes massively huge tits crushing the city and growing so big that fly up into space,almost as big as two moons.And all Megga worries that her favourite red shirt got ripped and her tit grew imply huge,that would mostly kill her.Breast Expansion fan only think of how massively huge moon sized tits would be and how they physically cripple the female.Image cocks growing as big as a telephone pole and life would cripple you carrying that around,let alone failing to get hard.So much for silly,idiot fantasies. Other stories,include fans writing letters to her and Megga Glannz,responding to them.One letter is some Tina Small herself,asking what's it like having really big boobs ?As if Tina didn't known anyway already. Somes include Megga Glannz as a Queen,in a situation like the emporers new clothes and going about naked as a result,until a kids spots the obvious,saying look the size of those juggs.And another shows Megga going to a dating service and getting carried away with her describing her tits are as big beauwicks.And Megga dating a fat man with a belly,which was king of lamb,because her match would be obviously a guy with a 32 inch penis and not this shitstupid shit.
The new adventures of Megga Glannz now appears on Deviant Art,by an artist using the name Winter Warning.The new comic includes changes like Megga Glannz,who is still blonde,but less resembles Tina Smalls cute bangs look.Her Minnie,who had formerly breast as big blimps,now her little sister is now a red head,going to college, with breast slightly smaller than her big sister-about 156 inches.Megga seems to work in an office,except for a series of comics,she worked as a spy seeking to stop a rich man with an idiotic plan to enlarge every woman breast even bigger than Megga Glannz's own phenomenal size.Every woman would have titanic tits up 384 inches and Megga Glannz herself would have boobs the size of Goodyear blimps.A fantasy for unthinking ,extreme breast enlarging fan prefer and a nightmare tits for everyone else.Sometimes bigger is not always better.It's just insane.
Queen Gazongah was an idiotic comic strip,in a big breast magazine in the 1990s by artist Fred Rice-you know Uncle Bens grandson .It told the story of an exotic Polynesian Queen Gazongah,who tits grew bigger as she orgasms,while screwing other men like sea captians,sailors,celebrities and inept shit the moron artist,thinks we gave a shit about. Yes one wonders,if the fictional parents of Queen Gazongah,the King and Queen obviously knew the family curse and her after slang terms for massively,freakishly huge tits.One wonders, in unstated background of comic storyline,what little there was ,did the former kings genitals grow freakishly huge as wifes tits grew like her daughter ? And would his name be King Horse Dong and the mother Queen Gazonga ,Senior.I am sure Fred Rice never thought of any of this,since it was all about jacking to pictures of beach ball sized boobs anyway.And maybe that why Busty Beauties dumped the comic after a year or so.The comic basically was that.The queen get fucked her tits grow as big as car or a skyscraper.Once you jack off,the fun wears off-much porn anyway,only here you feel dam silly having read the masturbatory fantasies of some idiot artist.
Tohru Nishimaki is a big-breast fan and has produced a number of anime comes featuring really top-heavy ladies as the main characters.His characters resemble real people and do not emphasize idiotic breast expansion fantasies. While he has never admitted his anime characters are all modeled after any real person, he has written in his profile on his website that some of his favorite big-breast models are Chloe Vevrier, SaRenna Lee, Tiffany Towers, Leatha Weapons, and Tina Small.
BTW, Sarah has a teenage daughter Claire Florence Fairchild, who was some really huge Tina Small size breasts. According to Tohru, Claire Fairchild is modeled after Tina Small. He drew Claire in memory of Tina, and they both share the same birthday, Sept. 10th.Some of the stories written are loosely inspired by events and situations in Tina Small s Big Girls Don't Cry.Clair,like loves horse,though it her case,gives a horse's big cock a blow job and has sex with it's massive penis.Clair,like Tina seems to need to hold her massive breast,with her hands.
Some feel in the pages of Fling Magazine,that Tina Small was the next Chesty Morgan,who it was claimed sported a 71 inches bust.Fling editor Herb Miller claimed Titanic Tina was the biggest busty in the mags 30 history. while Tina was changed the concept of freakishly huge busted models,erroneously believe she just the first in a line of Zena Fulsom clones Cindy Fulson,Marea Biggs,Stephanie Stackwel,Vicky Little and others.Of course ,each and everyone of these are god damed stupid fools,no mater how much they shout fake in big boob fan sites and message boards.Cyberspace bulldogs,verbally bullying people,with borish,inept asswhipe opinions,who shit filtered from from perverted prick John Fox is truth,but bullshit.And bullshit,like real shit,needs to be flushed down the toilet bowl. Tina Small was the inspiration for ultra huge busty model for extra large strippers book in shows and adult publications in the 1990s like Chelsea Charms and Beshine.Before her,there was no model ,stripper and porn actress walking around with a
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