Megaman X6 tweaks

Megaman X6 tweaks

Varias melhorias nessa versão altamente modificada pela grande turma do famoso

The Project

A compilation of tweaks for Mega Man X6, initially aiming only to remove the unnecessary padding and limitations the game uses to compensate for its shortcomings. Thanks to the active feedback and various contributions from the community, it expanded to cover gameplay mechanics, balance issues, a retranslated script, restored content from the japanese version, custom graphics, and even a few minor stage mods.

The project will continue to be updated to address bugs and improvements on its current set of options, but no further major features are planned.

Features highlights

Localization and restored content: Retranslated script and font replacement. Restored title screen background and voice clips from the japanese version.

Custom menu options: Navigator (Alia alerts) and Nightmare Effects can be enabled/disabled anytime during gameplay from the settings menu.





Custom mugshots: New mugshots for Dr. Light and the Hunter in the Intro Stage, and custom options for existing mugshots. Art by Metalwario64.

Unlockables: A cheat code to start the game as Zero. Black Zero can be unlocked in-game by fighting Nightmare Zero Lvl.4. Also, both Black Zero and the Ultimate Armor can be unlocked by reaching Rank UH.



Activate Incomplete Armors: Armor abilities and enhancements are now bound to their individual armor parts. You can now get access to the armor as soon as you get the first part and get its abilities progressively, like you would in X1-X4.



X's armor abilities: Mach Dash can be either used immediately (dash button) or with the regular mid-air stop (jump button), and both are cancellable. Shadow Armor can slide down walls manually. Air Dash enabled on all armors.



Zero's techniques: Technique inputs revamped: Sentsuizan (now Up + Special button) is cancellable mid-air. Ensuizan revamped as an air-only move (Special button) that can do multiple times in a row. Guard Shell gets an input combo too (Down + Special button on the ground).



Animation timming: Reduced cooldown for X's saber and Zero's ground combo.



Stage mods: Small changes to some of the more infamous parts of the game.




Balance: Health bar sizes and damage tables rebalanced.



For a complete list of changes, check the Readme file for v2

The Patch

"Mega Man X6 Tweaks", as a stand-alone xdelta patch, is a sample selection of features. These are detailed in the changelog below.

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